Tetiana Kostiuchenko. Essence of Ideologically-Motivational Component in Structure of Future Social Pedagogues’ Health-Saving Competence.

(2015) Science and education, 9, 112-117. Odessa.


Tetiana Kostiuchenko,
postgraduate student,
Department of Social Pedagogy, Psychology and Pedagogical Innovations,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
39, Oleksandra Nevskoho Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



The essence and structure of health-saving competence is considered on the basis of reviewing a number of scientific sources in the direction of the contemporary issues of future social pedagogues’ training. The concept of ―health-saving competence‖ is described by comparing notions of ―competence‖, ―health‖, and ―health protection‖. Health is considered as one of the most important human values and is characterized as a personal property, aimed at preserving physical, social, mental and spiritual health. Health-saving competence of social pedagogues is considered as an integral characteristic of a personality, which helps to implement individual and social requirements and demands, to act under specific circumstances, to carry out certain tasks concerning one’s own and others’ health. It helps to organize a healthy lifestyle in physical, social, mental and spiritual and work spheres. The main criterion of this competence is the state of optimal correspondence and harmony between physical, mental and social aspects of human life. The formation of this competence covers a range of physical, mental and social skills (competencies), which promote a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle is a life system, which is characterized by unity and expediency of its structural components. The processes of self-organization and self-discipline increase adaptive organism abilities, promote regulating its inner resources and abilities in vital, sociocultural and professional development. Responsibility for one’s health in future social pedagogues is forming as a part of competence development and manifests itself in the complex of positive attitudes, developing means and techniques of health protection. Ideologically-motivational component reflects the personally-valuable aspect of health protection and defines health as a result of self-cognition, because state of health defines all aspects of human life and worldview


competence, health, health protection, health-saving competence, structure of health-saving competence, component, criterion.  




1. Velykyi tlumachnyi slovnyk suchasnoi ukrajinskoi movy [The big dictionary of the modern Ukrainian language]. (2004) Kyiv: Perun [in Ukrainian].
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Olena Kudriavtseva. Pedagogical Conditions of Efficient Organization of Future Preschool Teachers’ Extracurricular Self-Study

(2015) Science and education, 9, 118-125. Odessa.


Olena Kudriavtseva,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Preschool Education,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
1, Nishchynskoho Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



 The article deals with peculiarities of influence of interactive technologies on the formation of future teachers’ communicative culture. The most productive periods of forming future teachers’ communicative culture have been revealed. The review of contemporary researches on the identified problem regarding the definitions of “communicative culture”, “communicative competence”, their features and functions has been carried out. The number of skills that should be obtained by students in the training process has been defined. The place of interactive technologies in the process of formation of future teachers’ communicative culture, peculiarities of their implementation in the teaching process have been determined. The concept of “future teachers’ communicative culture” is a multi-component personal feature. It is worth noting that its formation is a dynamic, complex and manageable process. Communicative culture is considered as a constituent (component) of professional and pedagogical culture of a teacher, and therefore, it is identified with professional and pedagogical communication. Consequently, the level of communicative culture is defined as the level of the development of oral communicative competence and speech, sociolinguistic competence, and also the ability of self-education. Interactive technologies are very important for the formation of future teachers’ communicative competence, because they contribute to the formation, development and self-improvement of future pedagogues, reveal their creative potential and natural abilities. Implementation of interactive technologies in the educational process will teach future teachers to use and improve new forms, methods and means of work, to form skills of interactive communication. An important condition of implementing interactive technologies is consistency, because students must be prepared for ising any of the above mentioned training techniques. Thus, the essence of interactive training is an active involvement of all students into the educational process under the condition of constant active interaction of all its participants, where each subject of the training process is an equal participant. The implementation of interactive technologies (snowball, brainstorming, microphone, range of ideas, work in small groups, position taking, press method, aquarium method, travelling, tree of solutions, role-playing, etc.) helps to solve different problematic issues, situations, and to model them.


 interactive technologies, interactive training, communicative culture, communicative competence, future teachers’ communicative culture, formation of future teachers’ communicative culture.




1. Derzhavnyi standart pochatkovoi zahalnoi osvity [State standard of primary education]. Retrieved from: http://www.mon.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].
2. Heykhman, L. K. (2003). Interaktivnoe obuchenye obshcheniyu kak model mezhkulturnoy kommunykatsiy [Interactive teaching communication as a model of intercultural communication]. Vestnyk Moskovskogo unyversiteta, ser. 19 Lingvistika i mezhkulturnaya kommunikatsiya – Newsletter of Moscow university, series 19 Linguistics and intercultural communication, 3, 138-147 [in Russian].
3. Sadova, V. V. (2000). Formuvannya komunikatyvnoi kultury vchyteliv pochatkovykh klasiv u protsesi metodychnoi roboty [Formation of communicative culture of primary school teachers in the process of methodical work]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis. Kharkiv [in Ukrainian]. 

Nataliia Melnyk. Training Preschool Teachers in France: General Characteristics. (2)

(2015) Science and education, 9,131-138. Odessa.


