(2023) Science and education, 4, 28-35. Odessa.

Tetianа Yasynska,
Senior Teacher at the Department of Translation and Theoretical
and Applied Linguistics
PhD student of the Department of Pedagogy
The State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
34, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4761-1709



This study deals with the problems related to preparing translators and training apropriate competencies according to the needs of the language services market. The relevance of the study is due the need to make changes to the educational programs for training professional translators with the development of the translation services market. The methodological bases for writing the article were the works of many scientists in the field of translation. Based on the analysis of national and European standards from the translation and interpreting and the needs of employers, the necessary competencies and requirements were identified. Also, the educational programs of higher educational institutions were analyzed and a number of inconsistencies were identified between the needs of the current language services market and the content of educational programs. The paper suggests theoretical and practical perspectives and directions for future research.


translation services, language services market, translators and interpreters training, translator requirements, professional training of translators.



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(2023) Science and education, 4, 23-27. Odessa.

Liliya Shkolyar,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”,
37, Beresteiskyi ave., Kyiv, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8087-7125

Nataliia Byrsa,
Master at the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Sociology and Law,
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
37, Beresteiskyi ave., Kyiv, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0009-0005-5956-9976



The work is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the professional training of social work specialists in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. In particular, the challenges that arise in connection with the military conflict are considered, the current situation and possible strategies for adapting educational programs to modern conditions are analyzed. The role of psychological training and practical activities of social work specialists is studied. The authors emphasize the need to amend legislation, modernize educational programs and professional standards, taking into account the specifics of work in the conditions of a military conflict. New approaches are aimed at developing the ability to resist stress, restore one’s mental, physical and emotional state, adapt to life in extreme conditions, as well as take into account the specifics of social work in wartime conditions. The work indicates the importance of combining traditional methods with modern digital technologies for effective training of social work specialists. It was emphasized that the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine prepared a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On the approval of the list of fields of knowledge and specialties for which higher education candidates are trained”, which proposed the unification of the fields of social work and medicine, which is just in time. This list is structurally and quantitatively similar to the fields defined by the International Standard Classification of Education. The specialty “Social work and counseling” is now included in the field of knowledge “Health care and social security” and has clearly defined corresponding detailed fields according to the International Standard Classification of Education, among which: 0921 Care of the elderly and of disabled adults elderly and adults with disabilities), 0922 Child care and youth services, 0923 Social work and counseling. The need for changes in legislation, educational programs and professional standards to take into account the specifics of work in the conditions of a military conflict is highlighted. Updates in the educational programs for social work specialists include improving psychological adaptation and taking into account the peculiarities of social work in the conditions of martial law. New approaches are aimed at developing resistance to stress and adaptation to extreme conditions, as well as taking into account the specifics of work in war conditions. In the context of martial law in Ukraine, updates in educational programs for social work professionals include increasing psychological adaptation, strengthening stress management skills, and psychological resilience. In addition, emphasis is placed on taking into account the specifics of the military conflict in the training of specialists and the practice of social work, including psychosocial support and security in crisis conditions.


social work, professional training, martial law, psychosocial support, renewal of educational programs.



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(2023) Science and education, 4, 17-22. Odessa.

Olena Murashchenko,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Zaporizhia Classical Lyceum of the Zaporizhia City Council of the Zaporizhia region,
23, Leonid Zhabotinsky str., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5887-1752



The article examines the current state of development of Ukrainian society and identifies the needs for innovative approaches in the educational process of younger schoolchildren. The purpose of the article is to study the essence and structure of innovative pedagogical activity of future primary school teachers in view of its successful implementation in the educational process of primary school. The research is based on the methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization, comparison and generalization of the presented material. The main emphasis is aimed at studying the definition of the concepts «activity», «innovative activity», «innovative pedagogical activity» in scientific publications. The article examines in detail the role of the informational component in the structure of innovative pedagogical activity of primary school teachers and emphasizes the importance of preparing future primary school teachers for innovative activities in higher education institutions. The role of information activity, which includes several interrelated processes, namely, the search and obtaining of professionally significant information, its analysis and classification, the use of the obtained materials in pedagogical and innovative activities, and the creation of new information, is highlighted. As a result of the conducted research, the innovative pedagogical activity of future primary school teachers is considered as a unique type of pedagogical activity, the main goal of which is to create optimal conditions for ensuring high quality professional education, development of key competencies and cross-cutting skills in younger schoolchildren, as well as updating pedagogical theory and practice. The highlighted aspects of the research can serve as a basis for further work in this direction, contributing to the development of a modern system of training highly qualified primary school teachers.


activity, innovative activity, innovative pedagogical activity, future primary school teachers, younger schoolchildren.



