(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 44-49. Odessa.
Olha Tsarkova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, Department of Psychology,
Olesia Prokofieva,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, Department of Psychology,
Olha Prokofieva,
senior lecturer, Department of Human and Animal Anatomy and Physiology,
Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi,
20, Lenina Str., Melitipol, Ukraine,
The paper presents the results of the empirical study conducted with the aim of determining the level of emotional burnout among students-psychologists and professional psychologists. Harmful effect of emotional burnout syndrome on human health is described. The study has shown that 30% of professional psychologists demonstrated high level of emotional burnout and among 30% of them the level of emotional burnout was higher than average. As for studentspsychologists, 10% of them are characterized by high level of emotional burnout.
emotional burnout syndrome, students-psychologists, professional psychologists, stress, emotional burnout symptoms.
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