Valentyn Moliako. Recreational Vector in the System of Support of Psychological Safety of a Creative Personality.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 5-9. Odessa.

Valentyn Moliako,

Doctor of Psychology, professor,

Academician of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,

Head of the Laboratory of Creative Psychology,

G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology, NAES of Ukraine,

2, Pankivska str., Kyiv, Ukraine



In psychological research on work and learning activities, the dyad “work-rest” as an important component of life cycles is given insufficient attention. In the context of investigating this issue, the phenomena of personality’s physical, psychological and mental health are considered. Creative health is understood as individual’s capacity for creating ingenious ideas, constructions, various works under conditions of overcoming considerable difficulties and obstacles. It is emphasized that creative health is not always connected with physical health and can contradict successful creative acts, which reduce personality’s psychological safety. The principally important point is that psychological health should be provided by, first of all, personality’s mental peace. According to the conception of psychological safety, the followingcomponents of it have been distinguished: sensor-perceptive, emotional, intellectual, general personal, mental. Based on the analysis and typification of people’s manifestations in critical life circumstances, the specific character of approaches to preventing and correcting essential negative informational influences on a number of population groups (adequate-hypertrophying, adequate-adequate, adequate-minimising, inadequate-adequate, inadequate-minimising, inadequate-hyperbolising) has been identified. The people belonging to the adequate-hypertrophying group do not change their behaviour in response to extreme conditions. In the ad equate-adequate group, the participants intensify their activities and improve its results in critical situations. The people from the adequate-minimising group slow down their activities and reduce activity when influenced by negative information. Having received some stressful information, the people from the inadequate-adequate group start frenzied, though not considered enough activities. People from the inadequate-minimising category try taking actions first, but after that, they become inactive rather quickly. The people belonging inadequate-hyperbolising group usually take no actions at all. It has been concluded that the system of personality’s psychological health should provide many - sided perception and recoding of signals by a personality – their under-standing, assessment, incorporation in the experience-based analysis and interpretations, decision aking on the basis of sensor-perceptive “acceptance” of information in terms of adequate behaviour. There is the need for integrated solving of the problem of supporting creative health and psychological safety of a personality by joint efforts of psycholo-gists, health professionals, and educators with efficient use of recreational facilities.


psychological health, creative health, psychological safety of a personality, recreation, informational influence.





Tamara Yatsenko. The Issue of Complementarity Principle in Deep Cognition of the Psyche.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 9-16. Odessa.

Tamara Yatsenko,

Doctor of Psychology, professor, academician of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,

Head of the Department of Depth Psychocorrection and Psychosocial Rehabilitation,

The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy,

81, Shevchenko Boulevard, Cherkasy, Ukraine



The paper presents the approach applied for deep cognition of the psyche in its integrity (the conscious/the unconscious). The functional differences between the spheres of consciousness and the unconscious in terms of their asymmetry have been discovered. The use of the complementarity principle borrowed from quantum physics has been substantiated. Particular attention is paid to the method of active psychosocial cognition (APSC), which is characterised by following “the phenomenon of the psyche” with orientation at reviving respondent’s self - preservation instinct, which is the basic and unequalled motivator for personality changes. Introduction of the complementarity principle predetermines the unity of the issue of providing people with proper aid and the tasks of scientific cognition of the phenomenon of the psychic.


archetype, deep cognition (correction), development, integrity of the psyche (the conscious/the unconscious), complementarity principle (inherence of the spheres of consciousness and the unconscious, principle based on the unconscious), APSC method, the conscious, the unconscious.




1.Andrushchenko, V. P., & Yatsenko, T. S. (2012). Filosofsko-psykholohichni problemy metodolohii piznannia psykhiky [Philosophic and psychological issues of the methodology of cognition of the psyche].Psykholohiia i suspilstvo: ukrainskyi

teoretyko-metodolohichnyi sotsiohumanitarnyi chasopys – Psychology and society: Ukrainian theoretical and methodological socio-humanitarian chronicle, 3,3-77[in Ukrainian].

