(2016) Science and education, 8, 79-84. Odessa.
Vladimir Klinov,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Training,
Sergey Blotskiy,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
dean of faculty of Physical Culture,
Mozyr state pedagogical university named after I.P. Shamyakin,
28, Studencheskaya Str., Mozyr, Belarus
The sphere of free time and leisure has always been a subject of scientific interest. Leisure is traditionally one of the most important spheres of young people’s activity. The importance of the issue of young people’s leisure time is explained by the fact that the younger generation, according to the sociocultural requirements, spends free time communicating in companies, groups of peers where a unique youth subculture influencing the formation of their personality is formed. Due to the fact that negative manifestations in the sphere of leisure in many respects are caused by its poor organization, there is a need of defining the ways of youth’s leisure time adjustment. The article is aimed at defining the essence of the axiological component of rural senior school students’ leisure culture. This component is expressed in positive and axiological attitude towards one’s free time, readiness for participating in socially important kinds of activities contributing to self-realization of personality’s internal creative potential. In order to determine the maturity level of senior school students’ axiological component the experiment involving 80 senior school student studying at rural schools of Kalynkovych region has been carried out. As the result of the experiment it has been revealed that their values in the field of leisure culture are insufficiently developed and need to be adjusted. In order to contribute to the effective formation of the axiological component of leisure culture the following kinds of activities have been implemented: educational; cultural, sports and mass (competitions, sports contests); sports and recreational (sports and improving holidays, sports and recreational tourism); game (outdoor games). As the result of the carried out work the level of axiological component maturity of most surveyed has increased. The experiment has helped them understand the importance of leisure culture in their life, as well as appreciate their free time.
leisure, senior school students, culture of leisure, value, free time, rural school.
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