Nataliia Khmel, Alla Shakhverdova, Olena Hrek. Psychological Support of Students’ Adapting to Studying at a University.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 193-198. Odessa.

 Nataliia Khmel, 

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,

Dean of the Socio-Humanitarian Faculty, 

Alla Shakhverdova, 

degree-seeking student, 

Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology, 

Olena Hrek, 

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, 

Department of Developmental Psychology and Social Communications, 

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,

4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the peculiarities of the adaptation process of first-year students to the educational process as well as the programme of psychological support for their adaptation. The following empirical methods and techniques were used in the study: observation, conversation, questioning, test of K. Rogers and R. Dymond, the questionnaire by K. Rogers, the questionnaire by O. Maklakov. The experiment involved 160 first-year students of Ushynsky University. It has been found that the predominant adaptation level among the respondents is low and medium, which speaks for longer period of adaptation. The adaptive capability of first-year students has been developed at the low and medium levels, which is manifested in unstable psyche and insufficiently developed communication skills. The indicators of moral normativity are at the low level. A special programme of psychological support of first-year students’ adaptation process has been set up. It consists of three units: psychodiagnostic (system diagnostics of students’ adaptedness at different stages of their studying), consultive (psycho-pedagogical support of junior students), correctional and developmental (conducting trainings with first-year students who have adaptation problems) and prophylactic. Besides, a training aimed at increasing the success rate of first-year students’ adaptation to the educational process, has been developed. It is focused on the development of the ability for self-determination, self-confidence, positive self-attitude, self-worth, the ability to interact with others. It consists of 10 lessons designed for 15-20 students (lasting for 90-120 minutes), each of which provides 3 creative tasks and professional simulations. According to the research results, the positive dynamics in the development of psychological adaptedness has been observed. The number of students with thelow level of adaptedness has decreased and the number of students with the high level of adaptedness has increased.


adaptation, adaptedness, youth, psychological support, educational environment. 




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3.Vodopyanova, N. E. (1998). Aktivnaya zhiznennaya pozitsiya lichnosti i professionalnaya adaptatsiya v usloviyakh sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo krizisa [Proactive approach to life and professional adaptation under conditions of socio-economic crisis]. Psikholog icheskie problemy samorealizatsii lichnosti –Psychological problems of personality’s self-realization, 2,37-40. Saint Petersburg: Izd-vo SPbGU [in Russian].

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Liudmyla Tsibukh. Peculiarities of the Children’s Center Psychologist’s Work with Adolescents from the Anti-Terrorist Operation Zone (Through the Example of the UCC «Moloda Hvardiia»).

(2016) Science and education, 9, 199-203. Odessa.


Liudmyla Tsibukh,

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,

4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article, on the basis of the carried-out theoretical analysis, considers the influence of psycho-traumatic situations on mental and emotional state of a person, his/her behavior. The following basic manifestations of children’s and adolescents’ PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) are described: avoidance of the situations associated with the trauma; nightmares; bradyesthesia; the increased anxiousness; avoidance of communication, fears, etc. The paper is aimed at identifying the influence of staying in the ATO zone on adolescents’ psychoemotional state and selection of the corresponding methods of their emotional state correction. For identification of the current psychoemotional state of adolescents, the following techniques were used: test “Nonexistent Animal”, test “Person in the Rain”, test “Tree”, technique “Anxiety Scale”, technique “Children’s Questionnaire of Neuroses”, Harvard questionnaire. The use of these techniques at the moment of adolescents’ arriving from the ATO zone in the Ukrainian children’s center “Moloda Hvardiia” has shown that the high level of anxiousness, feeling of vulnerability, mistrust, aggression, difficulties in communication, existence of nightmares are peculiar to the respondents. To correct the negative emotional state of the adolescents who have experienced the psycho-traumatic situations, the appropriate programme aimed at decreasing the level of anxiousness, aggression, fear, as well as increasing self-confidence,  has been offered. It included interviews, role-playing and situational games, drawings, exercises on removal of muscular cramps, etc. The final test, which has been carried out after the correctional work with adolescents has identified that their current emotional state improved, proves the necessity of undertaking similar work in the children’s recreational centers with the children and adolescents who have experienced the psycho-traumatic situations.


zone of anti-terrorist operation, psycho-traumatic situations, posttraumatic stress disorder, correctional work, adolescents, Ukrainian children’s centre “Moloda Hvardiia”




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Inna Chukhrii. Sociо-Psychological Peculiarities of Disadaptation Formation in Young People With Physical Dysfunction.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 203-210. Odessa.


Inna Chukhrii, 

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), senior lecturer, 

Department of Psychology and Social Work, 

Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky, 

32, Ostrozkoho Str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine




The article deals with the the oretical analysis of the issue of socio-psychological disadaptation of young people with physical dysfunction. A number of scientific concepts focused on the interrelation of the unfavorable individual development of a person and his/her personal disadaptation are considered. It has been found that the experience of child’s interaction with a mother or other family members, lack of communication with equals in age, problems in studying and employment may cause personal disadaptation.L. Vygotsky noted in his scientific papers that children with mental and physical disorders are eager to achieve the common growth of the development, but in a different way. He focused on the importance of pedagogical support, which, in his opinion, could transform mental disadvantages into advantages of compensation. It has been found that mother’s anxiety caused by the disorders of her child’s psychophysical development has a negative influence on the development of this child. With the introduction of inclusive education in Ukraine, a number of challenges rises, in particular, the educational process based on the principles of individualization and differentiation of teaching and education involves teacher’s awareness of individual mental and physical capabilities of every child in his/her class. The school system of evaluation and comparison of one’s own achievements and evaluations with others (which affects one’s self-esteem) is considered as the most crucial risk factor of the formation of psychological health disorders. Adolescents with physical dysfunction have a delay of mental development associated with the features of abnormal development, consequences of deprivation and hospitalism. If an adolescent attends neither secondary school, nor socio-psychological rehabilitation centre, his/her need for communicating with equals in age, including the opposite sex, will not be satisfied. It is assumed, that the disadaptation of adolescents with physical dysfunction is manifested in negative emotions, unconstructive behavioral and cognitive stereotypes, complications of communication, etc.


socio-psychological disadaptation, young person with physical dysfunction, sociability, negative emotional states, be havior.





