Liliia Kobylnik, Yuliia Khomula. Psychological Peculiarities of Axiological Attitudes of Senior School Students in Ethnocultural Environment.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 5-11. Odessa.

Liliia Kobylnik,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology,
Yuliia Khomula,
4 th year student,
Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Hetmanska
Str., 20, Melitopol, Ukraine



The article deals with the experimental studying of psychological peculiarities of senior school students’ axiological attitudes in ethnocultural environment. The experiment involved 30 students of senior grades. Having analyzed the results of the method “Types of ethical identity” it has been revealed that the dominant type (28%) is a positive one – the combination of positive attitude towards one’s nation and towards other nationalities. Ethnic indifference, which means ethnical identity “diffusion”, expressed in the uncertain ethnic attitude, is manifested in 21,3% of students. Ethnic fanaticism, which means being ready to do anything for the sake of ethic interests is expressed in 17% of the surveyed. 13,5% of the respondents are characterized by the ethnic egoism – they feel anxious and irritated when communicating with the representatives of other ethnic groups; ethnic isolation (national supremacy) is expressed in 11,7% of students. 7,5% of the surveyed have manifested marks of ethnic negativism, which means ignoring one's own national belonging. According to the research results obtained with the help of the method “Values” (by M. Rokych) the dominant terminal values in the students’ life are health, pleasure, the main groups of values are concrete (31,2%) and abstract (31,5%). The main instrumental values are politeness, cheerfulness, fairness, carefulness, independency, etc. The main groups of values are communication values (15,5%), business (16,6%) and values of self-esteem (17,7%). This, the research results have shown that in order to form axiological attitudes in senior school students one should gradually widen and deepen their beliefs about values in different areas of life


аaxiological attitudes, values, senior school age, ethnocultural environment.




1.Artiukhova, Yu. V. (2003). Tsinnosti i vykhovannia [Values and education]. Pedahohika – Pedagogy, 4, 117-121 [in Ukrainian].
2.Bekh, I. D. (2001). Dukhovni tsinnosti v rozvytku osobystosti [Moral values in the personality’s development]. Pedahohika i psykholohiia – pedagogy and psychology, 1, 124-129 [in Ukrainian].
3.Vashkevych V. M. (2013). Tsinnisno-svitohliadni nastanovy molodi v umovakh sotsialno-istorychnykh transformatsii [Value and worldview attitudes of youth in Психологія – Психология – Psychology "Наука і освіта", №7, 2016 10 terms of socio-historical transformations]. Hileia: naukovyi visnyk – Hylea: scientific bulletin, 73, 205-209 [in Ukrainian].
4.Karpenko Z. S. (1999). Psykholohichni osnovy aksiohenezu osobystosti [Psychological foundations of personality axiogenesis]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis. Kyiv: NPU im. M. P. Drahomanova [in Ukrainian].
5.Kipriianova, Ye. V. (2003). Doslidzhennia tsinnisnykh oriientatsii starshoklasnykiv ta upravlinnia sotsializatsiieiu osobystosti [Studying the value orientations of senior school students and personality socialization management]. Sotsiolohiia v shkoli – School sociology, 2, 50-52 [in Ukrainian].
6.Ollport, H. V. (2008). Osobystist v psykholohii [Personality in psychology]. Moscow: Yuventa [in Ukrainian].
7.Semenov, V. Ye. (2007). Tsinnisni oriientatsii suchasnoi molodi [Modern yuth’s value orientations]. Sotsiolohichni doslidzhennia – Sociological studies, 4, 37-43. [in Ukrainian].
8. Soldatova, G. U. (2008). Psikhologiya mezhetnicheskoy napryazhennosti [Psychology of interethnic tension]. Moscow: Smysl [in Russian].
9. Khmelev, E. (2001). Issledovanie tsennostnykh orientatsiy uchashchikhsya srednikh i starshikh klassov [Studying value orientations of school students]. Vospitanie shkolnikov – Education of school students, 8, 10-13 [in Russian].
10. Cherkesova, P. S. (2013). Etnokulturnaya sreda kak uslovie vospitaniya sotsialnoy kompetentnosti podrostkov [Ethnocultural environment as a condition for the development of adolescents’ social competency]. Vestnik Sotsialno-pedagogicheskogo instituta – Bulletin of Socio-pedagogical institute, 1(6), 7-16 [in Russian]. Л

Ruslana Bilous, Aliona Bielova. Psychological Features of Social Intelligence in Adolescence.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 11-15. Odessa.