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(2023) Science and education, 4, 10-16. Odessa.

Raisa Martynova,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Corresponding member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
Professor at the Department of Western and Oriental Languages and Methods of their Teaching,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska str., Odesa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7201-4247



One of the main laws of dialectics – the law of ‘denial-denial’ indicates that any novelty is effective if it excludes old, no longer relevant knowledge, but absorbs its present elements and synthesizes them with modern factors connected with society and personality development. According to this fact, an effective method of teaching foreign languages can be the one that uses the most appropriate methodical actions taken from ancient teaching methods and synthesizes them with the latest ones determined by the order of modern society. Therefore, the presented study touches on the problem of the first international methods of teaching foreign languages, the rejection of their irrelevant elements and the determination of those methods that are appropriate to be used in modern educational conditions. In the research the following conclusions were made. 1. The historical prerequisites for the formation of Greek as the first international language were the following: Greek special position within the Byzantine Empire in the IV-XIII centuries and its usage in all countries of the Mediterranean, which were supposed to maintain trade relations among themselves. The peculiarities of learning Greek were: 1) intuitive, which took place in an oral form based on the perception of the language of the clergy and imitation of the words and sentences which were heard; 2) conscious, which meant speaking on the basis of the study of the linguistic structure of the language. 2. The historical reasons for the formation of Latin as the second (next) interstate language were the following: the conquest of the Byzantine Empire by the Christ-bearers in the 13th century and its division into several principalities, among which Latin principality was dominant until the 16th century; the development of its contacts with Western European states. The Latin language educational process embraced four stages: 1) teaching the alphabet, writing letters, mastering the basics of grammar; 2) formation of reading and writing skills and development of the ability to translate texts into the students’ native language; 3) teaching how to understand by ear the sentences with complex grammatical phenomena; 4) memory development for memorizing set-expressions and texts of classical Latin literature.3. The historical factors of the formation of French as the third (next) interstate language were the following: the French conquest of many lands in southern Europe, namely parts of the colonies of Spain, the Habsburgs, and the Netherlands in the 16th and 17th centuries; and the change of a large part of the Christian religion into the Protestant one. The methods of teaching French at that time were: 1) ‘governess method’ for individual learning; 2) ‘synthetic-deductive method’ for mass education. 4. The continuity of the methods of teaching Greek, Latin and French languages has been determined. It consisted in: 1) the use of Latin alphabet, initiated by the Greek enlightened clergy; 2) intuitive language mastering by the representatives of trade centers; 3) analytical study of foreign languages; 4) memorization of set expressions.


history of the development of foreign language teaching methods, historical prerequisites, first international languages, continuity of methods.



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(2023) Science and education, 4, 3-9. Odessa.

Yulia Bilyk,
Postgraduate Student at the Department of Pedagogy,
Vocational Education and Management of Educational Institutions,
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University,
32, Ostrozkoho str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0195-7117



The introduction of distance learning due to emergency situations (coronavirus pandemic in the world, the introduction of martial law in Ukraine) is subject to many difficulties: technical, organizational, motivational, etc. Motivation for educational activities is an important factor in the success and professional development of an individual. Only a motivated and interested teacher can encourage students to actively participate in the educational process during distance learning as equivalent to traditional learning. Motivation is especially important in the education of younger schoolchildren, who are in the active phase of cognitive and motivational development. This leads to the need for research related to the ways of forming a positive attitude to distance learning among primary school teachers and increasing the motivation to organize distance learning among students of pedagogical specialties. The article is devoted to the study of the attitude to distance learning of future primary school teachers. The essence, structure, factors and types of motivation are described, its importance in the professional formation of future teachers is substantiated. The results of the study of the motivation for distance learning of students majoring in «Elementary Education» of the Communal Institution of Higher Education «Barsky Humanitarian and Pedagogical College named after Mykhailo Hrushevsky» using a questionnaire are described. The survey showed three levels of attitudes towards distance learning: positive (20.3% of respondents), neutral (75.7% of respondents), negative (4.1% of students). The survey results are analyzed, summarized and graphically presented. Recommendations for increasing the level of motivation for distance learning among students of pedagogical institutions of higher education have been formulated, the implementation of which will contribute to increasing the interest of future primary school teachers in the use of distance technologies and the formation of a positive attitude towards distance learning.


distance learning, motivation, primary school, future primary school teachers.



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