2.Kiryanov, D. (n.d.). Dopolnitelnost i problemy sovremennogo dialoga nauki i bogosloviya [Complemen-tarity and issues of contemporary dialogue of science and theology]. Retrieved from: [in Russian].

3.Sheroziya, A. Ye. (1978). Dialektika, printsip dopolnitelnosti i problema poznaniya psikhologicheskoy tselostnosti: k neklassicheski orientirovannoy strategii nauchnogo eksperimenta v psikhologii [Dialectics, com-plementarity principle and the problem of knowing psy-chological integrity: towards non-classically oriented strategy of scientific experiment in psychology].

Bessoz-natelnoe –The unconscious, 3,751–788.F. V. Bassin, A. S. Prangishvili, A. Ye. Sheroziya (Eds.). Tbilisi: Metsniereba [in Russian].

4.Yatsenko, T. S., & Gluzman, A. V. (2015). Metodologiya glubinno-korrektsionnoy podgotovki psikhologa [Methodology of depth correctional preparation of a psychologist]. Dnepropetrovsk: Innovatsiya [in Russian].

Anastasiia Bazylenko. Psychological Training of Students’ Social Activities: the Content and Effectiveness of its Use in the Educational Process of Universities.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 16-23. Odessa.

Anastasiia Bazylenko, 

post-graduate student, 

Department of Psychology, 

“Ukraine” University,

23, Lvivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the statistical analysis and assessment of the results of implementing the program “Psycho-logical training of students’ social activities” into the educational process. As a result of the experiment, the statistically significant positive changes of the levels of social activities in general and the levels of their structural components in particular have been found in the experimental group. The implementation of the psychological training of students’ social activities was based on the systematic development of all social activities components according to the psycho-logical factors of their formation. The number of students with high and medium levels of motivational component of social activities has increased in the experimental group. Besides, the number of students with the high level of value component of social activities has in creased and at the same time, the number of students with the low level of value component of the social activities has decreased. After the experiment it has been found that the number of students with the high level of emotional and volitional component of social activities has increased and at the same time the number of students with its low level has decreased. Also, the number of students with the high level of cognitive and reflexive component of the social activities has increased and at the same time the students with the low level of this component have not been found. Finally, the number of students with the high level of operational component of social activities has increased and the number of students with its low level has decreased. The analysis of the implementation of the author’s program into the educational process of the university demonstrates its effectiveness in increasing the level of students’ social activities.


social activity, students, youth, the components of social activity, development, method, training.




1. Afanasyeva, N. (2008). Metodolohiia sotsialno – psykholohichnoho treninhu [Methodology of the social and psychological training: manual]. 

Kharkiv: UCZU [in Ukrainian].

2. Bazylenko, А. (2012). Structura sotsialnoi aktyvnosti studentskoi molodi [The structure of social activity of student youth]. Molod: osvita, nauka, duchovnist: Теzy dopovidei – Youth: education, science, spirituality: thesis.(pp. 399-401). Кyiv: Universitet «Ukraina» [in Ukrainian].

3. Vachkov, I. (1999). Оsnovy technologii grypovogo treninga [The bases of group training technology]. Мoscow: Izdvo «Оs’-89» [in Russian].

4. Zanyuk, S. (1998). Motyvatsiinyi treninh (yakvchutusia sponukaty sebe ta inshykh do effektyvnoi diialnosti: spetspraktykum z psykholohii motyvatsii) [The motivational training (how to study to induce oneself and others to effective activities: case - study on motivation psychology].

Lutsk: Redaktsiino – vydavnychyi viddil Volyns’koho derzhavnoho universitetuіm. Lesi Ukrainky [in Ukrainian]. Психологія Психология – Psychology "Наука і освіта", No9, 2016 22

5. Коzlоv, N. (1997). Luchshiye psikhologicheskiye igry i uprazhneniya [The best psychological games and exercises]. Еkaterinburg: Izdatel’stvo АRD LTD [in Russian].

