Levon Nikogosyan, Yulia Aseyeyva. Axiological Approach in Future Medical Specialists’ Training.

(2017) Science and education, 4, 33-38. Odessa.

Levon Nikogosyan,
MD, associate professor, Head of the Department of General Pharmacy,
Yulia Aseyeyva,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Psychology and Social Aid,
Odessa National Medical University,
2, Valihovskyi lane, Odessa, Ukraine,



Most of modern scientific works in the field of education pay attention to the issue of increasing requirements for future professionals pointing to the need for the personality values formation according to socially established professional image. The implementation of the axiological approach into the process of studying pedagogical problems of higher education is considered to be relevant today. Besides, the use and disclosure of the main components of this approach in the training of future professionals of healthcare industry still remains understudied in modern Ukraine. The study aims to determine the role of the axiological approach in the process of medical students’ professional training. The priority-oriented ways of improving educational process in terms of the axiological approach is its personalization and activation, taking into account personal abilities and interests of students as well as intensification based on the shift of focus on their independent work and active teaching methods. The following components are considered to be the most significant in the system of forming professional and personal culture of future medical specialists: organizational, structural, and communicative. In the process of medical students’ training the axiological approach should be based on the following modern cultural and humanistic values: subjectivity, dialogue, self-development, integrity, solidity and continuity. The model of individual professional culture of future medical specialists should be based on the following components: humanistic, general cultural, personal and activity, as well as anthropological. It should rely on the following medical and pedagogical principles: the principle of humanity and humanization, feasibility and democratization, professional dignity, and especially morality and ethics. Therefore, the future medical specialists’ training should be aimed at the development of the intellectual and moral personality for preserving life and improving the quality of patient care. It can be implemented by using educational technologies of problematic, reflexive, differentiated, dialogue training, as well as the technology of team culture-creative activities, etc.


axiology, axiological approach, universities, medical students, future medical specialists.




1. Skotnyi, V. H. (2005). Filosofiia: istorychnyi i systematychnyi kurs [Philosophy: historical and systematic course]. Kyiv: Znannia [in Ukrainian].
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Olena Rebrova. Methods of Stimulating Imaginative and Mental Processes in Future Music and Choreography Teachers’ Performing Activities.

(2017) Science and education, 4, 39-45. Odessa.

Olena Rebrova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Head of the Department of Music Art and Choreography,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odedsa, Ukraine



The paper deals with the scientific reflection of imaginative and mental processes in professional artistic and educational development of students majoring in music art and choreography; as well as methods influencing their imaginative and mental processes in their performing activities in the process of studying at higher educational institutions and during their creative selffulfillment. These are the processes which synthesize the emotional and cognitive spheres of future professionals, directing all psychological modes of creative activities in a certain (cultural, ethnic and mental, value, traditional, etc.) field. The paper aims to distinguish and describe the most efficient methods of stimulating imaginary and mental processes in music and choreographic performing activities which have proved their effectiveness in practice. The imaginative and mental processes which take place in the process of continuing studying of disciplines of music and choreography cycle are characterized by the following features: polyartistic focus, which is formed under the influence of artistic integration and synthesis of perception, feelings, interpretations of artistic works; ethnic focus, which is based on the phenomenology of ethnic mentality. The synthesis involves artistic and imaginative associative bonds with life realities and analogies of other kinds of arts, and the ethnic focus is a part of ethnic characteristics of mentality: traditions, stereotypes, national codes and symbols which form the spiritual sphere, as well as moral and aesthetic culture of a personality. The experimental assessment of emotional and perceptive audio trainings has shown that they stimulate the polymodality of imaginative and mental processes. Besides, the interchanging of the following cognition models (heuristic and search method of image metaphorization) is considered to be effective as well: scientific, amateur, artistic, educational. The suggested methods have increased the quality of teaching and the students’ academic achievements, which has proved the hypothesis that imaginative and mental processes are the factor of improving the quality of education due to their creative and image-enriching potential in the professional development of future Music and Choreography teachers.


artistic mentality, artistic and mental sphere, performing activity, synthesis, polyartistic focus, ethnomental focus.




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3. Rebrova, O. Ye. (2012). Teoretychne doslidzhennia khudozhno-mentalnoho dosvidu v proektsii pedahohiky mystetstva: monohrafiia [Theoretical study of artistic and mental experience in terms of art education: monograph]. Kyiv: NPU im. M.P. Drahomanova [in Ukrainian].
4. Rebrova, O. Ye. (2013). Teoriia i metodyka formuvannia khudozhno-mentalnoho dosvidu maibutnikh uchyteliv muzychnoho mystetstva ta khoreohrafii [Theory and methods of future Music and Choreography teachers’ artistic and mental experience formation]. Doctor’s thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
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Bożena Marzec. Presentation and Dissemination of Educational Offer by Preschool Educational Institutions in Poland.

