Olena Vasylenko, Alla Sheremet. Peculiarities of Career Self-Determination of Modern High School Students.

(2017) Science and education, 4, 159-165. Odessa.

Olena Vasylenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,
Alla Sheremet,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior teacher,
Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy,
Khmelnytsky National University,
11, Instytutska Str., Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine



The issue of career self-determination of modern high school students is highly crucial at present when labour market is constantly developing thus increasing requirements for modern specialists training. Some young people do not have clear perspectives on life and feel insecure, unconfident. Other high school students choose careers which are of no demand at enterprises and that is why they work in the specialty they have no qualification for. The paper aims to study motives and factors influencing the process of career self-determination of modern high school students and specify effective methods of cultivating students’ conscious attitude towards making a future career choice. The school students were asked to do a survey using the questionnaire designed by authors. Besides, the respondents’ personal ability to make a career choice was determined using techniques “What do I like?” (by L. Jovaiša) and “Career Map” by Ye. Klimov. The received results enable us to find out positive and negative factors which affect the process of career self-determination of modern high school students and to study what motivates students when they make their career choices. Basing on the research results it can be concluded that the most effective methods to cultivate career self-determination in high school students are trainings in particular the one called “Life map: to make one’s own career choice”.


career, career self-determination, high school students, motives and factors of career selfdetermination, methods of cultivating one’s career self-determination.




1. Hladkova, V. M. (2007). Profooriientatsiina robota: navchalnyi posibnyk [Proforientational work: textbook]. Lviv: Novyi Svit-2000 [in Ukrainian].
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Tetiana Osypova. Multiplicative Property of Pedagogical Conditions Contributing To Future Teachers’ Professional Development.

(2017) Science and education, 4, 166-171. Odessa.

Tetiana Osypova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Department of Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The social, political and economic transformations taking place nowadays in Ukraine, its integration into the European educational space demand the reforming of the system of education in general and future teachers’ professional training at higher educational institutions in particular in terms of the Bologna process, which provides the creation of appropriate pedagogical conditions that would facilitate their professional development. The research aims to determine the essence of future teachers’ professional development and to check the efficiency of the implemented pedagogical conditions in this process. The professional development of a future teacher’s personality is considered as a process of his/her immersion in professional activities, during which the role of the teacher is being assigned, his/her professional position is being formed and ways of self-realization in further educational activities are being determined. The following pedagogical conditions are believed to contribute to the professional development of future teachers: creating favorable socio-psychological climate in a student group, motivating future teachers to adopt their professional positions, providing pedagogical mentoring in the process of students’ professional development. The professional position of a teacher is understood as an integrative feature of his/her personality, characterized by the awareness of the importance of pedagogical activities, necessary knowledge, abilities, and skills, as well as by the maturity of worldview, value orientations, and personal qualities. Pedagogical mentoring is defined as a system of subject-subject relationships based on the actualization of personal and professional experience by the mentor, his/her pedagogical support in the development of the spiritual and moral sphere of students, providing the creation of favorable conditions for students’ selfactualization, self-realization, and self-development. According to the results of the survey conducted in four experimental groups of students, it was concluded that in the group where all the above mentioned pedagogical conditions were fulfilled, more positive changes in the professional development of the students were revealed, in contrast to the groups in which only one of the pedagogical conditions was implemented. This indicates the multiplicative property (the intersection, interaction, complementarity) of pedagogical conditions. Thus, the complex implementation of certain pedagogical conditions in the educational process of higher pedagogical educational institutions gives a multiplicative effect of their influence on the professional development of future professionals.


professional development, future teachers, pedagogical conditions, multiplicative property, sociopsychological climate, professional position, pedagogical mentoring.




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Tetiana Holubenko. Formation of Future Social Workers’ Readiness for Home-Nursing Work With Elderly People: Scientific and Pedagogical Factors.

(2017) Science and education, 4, 181-188. Odessa.

Tetiana Holubenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Theory and Technology of Social Work,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
9, Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article represents the results of summative and formative assessment of scientific and pedagogical factors of the formation of future social workers’ readiness for home-nursing work with elderly people. In order to optimize the educational process a careful search has been made to find such variants of the best scientific and methodical decision making that would most effectively contribute to the formation of future social workers’ readiness for home-nursing work with the elderly on the basis of students’ mastering the basic social and pedagogical knowledge and skills. In the present study scientific and pedagogical factors of the formation of future social workers’ readiness for home-nursing work with elderly people are represented by a combination of four components: motivational-value, cognitive-orientative, content-professional and practical-activity. In accordance with them, there have been formulated four criteria for the mentioned structural components: value, informational, competence and activity. There have been described the levels of future social workers’ readiness for home-nursing work with the elderly by identifying specific features that characterize the manifestation of their main criteria. The low level of readiness is considered to be the initial one. The medium level (reproductive) characterizes students’ emotional and value attitude to the problems of professional selfimprovement. The high level (constructive) is characterized by a full realization of students’ motivational-value, cognitiveorientative, content-operational and practical-activity readiness for home-nursing work with the elderly. Readiness for homenursing work with elderly people has been determined as a socio-psychological and professional manifestation of the relationship between professional orientation and other important personality traits (worldview, life attitudes and spiritual values, moralvolitional and emotional spheres), which involves the formation of moral values, intellectual qualities, knowledge, abilities and skills for home-nursing work with elderly people. There have been analyzed real conditions of future social workers’ readiness for home-nursing work with the elderly according to three levels of value, informational, competence and activity criteria at the summative and formative stages of the experiment. Analyzing the data of evaluation of future social workers’ readiness for homenursing work with elderly people it has been proved that there are advantages of readiness indicators formation according to four criteria, which consist in person-oriented training, developing a practical orientation in the process of future social workers’ readiness formation towardsthe mentioned professional activity.


readiness, readiness formation, diagnostic experiment, formative experiment, home-nursing work, the elderly, future social worker.




