Liudmyla Havrilova, Nadiia Voronova. Online Training Course for Teaching Master-Degree Music Students.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 100-105. Odessa.


Liudmyla Havrilova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Head of the Department of Theory and Practice of Primary Education,
Nadiia Voronova,
PhD, associate professor,
Department of Culture Studies, Aesthetics and History,
Donbas State Pedagogical University,
19, Hen. Batiuka Str., Sloviansk, Ukraine



The paper deals with the relevant issue of modern university education – implementing online training techniques in the process of teaching Master-degree students majoring in Music. There have been suggested an authors’ course of online training, namely occupation-related theoretical course of Music history “History of Music Art in Ukraine and a special course “Multimedia Teaching Techniques in Art education”. In order to check the efficiency of the technologies implemented into the educational process there has been conducted the final testing in terms of “History of Music Art in Ukraine” course in the experimental (who were taught using the above mentioned online course) and control groups (who were taught using traditional methods) of Master-degree students. Purposefully designed testing in History of Music covered different aspects of the students’ professional competence: its cognitive component (key and specific knowledge of the history of domestic music art development, specific laws of art, understanding music genres, etc.), maturity of analytical and listening skills (the ability to recognize a music work by the tone, determine its genre, etc.), maturity of axiological skills. It should be noted that some tasks were designed in the form of a music quiz to check the music perception skills and knowledge of Ukrainian music works by ear. The assessment was performed using 100- point scale according to the requirements set. The carried out examination of the respondents’ professional competence has proved the efficiency of using e-learning in terms of the online course “History of Music Art in Ukraine”.


online training, online course, history of music art in Ukraine, multimedia technologies in art education, Master-degree students majoring in music.




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