(2024) Science and education, 3, 114-128. Odessa.

Anatolii V. Furman,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor,
Professor at the Psychology and Social Work Department
West Ukrainian National University,
11, Lvivska Str., Ternopil, Ukraine,

Anatolii A. Furman,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor,
Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Humanities
National University «Odesa Polytechnic»,
1, Shevchenko Ave., Odesa, Ukraine,

Oksana Furman,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor,
Professor at the Psychology and Social Work Department
West Ukrainian National University,
11, Lvivska Str., Ternopil, Ukraine,



The goal of the interdisciplinary search is to argue for four basic groups of sources-foundations of the emergence in the quarter-century-old intellectual discourse of Ukraine the axiological personality psychology, which is analyzed on the basis of a five-module set of lenses-modules of post-non-classically oriented methodological optics, and the main task ‒ to present the author's interpretation of the goal, object and subject of this latest philosophical and psychological direction of the evolution of psychosophical knowledge. The object of the study is a human chosen as a person in his ontogenetic environment ‒ in the formation of the axiopsychic as a distinctive, value-intentioned and meaningfully enriched sphere of axio-essentiality, spheres of here-being and situationally fluid existence throughout the life path of an individual. The subject of research is a value-meaning sphere that contains a complex developmental picture of axiogenesis, constitutes a separate unique world of axiopsychic and essentially characterizes its level of conscious maturity. As a result of the reflexive analysis: a) proven heuristics of creating a metatheory of individual in the near future, which would not only integrate the latest multi-subject achievements (theories, concepts, approaches, concepts-images, etc.) in the field of personology, but also produce a number of full-fledged paradigmatic-research maps of cognition/creation as the main supertask of a human; b) four groups of the sources-foundations of axiopsychology as the primary author's megaproject of the Ukrainian researcher Z.S. Karpenko have been defined: cultural-historical origins, psychodynamic foundations, phenomenological-conscious beginnings and action-reflexive basis; c) innovatively completed and at the same time detailed according to the principle of logical and meaningful complementarity of the goal, object and subject field of axiological psychology, which are methodologically verified canonical parameters of this synthetic discipline as a postmodern oriented field of rational-humanitarian knowledge; d) the basic provisions of the author's concept of understanding and knowledge of the value-meaning sphere of the personal world of an effective worker in the socionomic field are outlined.


human, personality, value, axiogenesis, value-meaning sphere, axiological psychology (axiopsychology), methodological optics, meaning-life sphere, personology, category «personality», consciousness, disposition, existence, hereexistence, psycho-spiritual world, transcendence, problematic dialogue.



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