Muza Viievska Modern Professionals’ Social Responsibility as Basis of Their Productive Activity

(2015) Science and education, 9, 19-24. Odessa.


Lesia Varha,
lecturer, Department of English Philology and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages,
Mukachevo Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute,
59, Yana Komenskoho Str., Mukachevo, Ukraine 



  the formation of social responsibility as a professional and personal property of future managers-economists, the level of which defines the productivity of their work. It is conditioned by the following aspects: international tendencies and aspiration of the Ukrainian society to meet European requirements for business operations; ethic explanation of economic freedom of rational subjects; need for social capital and tools of its management; the necessity of the development and implementation of socially-oriented projects and programs, performance of social compliance audit, etc. The above mentioned factors toughen the requirements for teaching students at higher educational institutions, and, first of all, future experts in the field of Organization Management. Manager’s social responsibility is considered as an integral quality, which determines his/her behavior and activity on the basis of realization and acceptance of rules and values of an organization, readiness of an expert to act according to the accepted rules and the ability to estimate the consequences and results of the performed acts. This quality is behavior for the sake of an organization, agreed upon with society interests, social safety net. The results of the conducted survey of students, who study at Kryvyi Rih National University at the Faculty of Economics, are presented. Future economists were suggested to choose qualities of a socially responsible worker, which should be formed and developed in the process of professional training at a university. Some data about students’ activity at classes, their participating in different projects and group work are presented. Some examples of students’ irresponsible attitude towards studying are given. The research results have revealed some disadvantages of the educational work of higher educational institutions. Educational system reviewing and reorienting at professional direction will allow to structure the system of civil professional education and to create necessary prerequisites of productive social professional activity on the basis of certain educational subjects. The departments staff of higher educational institutions should conduct special educational events, for example: “Student’s responsibility: where to start?”, “Socially responsible professional: what is he like?”, “Socially responsible organizations of our city”, “Steal for Kryvbass” in order to increase the level of student’s social responsibility as the prerequisite of their productive professional activity


 professional training, social responsibility, teaching future managers-economists at higher educational institutions, social responsibility, irresponsible behavior, activity of students, civil education.




1. Baranovskaya, L.A. & Ignatov, N.A (2011) Otvetstvennost – cherta sotsialnogo haraktera lichnosti Responsibility is a trait of personality’s social character . Vestnik MGOU. Seriya «Pedagogika» – Newsletter of MSRU. “Pedagogy”, 3, 25-29 in Russian .
2. Baranovskaya, L. A. (2012). Formyrovaniye sotsyalnoy otvetstvennosti studenta v sotsiokulturnom obrazovatelnom prostranstve Forming student’s social responsibility in sociocultural educational space . Candidate’s thesis. Chyta: COU VPO in Russian .
3. Ghladysheva, I. A. (2006). Pedaghoghycheskye usloviya vospitaniya sotsialnoy otvetstvennosti u studentov negosudarstvennogo vuza Pedagogical conditions of social responsibility education in private university students . Candidate’s thesis. Kostroma: COU VPO in Russian .
4. Gulevskaya, A. F. (2010). Pedagogicheskie usloviya formirovaniya sotsialnoy otvetstvennosti studentov ekonomicheskikh spetsialnostey Pedagogical conditions of social responsibility formation in students-economists . Candidate’s thesis. Komsomolsk-na-Amure: COU in Russian .
5. Dzhavakhydze, L. B. (2012). Modeli formirovaniya sotsyalnoy otvetstvennosti starsheklassnykov pri izuchenii ekonomiki Model of social responsibility formation in senior pupils in studying economics . Vestnyk MGhOU. Seriya «Pedagogika» – Newsletter of of MSRU. “Pedagogy”, 2, 11- 16 in Russian .
6. Saprykina, M. A .& Saiensus, M. A.& Zinchenko, A. Gh.& Redkina, O. S. (Ed). (2011). Korporatyvna sotsialna vidpovidalnist: modeli ta upravlinska praktyka: posibnyk Corporate social responsibility: models and administrative practice . Kiev: Fabovanyi lyst in Ukrainian .
7. Kochetova, I. D. (2011). Pedagogicheskie usloviya razvitiya sotsialnoy otvetstvennosti u studentov vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy Pedagogical conditions of students’ social responsibility development at higher educational establishments . Candidate’s thesis. Habarovsk: COU VPO in Russian .
8. Kryvosheeva, O. R. (2007). Formyrovanye sotsialnoy otvetstvennosti studentov fizkulturnogo vuza Social responsibility formation in students of higher Physical educational institutions . Candidate’s thesis. Omsk: COU VPO in Russian .
9. Krylov, L. V. (2010). Pedagogicheskie usloviya vospitaniya sotsialnoy otvetstvennosti u studentov universiteta Pedagogical conditions of fostering social responsibility in university students . Candidate’s thesis. Kostroma: COU VPO in Russian .
10. Kolot, A. M. (2012). Sotsialna vidpovidalnist: teoriya i praktika rozvytku: monoghrafiya Social responsibility: theory and practice of development: monograph . Kiev: KNEU in Ukrainian .
11. Yakovleva, O. Gh. (2011). Pedagogicheskie usloviya razvitiya sotsialnoy otvetstvennosti u obuchayushhikhsya v vuzakh gosudarstvennoy protivopozharnoy sluzhby MChS Rossii Pedagogical conditions of social responsibility development in students at higher educational institutions of government fire-prevention service of MES of Russia . Candidate’s thesis. Sankt-Peterburgh: COU VPO in Russian .
12. Yachina, N. P. & Khuzyakhmetov, A. N. (2014). Formyrovanie tvorcheskoy sotsialno otvetstvennoy lichnosti Forming creative socially responsible personality . Obrazovanie i samorazvytie – Education and selfdevelopment, 3(41), 133-136 in Russian .
13. Guidance on social responsibility, ISO/FDIS 26000. Retrieved from: _detail.htm?csnumber=42546 [in English]. 

