(2023) Science and education, 3, 45-54. Odessa.

Nataliia Nesterenko,
Major, Postgraduate Student at the Department of Internal Communications,
National University of Defense of Ukraine,
28, Povitroflotskyi ave., Kyiv, Ukraine,



In this article, the features of the motivational component of management culture among sergeants of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are summarized based on identifying the main factors that stimulate sergeants’ managerial activities. We can conclude that the training contributed to an increase in the motivation of sergeants to overcome difficulties and avoid undesirable outcomes, which can positively impact their work productivity and attitude toward risk. All the changes that occurred can be categorized into components of the management culture according to the research model: motivational component – increased motivation of sergeants to overcome difficulties; increased interest in personal development, indicating a desire for self-actualization; increased interest in interaction with colleagues; emotional-volitional component – reduced extraversion, which may indicate changes in communication approaches; formation of strategies for positive refocusing in complex situations; cognitive component – developed a pragmatic approach to decision-making; improved analytical abilities, changes in perception and understanding of situations, contributing to improved analytical skills; operational (professional) component – improved ability to influence subordinates, increased leadership effectiveness; increased participation in management processes and task structuring; developed key management skills – clarifying goals, interacting with subordinates, and team building; positive shifts in organizational culture, particularly regarding strategic intentions, coordination of actions, and teamwork.


military, motivation, management culture, motivational component, sergeant, Ground Forces, Armed Forces
of Ukraine.



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2. Borysiuk, O.M. (2017). Psykholohichni osoblyvosti rozvytku upravlinskoi kompetentnosti u maibutnikh ofitseriv Natsionalnoi politsii Ukrainy [Psychological features of the development of managerial competence among future officers of the National Police of Ukraine]. Candidate’s thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
3. Barko, V.I. (2004). Teoretyko-psykholohichni zasady upravlinnia personalom orhaniv vnutrishnikh sprav [Theoretical and psychological principles of personnel management of internal affairs bodies]. Candidate’s thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
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(2023) Science and education, 3, 36-44. Odessa.

Myroslav Balashenko,
Postgraduate Student at the Department of Theory and Methodics of Practical Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska str., Odesa, Ukraine,

Oleksiy Chebykin,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor,
Academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska str., Odesa, Ukraine,



The article presents both theoretical and empirical results of a study on the possibilities of constructing a methodology for assessing the state of emotional health. Summarizing existing approaches to understanding the content of emotional health, it is argued that it can be characterized as a specific assessment of the subjective reflection of the functioning of a person’s emotional sphere in various life conditions, which can be experienced on a continuum from positive-comfortable to negative-discomfort states. The paper introduces a constructed methodology that relies on key specific features of emotional health, namely the balance between positive and negative emotions, a sense of well-being, a positive mood, the ability to feel and express one’s emotions and regulate them, maintain satisfaction with life, successfully adapt to changes in the surrounding reality, and have harmony in relationships with others. The latter has allowed the formulation of characteristics of emotional health, considering the degree of manifestation from minimal to maximum values with the possibility of rating from 1 to 5 points in the content of the constructed method of its assessment. The research has shown that the developed methodology is valid, reliable, and can be used in research and other purposes.


health, emotional well-being, characteristics, assessment methodology, individual, validity.



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(2023) Science and education, 3, 30-35. Odessa.

Anatoly Chustrak,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Private Professor at the Department of Gymnastics and Martial Arts,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska str., Odesa, Ukraine,

Petro Todorov,
Associate Professor, Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine,
Private Professor at the Department of Defectology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska str., Odesa, Ukraine,



In order to determine the effectiveness of the use of step aerobics, the article analyzed the changes in the physical development of women aged 19–23 who engage in sports wrestling. Before and after six months of classes, pulse rate (HR), work capacity (PWC-170), length, body weight and circumference: breast, waist and hips of women of experimental and control groups were analyzed. It was established that almost all women in the experimental group after the experiment had heart rate recovery rates after physical exertion approaching the initial level. This was not observed in the control group. The levels of working capacity: above average, medium and high levels (50%, 25% and 20% respectively) in the experimental group and (30%, 52% and 10%, respectively) in the control group. Changes in body length in both groups were unreliable (P>0.05). The average body weight of women in the experimental group decreased by 4 kg (Р<0.001), and the control group by only 1 kg. The chest circumference indicators increased almost equally on average: by 4.2 cm in the experimental and by 4.1cm in the control groups (Р<0.05), which characterizes the development of chest breathing and strengthening of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle. Waist circumference in the experimental group decreased by 4.9 cm (Р<0,001), and in the control group by only 2.2 cm. Hip circumference decreased by an average of 3.5 cm in the experimental group and only by 1.1cm in the control group (P<0.05). So, we can say that step aerobics has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, improves heart function, increases adaptation to physical exertion, improves work capacity, reduces body weight, and contributes to better shaping of the female body.


step aerobics, training, women’s sports wrestling.



