(2024) Science and education, 1, 7-12. Odessa.

Olena Bielova,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Speech
Therapy and Special Methods,
Kamianets-Podіlskyi National University named after Ivan Ohiienko,
St. 61 Ohiienko, Kamianets-Podіlskyi, Ukraine,
ORCID http://orcid.org/ 0000-0001-6162-4106
Scopus Author ID: 57217044658
Researcher ID: AAG-8468-2021



The scientific publication presents a theoretical and experimental comparative analysis of the development of speech activity of older preschool children with speech disorders. The purpose of the study: study of the dynamics of the development of speech activity in older preschool children with logopathology after educational and developmental influence. The research methods are: theoretical − analysis of scientific sources to solve the problem; empirical − the use of diagnostic (conversation, observation, method of tasks (educational, game, research during which children with speech disorders learn speaking and listening), method of analysis, comparison), formative (game, verbal, exercises, etc.) and variable-statistical (quantitative and qualitative) methods. Research results. Educational and developmental work on the formation of speech activity of older preschool children with speech disorders took place at propaedeutic-thorough, variable-sequential, and speech-active stages. A comparative analysis of the research materials of ascertaining and formative experiments showed positive changes in the development of speech activity in children with logopathology. Justified educational and development work aimed at the formation of speech activity, allowed to hang a high level, developing children's speech competence. In particular, the ability to start and maintain a conversation, to logically and constructively express one's own opinion, to use language knowledge and skills during cooperation with peers in game conditions and with adults in the learning process. The determined data indicated that the respondents had sufficiently developed the ability to understand the speech of their peers and adults. A negative deviation of the medium and low level was also observed, which confirms the dynamics of the growth of speech activity indicators.


speech activity, dialogic speech, monologic speech, speaking, listening, children of older preschool age, impaired speech development, speech pathology.



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5. Bielova, O., & Konopliasta, S. (2023а). Description of kinesthetic and kinetic motor praxis in older preschool children with logopathology. Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports. 27(5), 386–395. https://doi.org/10.15561/26649837.2 023.0505
6. Bielova, O., & Konopliasta, S. (2023b). Functionality of oral and articulatory praxis in older preschool children with logopathology. CHILD`S HEALTH. 18(6). Р.410–416. https:// doi.org/10.22141/2224-0551.18.6.2023.1627
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