Svitlana Khilko. Study of Future Psychologists’ Tolerance to Uncertainty Maturity.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 59-67. Odessa.


Svitlana Khilko,
senior lecturer, Department of Psychology and Personal Development,
post-graduate student,
University of Education Management of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
52-a, Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the results of the preliminary stage of the experiment aimed at examining the maturity of tolerance to uncertainty in future psychologists. The purpose of the study is to determine the levels of tolerance to uncertainty in future psychologists, which consists of the following components: cognitive, affective, and conative. The experiment involved 282 respondents – students of psychological faculties of higher educational institutions, which, with a view to identifying socio-psychological factors in the formation of tolerance to uncertainty, were divided into groups according to gender, age, level of education, course of study, form of study, work experience, desire to work as a psychologist. The following research methods were used in the empirical study: a questionnaire for identifying future psychologists’ awareness of tolerance to uncertainty (author’s development), a method for diagnosing the level of reflexivity maturity, the method of “Personal Readiness for Changes”, a method for diagnosing the level of empathic abilities, Melbourne Decision-Making Questionnaire for, “Personal Factors of Decision-Making” questionnaire, a questionnaire of tolerance to uncertainty, the method “Tolerance to uncertainty”, statistical mathematical methods for processing data using the computer program SPSS (version 17.0). As a result of the study it has been found that most of future psychologists have low and moderate levels of maturity of cognitive, affective and conative components of tolerance to uncertainty. The developed methodological basis for the study of the formation of tolerance to uncertainty of future psychologists, consisting of cognitive, affective and conative components deepens the knowledge of the components of tolerance to uncertainty, which will be used in the program for forming tolerance to uncertainty in future psychologists.


tolerance to uncertainty, intolerance to uncertainty, interpersonal intolerance to uncertainty, coping strategy, future psychologists.




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Nataliia Puzyrna. Correlation of Cognitive Qualities and Intelligence in Law Students.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 68-74. Odessa.


Nataliia Puzyrna,
PhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Labor Law, Administrative Law and the Process,
Chernihiv National Technological University,
95, Shevchenko Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the structure of law students’ intellectual abilities in terms of studying at higher educational institutions. The research was aimed at studying cognitive styles of “reflection – impulsiveness”, “rigidity – the flexibility of cognitive control”, “field dependence – field independence” of law students. In order to examine the efficiency of intelligence an adult version of D. Wexler’s technique of was used. The determination of the level of metacognitive abilities maturity was carried out using the method of high-speed signal differentiation considering the number of errors made. The average time taken to complete all four tasks for classification and J. Kagan’s “Comparison of Similar Drawings” technique were used to study the cognitive style “impulsivity – reflectivity”, J. Stroop’s verbal-color interference test was applied in order to examine the cognitive style “rigidity – flexibility of cognitive control”. The research outcomes show that sensory performance is closely related to the individual-typological characteristics of a person. It can be assumed that stylistic differences depend on the degree of spontaneous intellectual control maturity, which is one of the components of metacognitive experience and through which the regulation of the process of information processing is carried out. The results of studying the cognitive-stylistic behavior of students with different levels of psychometric intelligence can confirm the hypothesis about the functional unity of productive and stylistic qualities. A specific manifestation of stylistic peculiarities can either decrease or increase intellectual efficiency and development of intellectual abilities of the individual. Features of cognitive-style behavior can act as intellectual resources, using which a subject has an opportunity to compensate for the lack of intellectual abilities development. This is evidenced by the results of the testing of a number of law students who have had low indices of general intelligence. This fact makes it possible to assume that people with different levels of intelligence differ in the main stylistic features of the intellectual resource, and stylistic indicators can be considered as indicators of intellectual maturity of the individual.


 cognitive styles, intellectual development of students, information processing, metacognitive structures, stylistic peculiarities.




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Rashid Jabbarov. Factors Affecting the Development of Self-Realization Among Students of Different Professions.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 75-87. Odessa.