Anna Baliuk. Peculiarities of Preparing Future Master Degree Students Majoring inHumanities for Research Activities Organization

(2015) Science and education, 9, 7-11. Odessa.


Anna Baliuk,
degree-seeking student, Department of Pedagogy,
lecturer of the Department of Western and Eastern languages and Methods of their Teaching,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



One of the main tasks of Master degree students is the formation of their research skills and creativity. The development of research competences is oriented at obtaining skills in exploratory and search activities, creative solving of educational tasks, forming skills of using research methods and techniques for applying in practice while studying and working in the field of education. Research activity of future masters is considered as the work focused on theoretical search for information, analysis and processing of data aimed at revealing main rules and laws, conducting empirical researches oriented at defying common factors; summing up and making conclusions on the basis of the carried out research. In a broader sense this kind of activity is considered as general work designed to increase the level of theoretical knowledge, to form research skills, to obtain professional competences. Master is an academic degree obtained on the basis of Bachelor or Specialist academic level. It is worth noting that research activities of Master degree students differ from those kinds of educational work, which was performed by students before, first of all, by the  level of complexity and scientific character. To obtain research skills master degree students should perform different types of research activities not only at classes, but also at home. Thus, students’ research work involves their self-study. Master’s thesis is considered to be the highest and most difficult form of research activities of students obtaining Master degree. It is worth noting that every Master degree student has to write a scientific article basing on the results of the carried out research, presented in the text of master’s thesis, and to publish it in a specialized academic journal. Besides, they should take part in scientific conferences in order to expand their professional horizons, obtain skills of scientific discourse and join the scientific space. In order to achieve these goals they learn how to prepare theses, abstracts, acquire their own style of public speech. Besides, having a good command of the English language is one of the most important skills for Master degree students, because a great deal of important and useful information is posted on the websites or is presented in libraries in the original and is rarely translated into Ukrainian. 


future masters, humanities, research activities, scientific article, master’s thesis. 




1. Berko, A. Yu, Burov, Ye. V., Veres, O. M., Katrenko, A. V., Kravets, P. O., Nikolskyi, Yu. V. (et al). (2010). Orhanizatsiia naukovykh doslidzhen, napysannia ta zakhyst mahisterskoi dysertatsii: navchalnyi posibnyk [Organization of researches, writing and defending master dissertation: textbook]. Lviv: «Novyi Svit – 2000» [in Ukrainian].
2. Bosenko, A. I., Verzhykhovska, O. M., Havrylov, O. V., Hurskyi, V. A. (2014). Naukovo-doslidna diialnist v haluzi osvity: navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk [Research activities in higher education: textbook]. Ptakhtii, P. D. (Ed). Kamianets-Podilskyi: PP «Medobory-2006» [in Ukrainian].
3. Zakon Ukrainy «Pro vyshchu osvitu» pryiniatyi 01.07.2014 №1556-VII [Law of Ukraine on higher education from July 1 2014, №1556-VII. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].
4. Sombamaniya, G. M. (2010). Formuvannia 10 naukovo-doslidnytskoi kultury maibutnikh mahistriv v umovakh stupenevoi osvity: avtoref. dys. na zdobuttia nauk. stupenia kand. ped. nauk [Formation of Scientific Research Culture of Future Masters of Arts in the Process of Step-by-Step Education.]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Yalta [in Ukrainian].