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(2023) Science and education, 3, 19-29. Odessa.

Valerii Plisko,
Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Professor,
Professor at the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Methods of Physical Education,
T. Н. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Collegium”,
53, Polubotka str., Chernihiv, Ukraine,

Valentyn Bondarenko,
Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Professor,
Head of the Department of Special Physical Training,
National Academy of Internal Affairs,
1, Solomianska sq., Kyiv, Ukraine,

Rostyslav Radzievskyi,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor,
Acting Chief of Special Department № 1,
Institute of the Department of the State Protection of Ukraine of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
8, Bolbochana str., Kyiv, Ukraine,

Anatolii Bosenko,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences), Professor,
Professor at the Department of Biology and Health Protection,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska str., Odesa, Ukraine



The research is aimed at solving problematic issues that arise in the process of training security specialists, namely, regarding the functions of ensuring the security of persons during their escort. A thorough analysis of modern scientific works indicates a limited number of works aimed at studying the peculiarities of the protection of persons during their escort. The methodology of training specialists is mostly presented without defining specific situational models, and in those developments, where it takes place, it is not verified. Lethal cases of security guards and persons subject to protection actualize the need to study risk factors and require scientific and theoretical justification of security activities in solving problematic critical issues. The developed training method is based on the use of tactical and operational measures to ensure the security of persons. Based on the analysis of the initial data, a number of methods of recognizing suspected persons are proposed, as well as methods of communication between the person subject to protection and the guards; methods of recognizing risk factor signs of a potential and immediate attack; methods of movement, and their variety; various situational models. The results of the pedagogical experiment confirmed higher efficiency of the proposed teaching method comparing to the traditional one. Prospects for further research are to find ways to increase the level of motivation of security guards to perform tasks related to ensuring the security of persons during their escort and motivational self-improvement level of professional training.


specialist in protection activities, quality characteristics, situational tasks, person’s escort.



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(2023) Science and education, 3, 12-18. Odessa.

Iryna Norenko,
Postgraduate Student at the Department of Innovative Technologies in Pedagogy,
Psychology and Social Work,
Alfred Nobel University,
18, Sicheslavska Naberezhna str., Dnipro, Ukraine,



The preparation of psychologists for teaching in the modern educational space is an urgent problem, as it concerns methodological and content-targeted aspects, which are characterised by certain features at the classical level – teaching for students of professional universities and at the professional-targeted level – teaching in the authoring advanced training courses for practicing psychologists. Modern practicing psychologists are actively involved in activities aimed at educating and developing colleagues, as well as specialists in related fields, and therefore act as various kinds of trainers, coaches, supervisors, and educators, which requires the development of their methodological and pedagogical competencies. The article classifies the forms of training future psychologists for teaching: teaching theoretical material; organising and conducting trainings; organising feedback to students; individual counselling of students. It has been determined that the strength of the authoring courses for practical psychologists is the content and practical, which make it possible to form the competences stated in the course objectives at a sufficient level. Instead, the forms of feedback and the forms and processes of assessing the level of acquired competencies of the subjects of training require improvement of psychologists-coaches’ teaching activities. The article defines the principles and rules of the training group: maximum activity, learning here and now, personification of statements, research creative position, partner subject-subject communication, objectification of behaviour, confidentiality. Discussion aspects of improving the teaching activities of practical psychologists are outlined: methodological features of organising information content for the course training of psychologists as a factor in the acquisition of methodological and pedagogical skills by psychological coaches; diversification feedback forms for cadets of authoring programmes; strengthening state control over the licensing of authoring programmes of advanced training for psychologists – considering the imperfections in the practice of objective quality assessment of the competences acquired by cadets.


training of psychologists, teaching activity, practical psychologists, training, authoring programmes.



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