Zinoviia Karpenko, Oksana Turchyn. Optimization of Teaching English to Psychology Students by Means of Expressive Psychological Technique.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 100-104. Odessa.


Zinoviia Karpenko,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
Department of Pedagogical and Age Psychology,
Oksana Turchyn,
teaching assistant, Department of Foreign Languages,
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University,
57, Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine,



The article presents a developed expressive psychological technique as a means of teaching a foreign language to Psychology students. It involves a set of kinesthetic (mimic, posture, tone) reactions, paralinguistic (tempo-rhythmic and melodic-intonation peculiarities of speech), extra-linguistic (laughter, sigh, etc.), proxemic (movements) means of nonverbal pedagogical communication, which instrumentally enrich methods of organizing joint educational activities of students for mastering a foreign language. It has been proved that means of nonverbal expression optimize (facilitate, accelerate) the process of mastering a foreign language by future psychologists and gaining their professional communicative competence. In order to test the efficiency of the suggested program, 115 university students majoring in Psychology, 79 teachers of secondary school and 8 university teachers took part in the experiment (total – 202 people) were invited to take part in the experiment. According to the research outcomes, assertiveness and objectivity of both the students and the teacher-experimenter have increased; altruistic emotional orientation of the teacher has strengthened, which led to the growth of cognitive interest (gnostic emotions), pleasure from the process of mastering a foreign language (hedonistic emotions); the students’ academic performance and professional motivation, as well as foreign language communicative competence have significantly improved.


expressive psychological technique, teaching a foreign language, interactive teaching technology, nonverbal expression, optimization of teaching.




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3. Karpenko, Z. S. (2014). Psykholohichna kontseptsiia aksiohenezu neverbalnoi ekspresii osoby yak chynnyk profesiinoi pidhotovky vchytelia [Psychological concept of axiogenesis of a person’s nonverbal expression as a factor of teacher training]. Proceedings from MIIM’14: V Aktualni problemy psykholohichnoi nauky u vymirakh suchasnoho osvitnoho prostoru – Actual problems of psychological science in dimensions of modern educational space : zbirnyk nauk. materialiv Vseukr. nauk.-prakt. konf., 15–16 travn. 2014, m. Poltava, Ukraina ; za zah. red. S. P. Yalanskoi (pp. 11-15). Poltava : PNPU im. V. H. Korolenka [in Ukrainian].
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Liudmyla Shuba, Viktoriia Shuba, Yuliia Yaremchuk. Peculiarities of Female Students’ Motivation For Physical Exercises.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 105-110. Odessa.


Liudmyla Shuba,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Physical Culture and Sport Management,
Zaporizhzhia National Technical University,
64, Zhukovskoho Str., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine,
Viktoriia Shuba,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology,
Prydniprovska State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports,
10, Naberezhna Peremohy Str., Dnipro, Ukraine,
Yuliia Yaremchuk,
assistant of the Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Bydgoszcz,
Representative of the Director of the The University of Economy in Bydgoszcz,
2, Garbary Str., Bydgoszcz, Poland



The paper aims to investigate the impact of the developed fitness technology on female students’ motivation for physical education classes. The suggested fitness technology for 17-20-year-old girls takes into account a number of important factors: the type of body type, the level of physical fitness and students’ physical health. Depending on these factors, the planning of load components was carried out. The experiment involved 51 girls aged from 17 to 20 years, who were divided into experimental (n = 25) and control (n = 26) groups. In the control group, classes were conducted according to a program that provided for the development of only those physical qualities that are necessary for the successful assimilation of motor activity techniques. Students of the experimental group were suggested to use the developed fitness technology, taking into account their individual characteristics. According to the questionnaire of A. Shaboltas “Motives that Encourage to Do Sports” it has been discovered that the developed fitness technology positively affects the motivational sphere of girls. The developed questionnaire, which was used after the study in both groups, showed positive results – most female students were happy to attend Physical Culture lessons and understood positive effect of sport on their health.


 technology, fitness, motivation, physical qualities, sports, girls, students.




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Olha Kaminska. Influence of Gender Behaviour on Peculiarities of Students’ Self-Attitude.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 111-115. Odessa.


Olha Kaminska,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, associate professor,
professor of the Department of General Psychology and Psychodiagnostics
Rivne State Humanitarian University,
12 Stepana Bandery street, Rivne, Ukraine



The article deals with the problem of the influence of gender behavior on the peculiarities of student youth’s self-attitude which is relevant in contemporary psychological science. The importance of this issue is predetermined by the destructive effect of negative self-attitude on various aspects of human’s vital activity: features of the motivational sphere, the emotional state of the individual, his/her self-esteem, “I-concept”, the specific nature of interpersonal interaction, the productivity of educational activity. Due to the gender mainstreaming concepts in the student age, associated with the orientation based on the choice of the future marital partner, during this period, there is an evident influence of the gender behavior type on selfattitude, that determines the prospects of its study. The aim of the study has been realized in the work, namely, the relationship between the prevailing type of gender behavior and the specificity of personal self-attitude has been established. Within the empirical research, the methods of testing and questioning have been used. The following patterns have been revealed: the androgynous type of gender behavior is related to self-perception, but the sexually-undifferentiated, hyperfeminic type of girls’ gender behavior and the feminine type of boys – to self-rejection; the hypermasculinous type of boys is associated with inadequate positive self-attitude, the androgynous – with adequate self-attitude with elements of criticality, and the sexuallyundifferentiated – with inadequately critical self-attitude.


gender behaviour, self-attitude, masculinity, androgyny, femininity.




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Dr. Ercümend Ersanli, Özkan Özcan. Relationship Between Marital Adjustment and Tolerance Level.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 116-130. Odessa.


Dr. Ercümend Ersanli
associate professor, Social Science Faculty, Social Services Department,
Ondokuz Mayıs University,
Kurupelit Campus 55139 Atakum/Samsun, Turkey,
Özkan Özcan,
specialist psychological counsellor, Canik District Directorate of National Education,
100.Yıl Bulvarı Hükümet Konağı Kat:6 Canik/Samsun, Turkey



In this study, the correlation between martial adjustment and tolerance levels taking into account such variables as gender, age, education level of individuals and their spouses, duration of marriage, perceived socio-economic and happiness levels, a place of residence, were investigated. The data were collected with Martial Adjustment Scale developed by Locke and Wallace (1959) and adapted to Turkish by Tutarel-Kışlak (1999), Tolerance Scale developed by Ersanlı (2011), and personal information form. The sample consisted of 300 married individuals which were 150 married women and 150 married men. 194 participants lived in urban areas and 106 participants lived in rural areas. The data were analysed with Spearman’s Rho statistics and Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests. The results of statistical analysis showed no significant difference between martial adjustment and tolerance levels of married individuals. Tolerance level of married individuals depends on gender; martial adjustment level of married individuals was different accounting for education level of individuals and their spouses, perceived happiness levels, and the living area variables. There was no significant difference between age, duration of marriage, and perceived socio-economic level and marital adjustment and tolerance levels. The findings of the research were interpreted based on literature and suggestions were made for future studies.


 marriage, marital adjustment, marital satisfaction, tolerance, marital duration.




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