Buzdugan O. A. Formation of personal and professional qualities of future preschool teachers for pedagogical interaction with parents

(2015) Science and education, 9, 11-15. Odessa.


Olena Buzdugan,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Family and Special Pedagogy and Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



 The article is devoted to research of a problem of personal and professional qualities formation of future preschool teachers for implementation of pedagogical interaction with parents. The necessity of improving the content and the teacher's work forms in this direction in the process of professional training of future preschool teachers is considered. Different authors’ views on the issue of personal and professionally important qualities formation of future preschool teachers to implementation of pedagogical interaction with parents are submitted. It is emphasized that in future pre-school teachers preparation to pedagogical interaction with parents, personal and professional qualities are of particular importance, because their preparedness for pedagogical interaction with parents is a decisive indicator of their further successful professional and pedagogical activity in this direction.


personal qualities, professional qualities, future preschool teachers, pedagogical interaction, parents. 




 1. Popkov, V. A., & Korzhuyev, A. V. (2004). Teoriya i praktika vysshego professionalnogo obrazovaniya [Theory and practice of higher education]. Moscow: Akademicheskiy prospekt [in Russian].
2. Ziaziun, I. A., Kramushchenko, L. V., Kryvonos, I. F., & Myroshnyk O. H. (2004). Pedahohichna maisternist [Pedagogical skills]. (2nd ed., rev.). Moscow: Vyshcha shk. [in Ukrainian].
3. Ponimanska, T. I. (2004). Pidhotovka pedahohichnykh kadriv dlia systemy doshkilnoi osvity [Preparing teachers for preschool education]. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
4. Podlasyi, I. P. (2003). Pedagogika: Novyiy kurs [Pedagogiy: New course]. Moscow: VLADOS [in Russian].
5. Slastenin, V. A., Isaev, I. F., & Shiyanov, Ye. N. (2004). Pedagogika. [Pedagogy]. Moscow: «Akademiya» [in Russian].

Oksana Voitovych. Emotional Culture in Professional Training of Future Preschool Teachers.

(2015) Science and education, 9, 25-29. Odessa.


Oksana Voitovych,
lecturer, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy
(preschool and correctional),
Rivne State Humanitarian University,
29a, Ostafova Str., Rivne, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of preschool teachers’ emotional culture formation as an important component of developing students’ readiness for professional activity. The meaning of the concepts of “emotional culture”, “components of emotional culture”, “pedagogical culture of a teacher” is interpreted. The main attention is focused on the features of teachers’ training. The formation of future teachers’ emotional culture plays the special role in this process. Emotional state of an educator often reflects in his/her pupils’ mood, that is why it is necessary to develop emotional culture among other properties of general culture of a preschool teacher. According to the author, the formation of emotional culture is a component of teachers’ pedagogical activity and includes the system of their knowledge and skills. As the development of emotional culture cannot be formed on its own and does not depend on the pedagogical experience, the author offers to form students’ emotional culture in the process of their professional training. In order to implement such a system of educational activity organization, which would stimulate the development of manifestation features of every component of emotional culture, a specialized course “Students’ emotional culture formation” has been developed and approbated. The course includes eight interconnected lessons, which are presented as an integral system, and are oriented at the development of future preschool teachers’ emotional culture, in particular, the following its components: motivational, intellectual and operational, communicational, emotional and volitional. Special attention should be focused on students’ efforts and abilities, motivating them to self-development. Lessons within the course are oriented at the development of own emotional state reflection among students.


 future preschool teacher’s emotional culture, components of emotional culture, professional training of future preschool teachers, preschool teacher’s pedagogical culture.