Ruslana Bilous,
Candidate of Psychological sciences,
Docent of Department of Psychology, Pedagogical science and Philosophy,
Aliona Bielova,
4 th year student majoring in Psychology,
Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University,
20, Pershotravneva Str., Kremenchuk, Ukraine



One of the topical issues in modern psychology is the problem of social intelligence. The article deals with the views of many foreign and domestic scientists concerning the definition of the concept of social intelligence, the basic components and structure of social intelligence, especially the development of this phenomenon in adolescence. The methods of studying the components of social intelligence are described. The comparison of characteristics of social intelligence of students and pupils majoring in different areas of disciplines has been performed. The study was carried out in November, 2015 and involved first- and second-year students of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University and pupils of vocational school №26 (34 students and 31 pupils). The following methods were used: test “Social Intelligence” by J. Guilford; method «Determining the level of perceptive and nonverbal competence» by T. Rosen; technique «indicator coping strategies» by D. Amirkhan; technique «lifestyle index» by R. Plutchik. As the result of the experiment it has been found out that the students majoring in humanities have a higher level of social intelligence compared to the students majoring in technical areas. Both the students and the pupils have a medium level of perceptive and nonverbal competence. Both groups of the surveyed prefer to solve problems on their own or to seek the social support, but tend to avoid difficulties. Therefore, in early adolescence the main protection mechanisms for pupils are projection and denial, and intellectualization is peculiar for students. The prospects for the further studies in this direction involve examining the peculiarities of social intelligence in Internet-addicted young people as well as developing the training programme aimed at the formation of senior students’ social intelligence.


modern society, innovation, communication, non-verbal representation, social adaptation, social intelligence..




1. Ananiev, B. G. (1974). K psikhofiziologii studencheskogo vozrasta [The psychophysiology of student age]. Sovremennye psikhologo-pedagogicheskie problemy vysshey shkoly – Modern psychological-pedagogical problems in higher education, 2, 3-15 [in Russian].
2. Kunitsyna, V. N., Kazarinova, N. V., Pogolsha, V. M. (2003). Mezhlichnostnoe obshchenie: uchebnik dlya vuzov [Interpersonal communication: textbook for students]. Saint Petersburg: Piter [in Russian].
3. Liakhovets, L. O. (2015). Vikovi osoblyvosti sotsialnoho intelektu [Age peculiarities of social intelligence]. Visnyk Chernihivskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni T. H. Shevchenka – Bulletin of Chernihiv national pedagogical University of T. G. Shevchenko, 126, 102-106 [in Ukrainian].
4. Liakhovets, L. O. Sotsialnyi intelekt: poniattia, funktsii, struktura [Social intelligence: concept, functions, structure]. Visnyk Chernihivskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni T. H. Shevchenka – Bulletin of Chernihiv national pedagogical University of T. G. Shevchenko, 114, 128-134 [in Ukrainian].
5. Mikhaylova, E. S. (2007). Sotsialnyi intellekt. Kontseptsii, modeli, diagnostika [Social intelligence. Concepts, models, diagnostics]. Saint Petersburg [in Russian].

Daria Kyslynska. Structural Features of Individual Life Values of Future Law Enforcement Officers in Different Spheres of Life.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 15-20

Daria Kyslynska,
post-graduate student,
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs,
Lev Landau avenue, 27. Kharkiv, Ukraine



Professional formation as a process of personal development of law enforcement officers includes several aspects, one of which is the sphere of personality values and senses. Considering the value orientations as a system of certain rules, adopted by group consciousness, most scientists point out that values settle into really effective motives and sources of meaningfulness of being and are the regulators of personal development. As a mechanism of personal growth and self-development, they develop and represent a dynamic system. Value orientations form the basis of consciousness and influence its development. Professional values are the basis, which regulates the working process. Quality of work depends on that how the system of valuable regulators directs the behavior of an individual. Therefore, studying features of the development and formation of the valuable regulators of behavior of future law enforcement officers is relevant and promising. Using I. G. Senin’s question- naire of terminal values made it possible to diagnose the significance of the two basis constructs – the terminal values and vital spheres of the future law enforcement officers; to analyze the structure and hierarchy of life values in different areas: professional, educational, in spheres of domesticity, social life and individual interests. Basing on the research results it has been found that spiritual values and the values of preserving one’s own identity were dominant in the group of 1st year stu- dents. It reflects the trust of their personality to the disclosure of their potential and to getting pleasure from the process of activity. In the group of 2nd year students the most important values are the values of achieving a high financial position and activity in social contacts. In the group of 3rd year students the most important values are self-development and achieving high financial status, i.e. students tend to achieving goals and obtaining financial reward for their work.


value orientations, life values, the vital sphere, professional values, the future law enforcement officers




1. Panchuk, N. P. (2013). Tsinnisni oriientatsii yak systemoutvoriuiuchyi faktor sotsialno aktyvnoi pozytsi maibutnoho fakhivtsia [Value orientations as forming factor of socially active attitude of a future professional]. Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii – Problems of modern psychology, 21, 542-551 [in Ukrainian].
2. Voytko, V. I. (1982). Psykholohichnyi slovnyk [Psyhcological dictionary]. Kyiv: Vyshcha shkola [in Ukrainian].
3. Senin, I. G. (1998). Razrabotka modifitsirovannogo varianta «Oprosnika terminalnykh tsennostey» [Develop- ment of modified edition of “Terminal values Question- naire”]. Psikhologiya i praktika – Psychology and practice, (Vols. 4), 2, 287-288. Yaroslavl [in Russian].

Andrii Tatianchykov. Dynamic Factors of Adaptation of Adolescents Moving to Secondary School.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 20-25. Odessa.