6. Lybarska, О. (2001). Formuvanniau studentiv zahalnoliudsk ykh tsinnisnykh orientatsii [Formation of human value orientations in students].

Naukovi pratsi.  Naukovo – metodichnyi zhurnal – Scientific works.  Scientific and methodical journal. (pp. 35-37), (Vol. 12).  Chornomorsk:

Derzhavnyi humanitarnyi universitet im. P. Mogily [in Ukrainian].

7. Simonenko, S. N., Lebedinskiy, E. B. (2011). Aktualnye problemy rekreatsionnoy psikhologii detstva [Topical issues of recreational  sychology of childhood]. Nauka і osvіta. Spetsvipusk: «Aktualnі problem rekreatsіi noi psikholohii dytynstva» – Science and education. Special issue “Topical issues of recreational psychology of childhood”, 11, 6 -7. Odesa [in Russian].

8. Chebykin, O. Ya., Sinielnikova, T. V. (2013). Psykholohichni osnovy treninhovykh tekhnolohii: monohrafiia [Psychological bases of training technologies: monograph]. Odesa : Vydavnytstvo TOV «Leradruk» [in Ukrainian].

9. Gable, S.L., Impett, E.A., Asher, E.R. (2004). To whom do you turn when things go right? The intrapersonal and interpersonal benefits of sharing positive events. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 87, 228-245 [in English].

Oksana Vdovichenko. Correction of Adolescents’ Stressful Conditions at Recreational Institutions.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 23-28. Odessa.

Oksana Vdovichenko, 

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, 

Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology, 

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky,

26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of individual manifestations of risk at different stages of ontogeny. It should be noted that this topic is relevant both in practical application and theoretical aspect, since scientific definitions in the study of risk are often confused. It is adolescence when risk is mostly associated with stress and fear. So, psycho-semantic research was conducted in order to determine the importance of risk in life during the crisis stages of person’s ontogeny. For adolescents the words “stress” and “fear” are close in the meaning, which can be explained by the fact that the educational process is associated with school fears, fears of interpersonal communication and crisis character of relations between adolescents, which in turn causes stress. Words “health”, “sport” and “training” have positive associations in adolescents’ minds, they are united in a sufficiently tight semantic group. Therefore, these three spheres of adolescents’ life – sport, education and health– are similar and interconnected. The words “risk”, “sex”, “rest” and “money” cause the greatest excitement in adolescents, they are considered as so - called “driving forces”. The words “money”, “recreation”, and “game” are highly estimated by adolescents, as these objects are most pleasant and attractive for them. A word - stimulus “danger” has a negative meaning for them and a great exciting force, as well as “training”. Thus, it is important to organize the work with adolescents to adjust their stress states at recreational institutions, since their staying there itse lf causes great excitement in them, which in turn leads to the feeling of stress and tension. A special training course aimed at the correction of stressful conditions in adolescents has been developed. It consists of 5 sessions; each session lasts for 1 h 15 min. The course takes into consideration age peculiarities and a place of residence (recreational facilities) of the surveyed. Our further studies will involve the discussion of the results of the developed course aimed at the correction of adolescents’ stress states.


risk, risk process, the risk of identity in adolescents, stress, correction of stressful conditions, training.




 1. Vdovichenko, O.V. (2014). Elementy vozniknoveniya riskovannogo deystviya [Elements of emergence of a risky action]. Vіsnik KhNPU іmenі G.S.Skovorod y. Psikhologіya–Bulletin of HNPU of named after G. Skovoroda. Psychology, 47, 23-33 [in Ukrainian].

