Yaroslava Dudko. Organisational and Pedagogical Conditions For Educational Work Management at Teacher Training Universities of Ukraine.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 31-37. Odessa.


Yaroslava Dudko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
doctoral candidate, Department of Pedagogy and Art of Teaching,
Bohdan Khmelnytskyi State Pedagogical University of Melitopol,
20, Hetmanska Str., Melitopol, Ukraine



The paper presents the results of scientific and pedagogical research of the issue of modernisation of educational work management at teacher training universities of Ukraine. The aim of the research work was to specify and substantiate the system of organisational and pedagogical conditions for managing educational work of Ukrainian teacher training universities; develop a factor-and-criterion-based model of assessing the effectiveness of educational work management and carry out its experimental proof. According to scientific literature review and the results obtained at the summative stage of the pedagogical experiment, the following organisational and pedagogical conditions have been distinguished: regulatory (availability of regulatory documents, programme of educational work development, intra-university TV and radio programmes, university website, counselling service, etc.), methodological (organisation of the system of training and retraining of educational work managers, availability of individual plans for educational work managers’ development, methodological basis for educational work managers’ creative development, etc.), financial (the use of managerial and marketing technologies, employment and sustainable use of extra-budgetary sources, etc.), psycho-pedagogical (creating acmeological environment and incentive system for motivation of educational work managers, atmosphere of respect, trust and success), and organisational (person-centred approach to educational process management, engaging community and parents in education of students, adhering to traditional principles, functions, methods and means in educational work management, etc.). Basing on the qualimetric approach, we have developed a factor-and-criterion-based model for assessing the effectiveness of managing educational work of teacher training universities of Ukraine. The model makes it possible to find existing shortcomings in providing organisational and pedagogical conditions for educational work management at a teacher training university as well as specify the ways of their overcoming. Results of the expert evaluation of the data obtained have made it possible to state that the developed factor-and-criterion-based model for assessing the quality of managing educational work of a pedagogical higher educational institution is effective.


 education, educational work, pedagogical higher educational institution, a process, self-government, a student, management.




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