Iryna Pyvovarchyk, Liudmyla Tsybukh, Liudmyla Badiul. PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING AND INTELLIGENCE

// Наука і освіта.  2022.  №3. – 61-69.

Iryna Pyvovarchyk,
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor,
KZVO “Odessa Academy of Continuous Education of Odessa Regional Council”

Liudmyla Tsybukh,
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor,
KZVO “Odessa Academy of Continuous Education of Odessa Regional Council”

Liudmyla Badiul,
Senior teacher of the Department of foreign languages
Odesa National Economic University





The work considers the problem of the relationship between the person’s psychological well-being and his/her level of intelligence. Basing on theoretical analysis, the authors consider the main approaches to the research of the psychological well-being problem in psychology, its structure and relationship with intelligence. The analysis showed that the model of psychological well-being is multidimensional. It is determined that today there are many studies of psychological well-being in psychological science, its structure and relationship of psychological well-being indicators (self-acceptance, autonomy, life goals, positive relations with others, personal development, environment management) with value-sense orientations, personality resilience, emotional intelligence. At the same time, there is a lack of research on the association of psychological well-being and general intelligence. The experiment was conducted in May 2021 using an online Google Forms survey. The study sample was formed on a voluntary basis. The number of respondents who took part in the research was 655 people: 418 women and 237 men. The study involved internet users aged 17 to 65. The majority of respondents who answered all the questions and took part in the research were young people under 25. In the course of the empirical study, based on the use of the “Psychological Well-being Scale” by C. Ryff in the adaptation of M. Lepeshinsky and the Test of Effective Intelligence (TEI-2010.A), the authors recorded men’s and women’s statistical differences at different levels of significance. It is statistically confirmed that men and women differ in the overall indicator of psychological well-being, as well as in the indicator of personal growth. At the same time, the results of the research showed the absence of a statistical difference between men and women in the indicator of the development of effective intelligence. The study conducted by the authors did not find statistically significant associations between indicators of psychological well-being and an indicator of the development of effective intelligence. This conclusion was confirmed by correlation analysis.


psychological well-being, subjective well-being, life satisfaction, personality, emotional intelligence, general intelligence.




1. Боковець О.І. Емоційний інтелект як ресурс психічного здоров’я. Габітус. 2022. № 37. С. 68–75.
2. Носенко Е.Л., Коврига Н.В. Емоційний інтелект: концептуалізація феномену, основні функції. Київ : Вища школа, 2003. 126 с.
3. Сердюк Л.З. Структура та функція психологічного благополуччя особистості. Актуальні проблеми психології. Збірник наукових праць Інституту психології імені Г.С. Костюка НАПН України. Том V: Психофізіологія. Психологія праці. Експериментальна психологія. Вип. 17. Київ, 2017. С. 124–133.
4. Цибух Л.М., Пивоварчик І.М. Особливості взаємозв’язку інтелекту та інтуїції. Pedagogical and psychological sciences: regularities and development trends: Collective monograph. Riga, Latvia: “Baltija Publishing”, 2020. С. 386–401.
5. Шпак М.М. Емоційний інтелект як особистісний ресурс забезпечення психологічного благополуччя молодших школярів. Наука і освіта. 2016. № 5. С. 266–270.
6. Bradburn N.M. Reports on Happiness. A Pilot Study of Behavior Related to Mental Health. Aldine Publishing Company. Chicago, USA, 1965.
7. Diener E. The science of well-being : the collected works. Social Indicators Research Series. Vol. 37. 2009. 274 p.
8. Lyubomirsky S., Sheldon K.M., Schkade D. Pursuing happiness: The architecture of sustainable change. Review of General Psychology. 2005. Vol. 9. Р. 111–131.
9. Ryff C. The structure of psychological well-being revisited Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1995. Vol. 69. P. 719–727.


(2022) Science and education, 3, 53-60. Odessa.

