(2024) Science and education, 3, 38-45. Odessa.
Raisa Martynova,
Corresponding member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Professor at the Department of Western and Oriental Languages and Methods of their Teaching,
The state institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7201-4247
The aim of the presented article is to carry out an objective scientific characterization of the conscious and practical method of teaching foreign languages introduced by Russian methodologists in order to understand the reasons for the inability of the Ukrainian youth to contact their peers from the leading countries of the world, to use their experience of personal development during the 60–80s of the 20th century. The conducted research made it possible to come to the following conclusions: 1. The unlawful psychological foundations of the conscious-and-practical method were the following: the assertion that person's thinking depends on the language of his communication; violation of the postulate of activation of the entire analyzer system for awareness and memorization of the material under study; lack of motivation to learn a foreign language due to the impossibility of its practical use. 2. The principles of the conscious-and-practical method were the following: the oral basis of teaching; study of vocabulary in ready-made sentences, which excluded their conscious use in one's own speech; the study of grammar based on the use of integral grammatical structures, which slowed down the understanding of grammatical operations for the implementation of independent normative speech; teaching how to read on the basis of the material previously studied in the oral form that brought not to reading but to guessing words by their graphic signs, excluding writing activity from the teaching process made it difficult to master the material under study. 3. The advantages of the conscious-and-practical method were only in the point that the students from the beginning of their studies enjoyed the simplified form of educational activities with gaming, singing and homework absence. The disadvantages consisted in: the choice of unsubstantiated psychological foundations of students’ education in a non-linguistic environment; analogical methods of teaching both native and foreign languages; denial of the use of comparison of foreign language phenomena with similar content in the native language; lack of connection between the material under study and the material previously studied; allowing the accumulation of the material which was not mastered completely and the increase of inability to use speech skills in all types of speech activity. 4. In Passov’s communicative method, some shortcomings of the conscious-and-practical method were taken into account and corrected. The following steps were done: the denial of the possibility of learning a foreign language as a native one – through listening and imitating foreign language speech; the transformation of the intuitive study of vocabulary into a communicative one – foreign language interpretation of the meanings of lexical units; the change of the structural study of grammatical speech patterns into an explanatory study of grammatical phenomena and their use in speech in relation to the previously studied ones; the change of thematic speech into the speech of current interest which was conditioned by spontaneously arising circumstances. However, lack of well-trained language skills before use of language material in real speech; lack of understanding the linguistic phenomena; requirement to read non-adapted texts without sufficient reading of adapted ones; insufficient attention to teaching the written speech – brought to the violation of psychological, linguistic and didactic principles of foreign language teaching.
conscious-and-practical method, oral-and-auditory method, communicative method, foreign languages, 60–80-s years of the 20th century.
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