(2023) Science and education, 1, 35-42. Odessa.

Myroslav Balashenko,
PhD student, Department of Theory and Methodics of Practical Psychology,
The State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine

Oleksiy Chebykin,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the NAES of Ukraine,
The State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article presents the results of an empirical study of changes in the emotional health of patients at various stages of ENT disease and the psychological conditions for improving this condition. Emotional health is understood as a specific evaluative subjective reflection of the functioning of well-being sphere of a person, which can be felt in a range from positively comfortable to negatively uncomfortable states in different conditions of life. In acute ENT diseases, due to painful and unpleasant symptoms, most patients assessed their own state of emotional health as relatively uncomfortable or negatively uncomfortable. Psychological manifestations that indicate the state of emotional health are well-being, activity, level of energy or fatigue, elation or depression of mood. The sensation of pain, heart rate and breathing rate are physiological manifestations that are naturally related to the state of emotional health. The internal personal resource of a person's emotional health consists of equanimity and emotional self-regulation, while neuroticism, depression, emotional lability, loneliness, and emotional exhaustion can reduce this state. The dynamics of the emotional state of people with ENT diseases is characterized by a slow increase in well-being, activity and mood in the first days of treatment and their rapid increase on the fourth and last day of hospital stay. In order to create a positive and comfortable state of emotional health of patients during the treatment, the technique of laughter therapy has been developed. Following mentioned technique, patients watched 10-minute humorous videos once a day for 7 days. Approbation of the technique showed a significant improvement in well-being and mood from the first days of patients' stay in treatment, achievement of a stable comfortable or positively comfortable state of emotional health, reduction of anxiety, depression, emergence of an optimistic attitude towards recovery.


state of emotional health, ENT diseases, laughter therapy.



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(2023) Science and education, 1, 30-34. Odessa.

Mykhailo Podoliak,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor,
Stepan Gzhytskyi National University
of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv,
50, Pekarska Str., Lviv, Ukraine



Foreign language veterinary terminology serves as a means of communication between specialists at the international level. Most modern diagnostic methods, equipment, and drugs are written in a foreign language, English. Teaching English veterinary terms is a complex process requiring relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities from the teacher. The purpose of the article is to research and analyze the main problems in the process of teaching veterinary terms to students of Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions. The article aims to generalize and analyze the main issues in teaching English veterinary terms in secondary schools; propose solutions to problems and difficulties that arise in the educational process. Comparing the teaching of Ukrainian and English veterinary terminology, we note that the main challenges of education include: grammatical categories (gender, plural, case, etc.), vocabulary, mutual agreement of terms, and phonetics of English veterinary terms. It has been studied that most of the problems of learning English veterinary terms are due to their Greek and Latin etymology. In addition, a significant problem is a difference in the level of knowledge of the English language among students in the group. Another critical aspect of learning English veterinary terminology is matching parts of speech. Terms belonging to different parts of the language are coordinated with the help of endings in both Ukrainian and English. To correctly match English veterinary terms, the student needs to know a list of word-forming suffixes that can be used for conversion. A student assimilates foreign veterinary terms primarily by memorizing or memorizing terms and their translation. However, it is also worth emphasizing other effective methods of memorizing foreign veterinary terms: unintentional memorization of foreign language terms, use of VR technologies, learning through associations, case methods.


english veterinary term, learning terms, problems of learning terms, the etymology of the veterinary term, the morphology of term.



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(2023) Science and education, 1, 23-29. Odessa.

Olena Kostenko,
Postgraduate Student at the Department of Pedagogy,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,
29, Alchevskyh Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine



Like any other methodology or scientific method, the Begriffsgeschichte is only a tool in a skillful hands of the researcher. In practice, this means that the conscious choice of the Begriffsgeschichte as a basic methodological approach should be correlated with a correctly articulated research interest and –questions, as well as include a correct assessment of the resources necessary for qualitative research. Only in the case of harmonious combination of all these components the research has a chance to succeed. The main goal of this article is to help the researcher of the history of pedagogy to make a balanced and adequate choice by highlighting the potential of the Begriffsgeschichte and thus to deepen the understanding of and quality the research. In order to achieve this goal, the author performs the following tasks: firstly, the content of this methodological approach has been revealed. Secondly, the positive and negative sides of this approach have been considered. Thirdly, a sketch of a research for a historical and pedagogical study, based on a combined methodology, has been introduced. The results presented in this work were obtained through a qualitative content analysis of (1) modern scientific literature on this topic and (2) works whose methodological basis was the Begriffsgeschichte. Considering the origin and distribution area of this methodology, German-language sources were deliberately chosen to serve as a corpus of analyzed texts. The author offers an indepth understanding of the form and role of sources, distinguishes the Begriffsgeschichte from discourse analysis and similar methodologies from related disciplines, and finally highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the Begriffsgeschichte on the analysis of specific scientific works. The author tries to rethink the practice of applying the Begriffsgeschichte and argues for the use of elements of objective hermeneutics in relevant research. The essence of the article is an integrated historical and pedagogical research design based of the Begriffsgeschichte. The article may be of interest to researchers investigating issues of methodology and qualitative methods of diachronic research.