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4.Shevtsov, A. H., Romanenko, O. V., Khanzeeruk, L. O., Chebotarova, O.V.(2014). Dytyna z porushennyam opornorukhovoho aparatu v zahalnoosvitnomu prostori. Metodychni rekomendatsiyi fakhivtsyam z orhanizatsiyi ta vprovadzhennya inklyuzyvnoyi formy navchannya ditey z porushennyamy funktsiy oporno-rukhovoho aparatu. Navchalno-metodychnyy posibnyk [A child with musculoskeletal system disorders in educational environment. Guidelines for professionals in the organization and implementation of inclusive forms of education of children with the musculoskeletal system disorders. Textbook].Kyiv: Vydavnychyy Dim «Slovo» [in Ukrainian].

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Serhii Yakovenko, Lada Rostomova. Consideration for Children in Case of Parents’ Divorce.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 210-216. Odessa.

Serhii Yakovenko,

Doctor of Psychology, professor,

Kyiv Institute of Modern Psychology and Psychotherapy,

34, Lesi Ukrainky Boulevard, Kyiv, Ukraine,

Lada Rostomova,

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,

Department of Foreign Languages,

Odessa State University of Internal Affairs,

1, Uspenska Str., Odesa, Ukraine





In Ukraine, the rate of divorces is quite significant, married couples often get divorced, and this event becomes traumatic for their children. Ukrainian legislation provides the protection of rights and legal interests of a child, and therefore, when parents get divorced, the court must determine which parent has the best opportunities for providing for a child, considering his/her “interests”. Thus, the concept of “interests” in the law is interpreted in a different way compared to psychology. The judge is not aware of the peculiarities of the family which is getting a divorce and does not have enough time to find out its history, so proposals as for the fate of the child must be provided by the expert body of guardianship. The papercontains suggestions on methods of studying the child’s needs and the assessment of opportunities of their satisfying by the parents, etc. According to the law, the rights and obligations of both parents are equal, but in 90% of controversial divorce cases, the court allows a child to live with his/her mother that seems to be justified entirely, because a small child has a very close relationship with her. If the mother is not healthy or cannot provide for the child or several children, the court may allow the children to live with the father or to divide them between the parents. This decision must be based on the results of a comprehensive examination of the facts. The court should engage forensic experts, specialists in developmental psychology, family psychology, social work, etc. to make the right decision, considering the child’s needs and his/her psychological state.



ivorce, children’s interests, special knowledge, identification, legal assessment and protection of interests.




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9.Fyhdor,H. (1995). Deti razvedennykh roditeley: mezhdu travmoyi nadezhdoy(psikhoanaliticheskoe issledovanie) [Children of divorced arents: between trauma and hope (psychoanalytic research)].Moscow: Nauka[in Russian].

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Valentyn Moliako. Recreational Vector in the System of Support of Psychological Safety of a Creative Personality (Issue 9, 2016)

Valentyn Moliako,
Doctor of Psychology, professor, Academician of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Laboratory of Creative Psychology, G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology, NAES of Ukraine, 2, Pankivska str., Kyiv, Ukraine



In psychological research on work and learning activities, the dyad “work-rest” as an important component of life cycles is given insufficient attention. In the context of investigating this issue, the phenomena of personality’s physical, psychological and mental health are considered. Creative health is understood as individual’s capacity for creating ingenious ideas, constructions, various works under conditions of overcoming considerable difficulties and obstacles. It is emphasized that creative health is not always connected with physical health and can contradict successful creative acts, which reduce personality’s psychological safety. The principally important point is that psychological health should be provided by, first of all, personality’s mental peace. According to the conception of psychological safety, the following components of it have been distinguished: sensor-perceptive, emotional, intellectual, general personal, mental. Based on the analysis and typification of people’s manifestations in critical life circumstances, the specific character of approaches to preventing and correcting essential negative informational influences on a number of population groups (adequatehypertrophying, adequate-adequate, adequate-minimising, inadequate-adequate, inadequate-minimising, inadequatehyperbolising) has been identified. The people belonging to the adequate-hypertrophying group do not change their behaviour in response to extreme conditions. In the adequate-adequate group, the participants intensify their activities and improve its results in critical situations. The people from the adequate-minimising group slow down their activities and reduce activity when influenced by negative information. Having received some stressful information, the people from the inadequate-adequate group start frenzied, though not considered enough activities. People from the inadequate-minimising category try taking actions first, but after that, they become inactive rather quickly. The people belonging inadequate-hyperbolising group usually take no actions at all. It has been concluded that the system of personality’s psychological health should provide many-sided perception and recoding of signals by a personality – their understanding, assessment, incorporation in the experience-based analysis and interpretations, decision-making on the basis of sensor-perceptive “acceptance” of information in terms of adequate behaviour. There is the need for integrated solving of the problem of supporting creative health and psychological safety of a personality by joint efforts of psychologists, health professionals, and educators with efficient use of recreational facilities. 


psychological health, creative health, psychological safety of a personality, recreation, informational influence.

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