1. Andreeva, Y. N. (2006). Emotsionalnyy intellekt: issledovaniya fenomena [Emotional intelligence: study of the phenomenon]. Voprosy Psikhologii – Issues of Psychology, 3, 78-86 [in Russian].
2. Annienkova, I. P. (2000). Emotsiina kultura vchytelia [Emotional culture of a teacher]. Moralnodukhovnyi rozvytok osobystosti v suchasnykh umovakh (Teoretyko-metodychni problemy vykhovannia ditei ta uchnivskoi molodi) - Moral and spiritual development of individual in modern conditions (Theoretical and methodological problems of education of children and youth), 2, 318–323. Kyiv [in Ukranian]
3. Bohinich, O. L. (2008). Shliakhy vdoskonalennia systemy pidhotovky fakhivtsiv doshkilnoi osvity [Ways of improving the training system of preschool education]. E-zhurnal Pedahohichna nauka: istoriia, teoriia, praktyka, tendentsii rozvytku – e-Journal of Educational Science: history, theory, practice and trends, 1. Retrieved from: [in Ukranian].
4. Mytyna, L. M., Asmakovets , E. S. (2001). Emotsionalnaya gibkost uchitelya [Emotional flexibility of a teacher]. Moscow: Filinta [in Russian]. 5. Spyryn, L. F. (1994). Pedagogika resheniya uchebno-vospitatelnykh zadach [Pedagogy of solving educational problems]. Kostroma: KHU [in Russian]. 

Iryna Drozdova. Interactive Methods of Teaching Languages at Non-Philological Higher Educational Institu-tions

(2015) Science and education, 9, 40-45. Odessa.


Iryna Drozdova, 
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), professor,
Department of Natural and Scientific Disciplines,
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University,
25, Petrovskoho Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine.



 The article deals with methodological bases of interactive methods organization and implementation in language teaching at higher non-philological educational institutions. The structure and typology of business and role-playing games as a form of teaching students to communicate in Ukrainian and other foreign languages are presented. Among widely used interactive methods business and role-playing games are the most popular ones. They are used to solve complex problems of new material mastering, to develop creative skills, as well as to form general training skills in students. One of the main functions of role-playing games is educational, because a game determines the choice of language means, promotes the development of language skills and knowledge, allows to simulate students’ communication in different speech situations. In this aspect role-playing games perform a motivational function. An educational function of role-playing games helps to provide discipline, mutual help, activity, independence, ability to defend one’s point of view, to take the initiative, to find the best solution of a problem under certain conditions, etc. A game focuses students on planning of their own and their interlocutor’s verbal behavior; it develops the ability to control one’s own actions and to give an objective assessment to other people’s deeds. The compensatory function shows how to solve the contradiction between the need for action and the inability of students to carry out the task. Pupils and students want to communicate and role-play gives them the opportunity to realize this aspiration. Such games are especially important for first-year students, who study at academies and universities with a great number of training funds: buildings, distant classrooms, computer labs etc.; during one day first-year students have an opportunity to meet all their groupmates and get acquainted. In the process of teaching both the Ukrainian language (within the course “Ukrainian language (for the professional direction)”) and foreign languages business games are used to provide students’ personal cognitive activity at high school. The prospects of implementing business and role-playing games into the educational and extracurricular process are an important factor for attracting students to independent acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as developing their cognitive activity, and forming creative personality in students of higher technical educational institutions.


interactive methods of teaching, business and role-playing games, role-play functions, business games organization, student-tutors.




1. Gabrusevich, S. A., Zorina, G. A. (1989). Ot delovoy igry – k professionalnomu Interesu [From business game to professional interest]. Minsk: Universitetskoe [in Russian].
2. Dychkivska, I. M. (2004). Innovatsiini pedahohichni tekhnolohii [Innovative educational technologies]. Kyiv: Akademvydav [in Ukrainian].
3. Elkonin, D. B. (1971). K probleme periodizatsii psihicheskogo razvitiya v detskom vozraste [On the prob- Педагогіка – Педагогика – Pedagogy "Наука і освіта", №9, 2015 44 lem of periodization of mental development in children]. Voprosyi psihologii – Issues of Psychology, 4, 3-12 [in Russian].
4. Pentylyuk, M. I., Karaman, S. O., Karaman, O. V., Horoshkina, O. M., Bakum, Z. P., Barakhtyan, M. M. ( (Eds.). (2004). Metodyka navchannya ukrayinskoi movy v serednikh osvitnikh zakladakh [Methods of teaching Ukrainian in secondary educational institutions]. Kyiv: Lenvit [in Ukrainian].
5. Livingstoun, K. (1988). Rolevye igry v obuchenii inostrannym yazykam. [Role playing in teaching foreign languages]. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola [in Russian].
6. Sliepkan, Z. I. (2005). Naukovi zasady pedahohichnoho protsesu u vyshchiy shkoli : Navch.posib. [Scientific principles of educational process in higher education: textbook]. Kyiv: Vyshcha shkola [in Ukrainian]. 7. MCCaslin, N. (1984) Creative Drama in the Classroom. New York. [in English]. 




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