Natalia Lishchyna. Correlation between Coping Strategies and Role Crisis.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 70-76. Odessa.

Natalia Lishchyna,
post-graduate student,
Department of General and Differential Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, FontanskaDoroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of personality’s role crisis, which is considered as a transition period in one’s life associated with the exchange of personality’s roles. It is always accompanied by the destruction of one’s adaptive, barrier function, the loss of usual behaviour patterns and inability to create the new ones. The following roles have been analyzed: “Child”, “Mother / Father”, “Wife / Spouse”, “Professional”, “Woman / Man”, “Adult”. The review of the scientific literature has revealed three levels of psychological regulation (cognitive, affective and behavioural) influencing both the success/failure of performing a role by an individual and role crisis formation. Special attention in the article is focused on the behavioural component. The study is aimed at examining the correlation between the coping strategies and role crisis. The following methods were used: the original diagnostic test questionnaire “Propensity to role crisis” by I. Brynza, N. Lishchyna and method “Coping scale” by E. Freidenberg, R. Lewis (adopted by T. Kriukova). The experiment involved 241 respondents aged from 18 to 56 years. The data obtained by means of the correlation analysis have made it possible to find the correlation ratio between all parameters studied. Among the women experiencing role crisis, the greatest number of correlations has been found with the following coping strategies: “belonging”, “self-reproach”, “the inability to abstract oneself”, “the inability to cope”. There were no correlations with the strategy “active leisure”. In case of men’s crisis, there were correlations with the following coping strategies: “the inability to cope”, “active leisure”. There were no correlations with the strategy “belief in miracles” and with the productive style. There is a great difference between the results of women’s and men’s variants. These facts confirm the importance of coping strategies in emotional experience caused by the role crisis.


personality, socio-psychological roles, life roles, coping strategies, role crisis.




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Marianna Skoromna, Oleksii Chebykin. Review of the basic structural components of future teachers’ feelings culture.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 77-86. Odessa.

Marianna Skoromna,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), lecturer,
Oleksii Chebykin,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
academician of the National academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The paper presents the review of theoretical studies of the basic components of future teachers’ feelings culture, which are individually motivational, cognitive and activity, and reflexively estimative. The detailed psychological characteristics of the distinguished components in terms of their relevance for teacher’s work and professional training is introduced. Besides, it has been found that feelings culture is determined by personal qualities and capabilities of a future teacher as well as conditions of their formation in the course of living and mastering the profession. In the course of training, the formation of the above-mentioned components is facilitated by creating favourable psychological climate in a student group, integration of subjects relating to socio-humanitarian and psycho-pedagogical cycles; simulation of special emotive situations in training and education process.


future teachers’ feelings culture, art of teaching, teacher’s work, emotional intelligence.




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Dmytro Voropaiev. Practical Means Aimed at Improving the Psychophysiological State of Adoles-cents.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 86-92. Odessa.

Dmytro Voropaiev,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
Sumy State University,
Rymskoho-Korsakova Str. 2, Sumy, Ukraine



Adolescents’ organism is actively involved in the perception and analysis of information, especially in terms of the lack of time or information or information overload. Mental and physical capacity is considered to be crucial in adolescents’ activities, accompanied by some mental stress, which results in changes in the autonomic systems. The article is aimed at describing the means, methods and tools focused on the improvement and correction of psychophysiological states in case of abnormalities in order to contribute to the stable efficient activity in terms of studying at educational institutions. The technique of improving the adolescents’ psychophysiological state included the following measures: autogenic training, art therapy, hygienic morning exercises, finger exercises, nervous and muscle relaxing, respiratory gymnastics. The experimental study involved the organization of a special training aimed at improving adolescents’ psychophysiological state. At the final stage of the experiment the efficiency test has been performed. The control group involved 24 adolescents characterized by “low” and “partition” levels of psychophysiological state. After finishing the optimization measures program the surveyed were characterized by positive changes of the integral index of psychophysiological state as well as the improvement of memory properties and mental capacity. It has been found that the main age peculiarities of adolescents are the incompleteness of psychophysiological functions formation and the high respond to all inductive stimuli. These requires the closer attention to the process of improving the psychophysiological state and psychophysiological adaptation of adolescents studying at educational institutions. 


psychophysiological status, optimization, functional capabilities, teenagers, general experimental




1. Zavadska, T. V. (2004). Optymizatsiia diialnosti vchyteliv z urakhuvanniam pokaznykiv neirodynamiky [Optimization of teachers’ activities considering the indicators of neurodynamics]. Visnyk Kyivskoho mizhnarodnoho universytetu: Psykhologhichni nauky – Bulletin of Kyiv international university: psychological sciences, 5, 21-29 [in Ukrainian].
2. Ilin, E. P. (1981). Metodicheskie ukazaniia k praktikumu po psikhofiziologii (ekspress-metody pri izuchenii svoistv nervnoi sistemy) – Methodical recommendations in Psychophysiology (express-methods in studying the properties of the nervous system). Leningrad: Leningradskiy ped. in-t [in Russian].
3. Karpukhina, A. M. (1990). Psikhologicheskie i psikhofiziologicheskie puti povysheniya effektivnosti deyatelnosti [Psychological and psychophysiological ways of increasing the efficiency of activities]. Kyiv : Znania [in Ukrainian].
4. Fillipov, M. M. (2006). Psikhofiziologiya funktsіonalnykh sostoianiy [Psychophysiology of functional states]. Kyiv: MAUP [in Ukrainian].