Oksana Kravchenko,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Dean of the Faculty of Social and Psychological Education,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
2, Sadova, Str., Uman, Ukraine,

Maryna Mishchenko,
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor,
Department of Psychology,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
2, Sadova, Str., Uman, Ukraine,

Olena Polishchuk,
PhD (Doctor of Philosophy),
Department of Psychology,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
2, Sadova, St., Uman, Ukraine




In the conditions of creating a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities, inclusive tourism is a prerequisite for access to historical, cultural and natural objects. This contributes to socialization and social rehabilitation, expanding the boundaries of the sphere of communication and overcomes social isolation, provides access to environmental resources, and forms a careful attitude to the environment. Inclusive tourism is an important component of the implementation of the theory of green social work, at the same time it is an actual technology for its practical implementation. The aim of the article is to substantiate the potential of inclusive tourism in the context of green social work. The following research methods were used in our work: analysis, systematization, generalization, synthesis. Important components for the implementation of inclusive tourism are overcoming environmental barriers that are external to a person with a disability and include attitudes towards people with disabilities, architecture, environmental features, transportation, economic elements, rules and regulations, as well as barriers of inaction. Communication barriers arise as a result of the interaction of individuals and their social environments. Ecological life of people with disabilities ensures compliance with the principles of social, pedagogical and psychological work: principle of a special approach; principle of development; principle of activity; principle of equality; principle of granting the power (principle of power); principle of subjectivity; principle of proficiency approach; principle of unity of consciousness and activity; principle of environmental friendliness. The ecological approach is actualized in social work and is distinguished as a theory of green social work, which expands the field of activity of social workers – from human rights, work with vulnerable marginal groups of the population, work on stigma, discrimination, etc., to the issue of fair distribution of environmental resources, the planet as a whole.


inclusive tourism, accessibility, people with disabilities, green social work.




1. Coats J., Gray M. The environment and social work: An overview and introduction. International Journal of Social Welfare. 2012. Vol. 21(3). P. 230–238. [in Canada]
2. Dominelli L. Green social work: From environmental crises to environmental justice. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2012. 207 p. [in England]
3. Peeters J. Social Work and Sustainable Development: Towards Social-Ecological Practice Model. Journal of 109 Social Intervention: Theory and Practice. 2012. Vol. 21(3). P. 5–26 [in Belgium]
4. The Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development. International Federation of Social Workers. URL: [in Belgium]
5. Zakon Ukrainy «Pro turyzm». [Law of Ukraine «On Tourism»]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian]
6. Kravchenko O.O., Kucher H.M. Inkliuzyvnyi sotsialno-reabilitatsiinyi turyzm yak skladova sotsialnoi roboty u hromadi (na prykladi m. Uman) [Inclusive social rehabilitation tourism as a component of community social work (at the example of Uman)]. Naukovyi visnyk Uzhhorodskoho universytetu. Seriia: «Pedahohika. Sotsialna robota». Uzhhorod : Vyd-vo UzhNU «Hoverla». 2019. Vypusk 2 (45). S. 109–114. [in Ukrainian]
7. Kravchenko O.O., Mishchenko M. S. Do problemy fizychnoho suprovodu osib z invalidnistiu [To the problem of physical support of persons with disabilities]. Nauka i osvita. 2021. № 1. S. 56-61. URL: [in Ukrainian]
8. Lovochkina A.M. Ekolohichna psykholohiia [Environmental psychology]: navchalnyi posibnyk. K.: Milenium 2003. 120 s. [in Ukrainian]
9. Lovochkina A.M. Psykholohiia rozvytku ekolohichnoi kultury [Psychology of ecological culture development]: monohrafiia. K.: VPTs «Kyivskyi universytet», 2015. 383 s. [in Ukrainian]
10. Mishchenko O. V. Teoretychni osnovy vyznachennia sutnosti ekolohichnoho turyzmu [Theoretical foundations of defining the essence of ecological tourism]. Visnyk Volynskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Lesi Ukrainky. Volyn: «Volynskyi un-t», 2010. S. 155-160. [in Ukrainian]
11. Moskalenko V.V. Sotsialna psykholohiia [Social Psychology]: pidruchnyk. Vydannia 2-e, vypravlene ta dopovnene. K.: Tsentr uchbovoi literatury, 2008. 688 s. [in Ukrainian]
12. Semyhina T. Chomu sotsialna robota nabuvaie zelenoho koloru? [Why is social work green?]. Visnyk Akademii pratsi sotsialnykh vidnosyn i turyzmu. 2018. № 2. S. 11-27. [in Ukrainian]


// Наука і освіта.  2022.  №3. – 53-60.