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(2017) Science and education, 4, 133-138. Odessa.


Tetiana Koknova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Roman and Germanic Philology Department, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University,
1, Gogol square, Starobilsk, Ukraine



One of the most effective ways to develop students’ ability to find, extract and process information from the great variety of authentic sources is the implementation of some interactive forms and methods into the studying process and its theoretical and practical enrichment. In this research the play-based learning activity is understood as the combination of the following three components: playing (stimulating emotional emancipation and exalting the participants, fulfilling their ambitions, expressing their opinions creatively and inspiring interaction between them); educational (aiming to enrich students’ knowledge, abilities, skills and experience) and professional (providing the opportunity for teachers to simulate a variety of professional situations). Professional communicative competence is considered to be the combination of knowledge, skills and experience that students of different specialties require to have in order to carry out their professional activities. In order to check the efficiency of the playbased learning activity in the development of students’ professional communicative competence we have conducted the experiment, which was held in Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University (on the basis of Roman and Germanic Philology Department). The study involved 64 second year students of the Foreign Language Department who were divided into two groups: experimental group (32 students) and control group (32 students). 32 students of the experimental group were involved into the experiment with implementing the play-based learning activity in the curriculum and the students of the control group continued studying in their usual way. The research results have shown the effectiveness of play-based learning activity implementation within the university course “English for Specific Purposes” to develop the students’ professional communicative competence.


play-based learning activity, pedagogical method, the development of professional communicative competence, “English for specific purposes” (ESP), university students, major, specialty.




1. Beckham, J. M., & Watkins, M. (2012). Bringing life to learning: Immersive experiential learning simulations for online and blended courses. The Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 16 (5), 61-70.
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3. Zafirov, C. (2013). New challenges for the project based learning in the digital age. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 11 (3), 298-302.
4. Herreid, F. H., & Schiller, N.A. (2013). Case Studies and the Flipped Classroom. The Journal of College Science Teaching, 42, 62-66.
5. Dyer, Ronald., (2013). Games in higher education. New pedagogical approaches in game enhanced learning: Curriculum integration. France: Grenoble Ecole de Management.
6. Pavlenko, O. O. (2005). Formuvannia komunikatyvnoi kompetentnosti fakhivtsiv mytnoi sluzhby v systemi neperervnoi profesiinoi osvity [The Formation of Communicative Competence of Customs Service Specialists in the System of Continuous Professional Education]. Doctor’s thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
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Oktaviia Fizeshi. Organizational and Pedagogical Reforming of Primary Education in The Process of Accession of Transcarpathia to Soviet Ukraine.

(2017) Science and education, 4, 172-180. Odessa.

Oktaviia Fizeshi,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
dean of Pedagogical Faculty, associate professor,
Department of Preschool and Primary Education,
Mukachevo State University,
26, Uzhhorodska Str., Mukachevo, Ukraine



The relevance of the research is explained by the necessity of increasing the quality of primary education, providing the conditions for primary education in terms of national culture, native language environment basing on universal human values. Taking it into account, the studying of national education retrospective, particularly Transcarpathian primary education functioning (which has acquired and implemented European educational models) is of primary importance. The historical system analysis of this experience will help to extend the opportunities of defining prospects of Ukrainian primary education reforming in terms of unified educational environment. The paper aims to reveal and discuss the peculiarities of organizational and pedagogical reforming of primary education in the process of the accession of Transcarpathia to Soviet Ukraine. The reforming began with the order “On reforming the educational system in Thranscarpathian Ukraine”, according to which in 1945-1946 academic year seven-year compulsory education for children was implemented. Educational institutions were reorganized in the following way: public schools became primary, city schools became seven-year secondary schools, gymnasiums became ten-year secondary schools. The primary task was language issue adjustment, particularly, the Ukrainian language was recognized as official. At first, there was a problem with keeping schools of national minorities – Hungarians and Romanians, though later due to the poly-ethnic character of Transcarpatia there appeared international bilingual schools. During the first years of Soviet authority Transcarpathian educational system faced a problem of teaching staff lack due to the fact the teachers began moving from that territory because they did not want to work with the new authorities. In order to solve this problem, about 800 teachers where brought from eastern regions of Ukraine. The state performed constant control aiming to find disadvantages of the educational system, the greatest number of which concerned carrying out ideological work, public education management, and some socio-economic problems.


soviet Ukraine, Transcarpathia, primary education, teachers, public education, school education.




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