(2022) Science and education, 4, 34-40. Odessa.

Olga Ziborova,
Postgraduate student at the Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
The State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3275-1119



The article presents the results of an empirical study of the relationship between deviations in mother-child interaction and individual-typological features of maternal attitudes in case of deviations in the child’s psychophysical development. The diagnosis of the style of maternal attitude towards a child with special needs, conducted by the author’s questionnaire, revealed a reliable division of mothers into groups according to the characteristics of an adequate style (35%), anxious style (25%), ambivalent style (21.67%) and emotionally detached style (18.33%). Deficits in maternal-child interaction were found in 65% of mothers of special children, which negatively affects the child’s development and can be explained by the mother’s psychological trauma and the child’s weak emotional stimuli. Compensation for the deficit of the maternal need-motivational sphere is possible with social and psychological support for mothers in experiencing trauma and correction of maternal-child interaction. Features of maternal-child interaction are interrelated with signs of maternal attitude style and need to be studied. The signs of maternal-child interaction were diagnosed using the PARI methodology. The diagnostics revealed that mothers with anxious maternal attitudes have indicators of optimal contact and emotional distance with their child. They are average according to the methodology, the most pronounced feature in the behavior of these mothers is excessive concentration on the child, which corresponds to the signs of anxiety style and indicates the creation of dependence in interaction. Women with an ambivalent maternal attitude style showed low levels of optimal contact, medium levels of emotional distance, and medium levels of excessive concentration on the child, which is not conducive to creating a stable situation in interaction. Mothers with an emotionally distant attitude toward a special child showed low levels of optimal contact and the highest levels of emotional distance from the child and excessive concentration on the child among mothers of all groups, which causes manifestations of harshness, avoidance of contact, and suppression of the child’s emotions in interaction.


special child, deviations in maternal attitudes, signs of mother-child interaction, author’s questionnaire of OMV, behavioral style.




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