Oksana Andreiko. Experimental Work on the Formation of Violinists’ Performing Culture.

(2017) Science and education, 4, 87-91. Odessa.

Oksana Andreiko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Department of Violin,
Lviv National Music Academy named after Mykola Lysenko
5, Nyzhankivskoho Str., Lviv, Ukraine



The carried out research aimed to check the efficiency of the developed organizational-methodical system for the formation of future violinists’ performing culture. The system consists of the following stages: adaptation-instructing, orientation-analytical, predictive-transformational, and corrective-harmonizing. Experimental work on the formation of violinists’ performing culture involves the summative and formative experiments aimed at checking the effectiveness of the suggested system for students’ performing culture formation at higher educational institutions. The aim of the summative experiment was to define the formation levels of violinists’ performing culture in terms of applying traditional teaching methods. According to the results of the summative experiment the following four levels, which form future musicians’ performing culture, have been defined – low (reproductive), satisfactory (reproductive-creative), high (creative), perfect (artistic-creative). During the formative experiment the effectiveness of the suggested organizationalmethodical system was assessed. According to the research results, due to the increase of the levels of the students’ performing culture in the experimental group, the suggested system has proven its effectiveness


artistic-creative level, professional self-diagnostics, axiological-performing analysis, predictivetransformation stage, evaluative-creative personal-professional system, violinist’s performing culture.




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