2. Kottrell, S. (2015). Uspeshnaya ucheba v vuze: samye vazhnye navyki studenta [Successful studying at a higher education institution: the most important skills of a student]. Moscow: Eksmo [in Russian].

3. Symonenko, S.N., Lebedynskyi, E. V. (2011). Aktualnye problem rekreatsionnoy psikhologyy detstva [Relevant issues of child recreation psychology]. Nauka i osvita. Spetsvypusk: «Aktualni problemy rekreatsiinoi psykholohii dytynstva» –Science and education. Special issue “Relevant issues of child recreation psychology”, 11,6-7. Odesa [in Ukrainian].

4. Chebykin, O. Ya. (2009). Problemy emotsiinoi rehuliatsii diialnosti [Issues of activities emotional regulation]. Mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf. «Stanovlennia emotsiinoi zrilosti osobystosti – Proceedings of international scientific conference “Formation of personality’s emotional maturity”. Odesa [in Ukrainian].

Olena Vlasova, Nataliia Vinnik. Development of Personal Integrity of Secondary School Students by Means of School Museum Practice.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 29-35. Odessa.

Olena Vlasova,

Doctor of Psychology, professor,

Head of the Department of Developmental Psychology,

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,

60, Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine

Nataliia Vinnik,

Headmistress of Comprehensive school No. 135,

12b, M. Kotsiubynskoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper presents the analysis of the concepts “personal integrity” and “identity” and specifies genus-species relations between them. The authors use theoretical generalisation to demonstrate that during school time comprehensive personal becoming of a student is based on the development of his/her physical, personal and social identity. At this age, psychological foundation for the formation of social and personal competency, competence in a certain profession is being formed along with ideas about life and individual project of life, mechanisms of supporting psychological well-being and existential understanding of life. Efficiency of these processes is the basis for creating and effective functioning of an integrated personality. In addition, the paper provides theoretical substantiation of the significance of formal and informal socialisation aimed at the formation of a secondary school student’s personality as well as educational socialisation; presents the results of the empirical study of the peculiarities of the formation of secondary school students’ integrated personalities under conditions of their educational socialisation (the specific character of the latter is determined by their work at the school museum of history and literature). As part of investigating general principles of the development of personal identity in ontogeny, the authors represented statistically established links between the formation of identity in secondary school students and their age (class) and progress in studies. In terms of studying the impact of certain educational socialisation conditions on the development of students’ identities, a significant correlation of secondary school students’ museum activities with the development of their general and individual identities, existential capabilities and characteristics of psychological well-being has been demonstrated. Secondary school students’ active museum activities correlate mostly with the indicators of general, personal and social identity as well as general scales of individual well-being and existential capabilities of the surveyed school students. As for physical identity scale, there is the low level of correlation with it. The authors have concluded that museum practice among secondary school students plays an important role in the formation of their general identity and its basic psychological components. This kind of activities acilitates the development of existential capabilities of students (particularly, the capability of self-transcendence and responsibility), increases the general level of their psychological well-being and its basic components: life goals, self-acceptance and personal growth.


Development of an integrated personality, educational socialisation, school museum, identity, existential capabilities.




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2.Vlasova, O. I. (2014). Psykholoho-pedahohichni oriientyry osvitno-profesiinoi sotsializatsii osobystosti [Psychopedagogical orientations of personality’s educational and professional socialisation]. Ya-kontseptsiia Nelli Nychkalo uvymiri profesiinoho rozvytku osobystosti. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats –Self-concept of Nelli Nychkalo in terms of personality’s professional development. Collection of scientific papers.(pp. 165-174). Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

3.Hannusenko, N. I. (1990). Proektuvannia shkilnoi muzeinoi ekspozytsii [The designing of school museum exhibition area]. Zaluchennia uchnivskoi molodi do vyvchennia i zberezhennia pamiatok ictorii ta kultury ridnoho kraiu–Engaging school students in studying and preserving historical and cultural landmarks of their native country.(pp. 23-30). Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

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