Nataliia Melnyk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Preschool Education,
Pedagogical Institute, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,
18/2, Davydova boulevard, Kyiv, Ukraine  



 The article is focused on the forms, methods and means of forming preschool teachers’ professional competence in higher education in France. The conceptual features of the notion of “professional competence of preschool teachers” and its semantic meaning in the works of European researchers of training future specialists of preschool education and in the works of domestic comparativists are reviewed. In the article peculiarities of pre-school education in France before and after 1989 are described. According to the new system, it was expected that the groups of 5-year-old children who graduate from “mother schools” join the classes of children of the first and second years of primary schools. According to the new division, preschool education was included in the basic cycle of studying. It has been determined how the restructuring of preschool and primary education systems in 1991-92 influenced professional training of specialists. The restructuring of preschool and primary education systems implies that preschool and primary school teachers should be trained primarily at universities during five years’ time. Nowadays, no matter where future teachers will work, at “mother schools” or primary schools, their training lasts for five years at pedagogical universities. Graduates who have obtained a degree in preschool and primary education have the right to choose their place of employment – “mother schools” or primary schools; they can change their places of employment depending on professional growth. Moreover, preschool teachers have an opportunity to become head teachers, resource teachers, school counselors, school inspectors, secondary school or university teachers, in case they successfully pass internal professional competence examinations. It was concluded that professional training of future preschool teachers in France is characterized by the organized system of educational process at universities and integrated implementation of further training and professional development which provide high-quality preschool education in the country


training preschool education specialists, the system of education of future preschool teachers, conceptual principles of training preschool teachers. 





1. Belenka, H. V. (2011). Formuvannia profesiinoi kompetentnosti suchasnoho vykhovatelia doshkilnoho navchalnoho zakladu [Formation of professional competence of modern preschool teacher]. Kyiv: Universytet [in Ukrainian].
2. Melnyk, N. I. (2015). Formuvannia profesiinoi kompetentnosti fakhivtsiv doshkilnoi osvity u konteksti intehratsii v yevropeiskyi osvitnii prostir [Formation of professional competence of preschool education experts in the context of integration into the European educational space]. Pidhotovka maibutnikh vykhovateliv do roboty z ditmy doshkilnoho viku: kompetentnisnyi pidkhid – Future preschool teachers training to work with preschool children: a competency-based approach. H. V. Belenka, O. A. Polovina (Eds). Uman: VPC «Vizavi» [in Ukrainian].
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9. Quels sont grands corps Etat (2008). Retrieved from: http://www.vie-publique.fr/decouverteinstitutions/institutions/administration/acteurs/quels-sontgrands-corps-etat.html [in French].
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Tetiana Pavliuk. Training Future Preschool Teachers for Applying Multimedia Training Tools in Their Work

(2015) Science and education, 9,143-147. Odessa.


Tetiana Pavliuk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology
(Preschool and Special),
Rivne State Humanitarian University,
12, S. Bandera Str., Rivne, Ukraine



 The problem of training future preschool teachers to apply multimedia training tools in their work is of great relevance. In regulatory and legal framework, the need for applying multimedia training tools in educational process, including preschool education, is emphasized. The modern information-oriented society wants preschool faculty graduates to meet the following requirements: to have knowledge, abilities and skills of applying multimedia tools for both improving their own information competency and for forming information competency of preschool children. The scientists investigating the above mentioned problem have concluded that the priority task of higher educational institutions is to train a specialist, who is able to combine technological novelty with traditional training system at preschool educational institutions. Multimedia training tools are a part of a child’s life; they are of great importance in educational process intensification and in motivation to learning. Modern educators use the only multimedia tool, a computer. However, future preschool teachers should know how to apply other tools. Multimedia training tools make it possible to organize preschool child’s independent work, to control his/her actions. Moreover, child’s interest in learning is increasing, as long as the same material can be represented in different ways. Any material is perceived better, if more analyzers are involved. Multimedia training tools allow preschool teachers to affect different sense organs. Making a child involved in a game and providing didactic aid in the form of educational material with pictures and diagrams, the teacher can control his/her actions because the child is interested. It was concluded that training preschool teachers to apply multimedia in their work is at early stage of its development. Some training courses emerge (for example, “Computer-aided technologies in working with children”), which will make teachers able to use technical training tools. Thus, training future teachers to apply multimedia training tools in modern conditions is becoming more and more effective and in future will be able to meet the needs of information-oriented society.


multimedia, training tools, computer, training, training future preschool teachers, preschool child, preschool educational institution. 





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Olha Padalkа. Theoretical Principles of Forming Top-Priority Pedagogical Values in Professional and Pedagogical Training of Preschool Teachers

(2015) Science and education, 9.- 147-151. Odessa.


Olha Padalkа,
senior lecturer, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology (Preschool and Special),
Rivne State Humanitarian University,
12, S. Bandery Str., Rivne, Ukraine



 he needs of information-oriented society.


values, top-priority pedagogical values, future preschool teacher. 





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