Rashid Jabbarov,
PhD in Psychology, associate professor,
Department of Social and Pedagogical Psychology,
Baku State University,
Z. Khalilov-38, Az 1148, Azerbaijan, Baku
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



In this research work, the relationship between self-realization of students of different specializations, educational level, gender and also, socio-economic status (high or low) in terms of their academic achievement is investigated. Unlike female students, there is a positive significant correlation between the level of male students’ self-realization and their academic achievement (p<0.05, r=-0.154*). There are also some significant correlations between their motivation of being well-educated professionals and self-perception (r=0.34**, on the level of p<0.001), cognitive demands (r=0.35**, on the level of p<0.001), self-assessment (r=0.36**, on the level of 0.001), creativity (r=0.24**, on the level of p<0.001), behavioural flexibility (r=0.22*, p<0.05). It means that the correlation between the students’ selfrealization and level of professionalism is bilateral. The student who has got high self-realization level considers himself/herself an independent one, is more interested in using creative methods in education and is motivated by positive dynamics of academic achievements. On the contrary, the students having low self-realization level tend to be governed, as a rule they have negative worldview and appreciate others.


 student, self-realization, self-esteem, academic achievement, professional counseling.




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Halyna Ulianova. Psychological Peculiarities of Plagiarism and its Correlation with Creative Abilities.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 88-93. Odessa.


Halyna Ulianova,
Doctor of Law, associate professor, vice-rector for scientific work,
National University “Odessa Law Academy”,
23, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The relevance of the study is explained by the need for the development of effective mechanisms for preventing plagiarism. In this regard, it is important to clarify the nature of this phenomenon from a psychological point of view, as well as to study individual psychological peculiarities of a plagiarist’s personality in correlation with external factors, inducing types of behavior. The paper aims to analyze the psychological peculiarities of plagiarism as a violation of intellectual property rights and academic integrity, as well as to identify the relationship of proneness to plagiarism and creative abilities of an individual. The experiment involved 170 senior students and postgraduate students studying at National University “Odessa Law Academy”. There have been applied the author’s questionnaire on protection of intellectual property rights against plagiarism and the study of propensity to plagiarism in the process of writing scientific works; Ye. Tunic’s Questionnaire aimed at examining the level of personal creativity; H. Zivert’s “Definition of Creative Ability” test allowing to investigate the level of the ability to associate, visual creativity skills, ability to transform, variability of thinking, ingenuity. Student’s t-test was applied in order to examine the statistical differences. Psychological peculiarities of plagiarism involve the insufficient development of cognitive processes, lack of motivation, selfdistrust, and unawareness of negative consequences of plagiarism. It has been established that students and postgraduate students who have negative attitude to plagiarism and are not prone to it have a higher level of personal creativity and creative abilities as compared to those students who have experience of plagiarism and express readiness to use it, while these respondents are more prone to risk and resourceful, on the other hand, they are characterized by ready-made opinions and low level of freedom of associations.


plagiarism, psychological peculiarities, creativity, creative abilities.




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Ivan Kalaur, Valentyna Sloma, Oksana Hnativ. Peculiarities of Law Students’ Professional Motivation.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 94-99. Odessa.


Ivan Kalaur,
Doctor of Law, associate professor,
Valentyna Sloma,
PhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), associate professor,
Oksana Hnativ,
PhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Civil Law and Process,
Ternopil National Economic University,
46a, Mykulynetska Str., Ternopil, Ukraine



Youth is considered to be the period favorable for the formation of professional motivation of future experts in any field. In the process of studying at a higher educational institution the processes of self-development, creativity and selffulfillment are taking place, which is explained by the complicatedness of the structure of value orientations of young people. That is why the issue of examining students’ motivation is of extreme importance. The paper aims to investigate the peculiarities of law students’ professional motivation development in the process of studying at a university. To this end, the experimental technique of examining motivation profiles by Sh. Ritchie and P. Martin was used. The experiment involved 150 students (75 first-year students and 75 fourth-year students) studying at the Faculty of Law at Ternopil National Economic University. The carried out research has shown that professional motivation is being formed in law students gradually increasing with the year of study at a university. Some qualitative changes are taking place, the role of pragmatic motives is decreasing and the needs for self-development and self-fulfillment are increasing. The obtained results were compared with A. Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs and it has confirmed the theory that human needs have to be satisfied according to the levels, in hierarchical sequence. The satisfaction of the needs of the lowest level creates the basis for the formation of the higher one.


motive, motivation, professional motivation, motivation profile, law students, legal activities.




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