(2017) Science and education, 4, 46-52. Odessa.

Bożena Marzec,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Pedagogy,
University of Dąbrowa Górnicza Poland,
1, Cieplaka Str., Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland



In the period of demographic crisis, the competition on the educational market concerns not only universities or schools but also preschool educational institutions. Nowadays, when less and less children are born and thus the number of such establishments has been reducing, the increasing of the opportunities for the promotion is becoming a necessary condition for the survival of an institution in the education market. Preschool educational institutions have to take care of their appropriate image in order to gain “customers”. They should be widely available and guarantee every child the equal access to the high-quality education. On the basis of the surveys, individual and group interviews carried out in the period from 2010 to 2015 the research results have been presented in the paper. The study is focused on the promotion of the preschool education values, paying special attention to the presentation of educational offer by preschool educational institutions. External evaluation is a form of pedagogical supervision which helps to determine the degree of compliance of the established requirements connected with educational processes, the effects of teaching, educational and welfare activities, the operating conditions of the institution, the quality of management and so on. The study shows that preschool educational institutions in Poland do a lot of things to maintain their appropriate image. They host websites where they publish news about their achievements, disseminate their offers via articles in the national and local press, posters, and flyers. Children’s participation in radio and television programs, the organization of „annual open house” and the implementation of adaptation programs are also the efficient activities undertaken by the establishments analyzed. In general, public relations of Polish preschool educational institutions are considered to be well-planned, conscious and long-term activities.


preschool educational institution, competition, promotion, actions, dissemination, educational offer.




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11. Wojcik, K. (2005). Public relations. Wiarygodny dialog z otoczeniem [Public relations. Credible dialogue with the environment]. Warsaw: Agencja Vydavnicza Placet [in Polish].

Olena Prokhorova. Interactive Technologies as a Component of Teaching Spoken English for Specific Purposes to Students of Choreographic Education Faculty.

(2017) Science and education, 4, 53-57. Odessa.

Olena Prokhorova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Western and Eastern Languages and Methods of their Teaching,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
34, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The article deals with the relevance of using the information technology called “cloud computing”, which is based on Google Apps Internet applications, in the educational process. It is noted that cloud technologies help to organize active learning process; increase the intellectual satisfaction from classes significantly; develop thinking, memory, creativity, ingenuity of students, and prepare them for professional activities. The purpose of the article is to highlight the experience of using Google Apps cloud technologies in practice of teaching English for Specific Purposes at the university. To enhance student autonomy in carrying out tasks using cloud technologies, the following methods were used: forming consciousness, collecting and recording information, feedback. It has been shown that the use of Google Apps cloud technologies in the educational process helps to create sustainable motivation of students to master professional oral speech and to form independence in learning. Google Apps and cloud services can help students of the Faculty of Choreography Education to acquire professional English speaking skills more effectively.


interactivity, cloud technologies, speaking, independence, activation.




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Oksana Chekan, Khrystyna Barna, Viktorіia Ivanova. Formation of Future Nursery Teachers’ Professional Competence by Means of Information and Communications Technologies.

(2017) Science and education, 4, 57-62. Odessa.

Oksana Chekan,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Khrystyna Barna,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Viktorіia Ivanova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Theory and Methodology of Preschool Education,
Mukachevo State University,
26, Uzhhorodska Str., Mukachevo, Ukraine



The article deals with the stages of future nursery teachers’ professional competence formation by means of information and communications technologies. Future nursery teachers’ readiness to use information and communications technologies in their work is an integrated indicator which is manifested in stable associative bonds b etween professional competencies and models of their realization with the use of information and communications technologies; in acquiring information and communication technologies which are essential for effective fulfillment of basic functional operations in the information environment of a modern preschool educational institution; in the ability to interpret all tasks of educational and commutative processes of a preschool institution through available functional components of external and internal information environments. The following stages of future nursery teachers’ professional competence formation by means of information and communications technologies have been distinguished: cognitive and enriching, productive and active, creative and informational. The formation of future nursery teachers’ professional competence based on the application of information and communications technologies together with the use of microteaching methodology for the formation of associative connections can be assessed according to the following criteria: cognitive-informational, activity-informational, managerial-informational.


information and communications technology, professional competence, computer-oriented technology.




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