Marharyta Derhach. Cyber-Addiction of Students Majoring in Computer Science.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 92-98. Odessa.

Marharyta Derhach,
Doctor of Pedagogy,
associate professor, Department of Psychology,
Zaporizhzhia National Technical University,
64, Zhukovskogo Str., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine



Today computer is considered not only as a tool of work, but leisure and entertainment, it has firmly entrenched in people's lives. However, the widespread introduction of computer technologies in all aspects of society has not only positive but also negative influence on a personality, as it creates additional risks to its mental and psychological health, causing complex forms of addiction. The article is aimed at theoretical substantiation and experimental investigation of cyber-addiction syndrome among students majoring in computer science. Research methods include: the review and interpretation of scientific literature in the field of cyber-addiction; questionnaires, psychological diagnosis of respondents, methods of mathematical processing of the data using the Mann-Whitney test. Basing on the fact that the Internet addiction is a particular manifestation of cyber-addiction, the following ideas are treated as basic to identify the peculiarities of the formation of possible cyber-addiction among students of computer specialties: age, features of occupation in the system “man-machine”, that automatically actualize the risks of cyber-addiction – long work on the computer, the lack of direct contact, free access to the virtual space with uncontrolled content, professional need of immersion into cyber-space with an objective opportunity to go through all the stages of cyber-addiction formation. As a result of the experimental research it has been found that motivation for professional choice is the factor of prestige and economic security for the majority of students. Most of the students spend a lot of time with computers, herewith they do not experience any psychosomatic problems and may regulate the desire to deal with a PC. The use of test and diagnostic techniques has shown that the majority of the students are common PC users; the data concerning their age have been statistically significant: the younger the students are, the more important is the interaction with the cyber-space for them. The further studies involve examining the issue of social perception of this category of students.


computer, cyber-addiction, Internet addiction, students, students majoring in computer science.




1.Vintiuk, Y. (2010). Uzalezhnennia vid kompiutera: formuvannia i mozhlyvosti protydii [Dependence on computers: development and possibilities of resistance]. Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetu – Bulletin of Lviv university, 13, 215–226 [in Ukrainian].
2.Golovin, S. Yu. (1997). Slovar prakticheskogo psikhologa [The disctionary of practical psychologist]. Minsk: Kharvest [in Russian].
3.Isakova, T. O. (2011). Internet-zalezhnist yak novyi fenomen suchasnoho svitu: sutnist i problemy [Internet addiction as a new phenomenon of the modern world: the nature and problems]. Kyiv: NISD [in Ukrainian].
4.Yurieva, L. N., & Bolbot, T. Yu. (2006). Kompyuternaya zavisimost: formirovanie, diagnostika, korrektsiya i profilaktika [Computer addiction: formation, diagnostics, correction and prevention]. Dnepropetrovsk: Porogi [in Russian].
5.Yang, K. (2009). Internet-zavisimost vchera i segodnya [Internet addiction yesterday and today]. Internet-zavisimost: psikhologicheskaya priroda i dinamika razvitiya – Internet addiction: psychological nature and dynamics of development, (pp. 251-273) [in Russian].

Mariia Kanibolotska. Theoretical Grounds of Studying Social Networks in the Context of Socio-Psychological Support of Educational Innovations.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 99-105. Odessa.

Mariia Kanibolotska,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
researcher of the Institute of Social and Political Psychology,
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
15, Andrііvska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The field of education nowadays is being in the center of transformational processes. The proper maintenance of educational innovations can be ensured by taking into consideration public opinion, as well as investigation of the attitude of stakeholders (teachers, parents, students) towards these innovations. Transformational processes are carried out through information technology that actualizes the examination of its role and prospects of usage in the context of educational realities. New technologies of the formation and consolidation of public opinion, particularly social networks as a socio-psychological technology that supports educational innovations are examined in the article. Due to the fact that the issue of network technology in the educational system is not sufficiently studied, the aim of the article is to review the foreign and native experience of promotion and socio-psychological support of educational innovations by means of social networks. The results of the research show that modern channels of information are more effective than traditional ones in terms of having greater impact on public opinion through public involvement in the assessment of social events, as well as making socially important decisions. Among the benefits of using social media as a tool for the promotion of educational innovations are the following: the availability and the opportunity to spread information quickly to the community, to influence the perception of the image of reforms and the attitude towards them, to actualize the interactive side of the communication between stakeholders and beneficiaries in real time, to improve the degree of involvement of citizens in the process of educational innovation and to promote horizontal communication between educators and governmental authorities. Basing on theoretical analysis of foreign and native experience of social networks usage in the context of educational innovation it has been determined that such characteristics as dialog, social support, sense of community and belonging, control of the situation, the effect of emotional contagion are decisive in the understanding of social networks as technology of social-psychological support of educational innovations. 


education, educational innovations, information technologies, socio-psychological support, social networks, networking technologies.




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