historical and pedagogical research, Begriffsgeschichte, objective hermeneutics, qualitative content analysis, research design.



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(2023) Science and education, 1, 17-22. Odessa.

Alla Klochko,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Assistant Professor,
Head of the Department of Psychology,
Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University,
sq. Soborna, 8/1, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine

Alla Prokopenko,
Researcher of the Distance Learning Scientific Center,
National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky,
28, Povitroflotskyi avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine



The article examines ways and approaches to the formation of digital competence of a teacher of a higher military education institution. The importance of the introduction of modern educational technologies in the educational process is indicated, the role of a trained teacher in this process, who possesses a certain set of professional competencies and is able to generate them for those who study, is emphasized. Attention is focused on approaches to the formation of the teacher's digital competence and requires personal development and continuous personal self-improvement from the teacher. The results of an empirical study of the peculiarities of the development of digital competences among teachers of institutions of higher military education are presented. It was established that in the conditions of digital challenges, the role of a teacher of a higher military education institution as a provider of digital transformations and the formation of his digital competence becomes important. It is noted that the majority of teachers are interested in the development of digital competence. It was established that teachers need the development of digital competence related to the work of gamification tools, content visualization for solving practical, professional and general educational goals. It was determined that the digital competence of teachers of higher military education institutions should be considered as a new type of literacy, which is associated with special knowledge, skills, and practical skills for activities in a digital educational environment. The development of digital competences of teachers will contribute to establishing interaction with students, overcoming the digital gap between participants in the educational process, and their conscious use of digital technologies for their own realization in the conditions of a digital society. It is indicated that the end-to-end application of digital technologies in the educational process should become a tool for improving the quality of the educational process.


digital competence, information and communication technologies, information and educational environment, digital technologies.



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(2023) Science and education, 1, 11-16. Odessa.

Denis Bondarenko,
Teacher of Physics and Mathematics,
Kharkiv Gymnasium № 12 of the Kharkiv City Council of the Kharkiv,
35A, Chuguivska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine
Postgraduate student of the III educational and scientific level of higher education
by specialty 011 Educational, pedagogical sciences,
Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H.S. Skovoroda,
2, Valentinivska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine



The article reveals examples of the use of QR technologies in lessons at a basic school in the period of distance or mixed learning. It was determined that the use of the powerful educational potential of innovative technologies contributes to the development of not only the cognitive interest of students, but also contributes to the formation of their readiness for innovative activities. An in-depth analysis of the concept of «innovative technologies» was carried out, their essence and content, and the feasibility of using them in the educational process were determined. The practical achievements of the institution of general secondary education in the direction of using elements of innovative technologies during distance or mixed learning, which make it possible to improve the educational process in general and the process of forming students' readiness for innovative activities in particular, are highlighted. Also, practical experience has proven the effectiveness of using elements of innovative technologies in the lessons of the disciplines of the natural-mathematical cycle. This made it possible to state that the process of forming students' readiness for innovative activity primarily depends on the teacher's motivation, readiness and level of interest and mastery of innovative technologies. After all, the systematic use of innovative technologies by the teacher, his ability to show the necessity and expediency of their use, to show innovative ways of solving specific problems will convince students and force them to inevitably engage in innovative activities. It was found that the use of innovative educational technologies is an effective means of organizing educational and cognitive activities in the period of distance and mixed learning, which allows students to be included in independent innovative activities and to form their readiness for innovative activities in everyday life. In the research process, the methodological base was composed of a set of theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization), empirical methods (observation of the actions of participants in the educational process).


QR technologies, distance and mixed education, innovative activity, innovations, pedagogical technology, elementary and secondary school students.



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