Andrii Tatianchykov,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Logopedics and Special Psychology,
Donbass State Pedagogical University,
19, G. Batiuk Str., Sloviansk,Ukraine



One of the most critical stages of schooling is moving from primary to lower secondary school. The difficulties accompanying this period are mainly caused by the new forms and content of education, new schoolteachers teaching different subjects, various methods of subject material presentation and new demands to schoolchildren, age changes in the child’s development – the beginning of adolescence. Therefore, the problem of schoolchildren’s adaptation to new conditions of the educational process is topical and serious and, as a consequence, the need for providing specially organized work aimed at the correction and development of factors influencing this process arises. The aim of the article is to study the structure of the adaptation process of adolescents moving to secondary school; the impact of the identified factors on the success of their adaptation. The following methods were used in the study: theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction, classification, induction, deduction); empirical methods (questionnaires, tests); methods of mathematical and statistical data (correlation and factor analysis). Basing on literature review it has been found that the adjustment to the secondary school by pupils is considered as an adaptation to the new conditions of learning and qualitatively new level of communication, the development of certain stereotypes, which help them to overcome difficulties and successfully master the educational activity. The carried out empirical research has shown that one of the factors influencing the schoolchildren’ successful adaptation in this period is the level of the maturity of their basic mental operations. Some significant correlations between the indices of adaptation and the level of school-children’s mental operations development have been found. The following factors determine the adaptation structure of fourth and fifth graders: intellectual, emotional, social factors, and self-esteem. The intellectual factor, which includes all mental operations and properties of thinking, is much more important than the others, and its significance is especially enhanced in the fifth grade. The emotional factor involves anxiety and emotional attitude towards school. In the fifth form, the significance of this factor is greatly reduced. The social factor and the factor of “self-esteem” are less important both for fourth and fifth graders.


psychological adaptation, secondary school, adaptation process, factors of adaptation, adaptation indicators, adolescence.




1. Grigorieva, M. V. (2005). Sravnitelnyy analiz mehanizmov i faktorov shkolnoy adaptatsii v raznykh usloviyakh obucheniya [Comparative analysis of mechanisms and factors of adaptation in different education conditions]. Candidate’s thesis. Saratov [in Russian].
2. Dmitrieva, S. V. (2005). Osobennosti psikhologicheskoy adaptatsii uchashhihsya k usloviyam obucheniya pri perehode v srednyuyu shkolu [Peculiarities of psychological adaptation of students to the educational conditions]. Candidate’s thesis. Moscow [in Russian].
3. Litvinenko, N. V. (2009). Adaptatsiya shkolnikov v kriticheskie periody razvitiya k obrazovatelnoy srede [Adaptation of school students in critical periods of the development to the educational environment]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Samara [in Russian].
4. Opanasiuk, H. (2009). Perebih adaptatsii v ditei 1, 5 klasiv [The course of adaptation of children of 1-5 forms]. Psykholoh – The psychologist, 3-4, 10-11 [in Ukrainian].
5. Tatianchykov, A. O. (2013). Formuvannia rozumovykh operatsii yak zasib adaptatsii pidlitkiv do navchannia v osnovnii shkoli [Forming mental operations as a means for adolescents’ adaptation to studying at general school]. Candidate’sthesis. Sloviansk: DDPU [in Ukrainian].
6. Chebykin, O. Ya., Ignatenko, I. V. (2000). Osobennosti razvitiya emotsionalnoy ustoychivosti u detey raznogo vozrasta [Peculiarities of emotional stability development of children of different age]. Nauka і osvіta – Science and education, (18-20 pp) [in Russian].
7. Chebykin A. Ya., Shevchuk N. N. (2001). Issledovanie sformirovannosti samoregulyatsii u podrostkov [Studying adolescents’ self-regulation maturity]. Nauka і osvіta – Science and education, 6, 75-76 [in Russian].

Natalia Kryvtsova. Professional Preferences and Psychological Features of Information Resources Researcher’s Personali-ty.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 26-39. Odessa.

Natalia Kryvtsova,
post-graduate student, Department of Philosophy and Bioethics,
Odesa National Medical University,
2, Valikhovsky lane, Odesa, Ukraine



The article presents the results of the theoretical and empirical study of the individual typological features of Information Resources researcher’s personality. The study was aimed at examining the role of occupational preferences and interest in research in the development of professional identity and self-realization, as well as their impact on the type of implementation of various innovative features and professional development in the context of research work at the university. The study involved 187 students of Odessa National Medical University, for who the intensity of the research component in the structure of professional identity was the important condition for professional success. The correlation analysis of interrelationships between the indicators of formal and dynamic, social and imperative as well as personal levels in the structure of professional identity among respondents with various levels of differentiation of professional preferences, different attitude towards the research activity and significance of the research component in the structure of professional identity has been performed. The research results show that the maturity of the research component in the structure of professional identity becomes a significant factor in productive innovation activity, contributes to the choice of constructive forms of innovative potential implementation and is a prerequisite for personal and professional development of researchers. The further study is aimed at examining the criteria for assessing the level of professional competence of a researcher in terms of analyzing the problems of formation and self-realization of a researcher’s personality


a personality of a researcher, self-organization, professional competence, self-realization, the innovative potential of a personality.




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