Oksana Kravchenko,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Dean of the Faculty of Social and Psychological Education,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
2, Sadova, Str., Uman, Ukraine,

Maryna Mishchenko,
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor,
Department of Psychology,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
2, Sadova, Str., Uman, Ukraine,

Olena Polishchuk,
PhD (Doctor of Philosophy),
Department of Psychology,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
2, Sadova, St., Uman, Ukraine




In the conditions of creating a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities, inclusive tourism is a prerequisite for access to historical, cultural and natural objects. This contributes to socialization and social rehabilitation, expanding the boundaries of the sphere of communication and overcomes social isolation, provides access to environmental resources, and forms a careful attitude to the environment. Inclusive tourism is an important component of the implementation of the theory of green social work, at the same time it is an actual technology for its practical implementation. The aim of the article is to substantiate the potential of inclusive tourism in the context of green social work. The following research methods were used in our work: analysis, systematization, generalization, synthesis. Important components for the implementation of inclusive tourism are overcoming environmental barriers that are external to a person with a disability and include attitudes towards people with disabilities, architecture, environmental features, transportation, economic elements, rules and regulations, as well as barriers of inaction. Communication barriers arise as a result of the interaction of individuals and their social environments. Ecological life of people with disabilities ensures compliance with the principles of social, pedagogical and psychological work: principle of a special approach; principle of development; principle of activity; principle of equality; principle of granting the power (principle of power); principle of subjectivity; principle of proficiency approach; principle of unity of consciousness and activity; principle of environmental friendliness. The ecological approach is actualized in social work and is distinguished as a theory of green social work, which expands the field of activity of social workers – from human rights, work with vulnerable marginal groups of the population, work on stigma, discrimination, etc., to the issue of fair distribution of environmental resources, the planet as a whole.


inclusive tourism, accessibility, people with disabilities, green social work.




1. Coats J., Gray M. The environment and social work: An overview and introduction. International Journal of Social Welfare. 2012. Vol. 21(3). P. 230–238.
2. Dominelli L. Green social work: From environmental crises to environmental justice. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2012. 207 p.
3. Peeters J. Social Work and Sustainable Development: Towards Social-Ecological Practice Model. Journal of 109 Social Intervention: Theory and Practice. 2012. Vol. 21(3). P. 5–26
4. The Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development. International Federation of Social Workers. URL:

5. Закон України «Про туризм». URL:
6. Кравченко О.О., Кучер Г.М. Інклюзивний соціально-реабілітаційний туризм як складова соціальної роботи у громаді (на прикладі м. Умань). Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету. Серія: «Педагогіка. Соціальна робота». Ужгород : Вид-во УжНУ «Говерла». 2019. Випуск 2(45). С. 109–114.
7. Кравченко О.О., Міщенко М. С. До проблеми фізичного супроводу осіб з інвалідністю. Наука і освіта. 2021. № 1. С. 56–61. URL:
8. Льовочкіна А.М. Екологічна психологія : навчальний посібник. Київ : Міленіум 2003. 120 с.
9. Льовочкіна А.М. Психологія розвитку екологічної культури : монографія. Київ : ВПЦ «Київський університет», 2015. 383 с.
10. Міщенко О.В. Теоретичні основи визначення сутності екологічного туризму. Вісник Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки. Волинь : «Волинський ун-т», 2010. С. 155–160.
11. Москаленко В.В. Соціальна психологія : підручник. Видання 2-е, виправлене та доповнене. Київ : Центр учбової літератури, 2008. 688 с.
12. Семигіна Т. Чому соціальна робота набуває зеленого кольору? Вісник Академії праці соціальних відносин і туризму. 2018. № 2. С. 11–27.


(2022) Science and education, 3, 48-52. Odessa.

Наnna Koval,
Doctor of philosophy, Candidate of Psychology Position,
Associate Professor of Department of differential and special psychology
Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University
Ukraine, Odessa, Dvoryanskaya str., 2.
ORCID 0000-0003-0291-7501




It is emphasized that the active development of new technologies has led to the identification of cyberpsychology as a unique discipline that investigates psychological processes related to various aspects and features of technologically determined human behavior. The transdisciplinary nature of cyberpsychology is formed taking into account a number of theoretical perspectives and is in the phase of active development. The purpose of the article is to consider the history of formation, the current state of development and prospects of cyberpsychology. Research methods. When examining cyberpsychology as a branch of psychology, an integrative approach was used, combining various research methods and a close connection of theoretical ideas with the concrete realities of the development of psychological science in the 21st century. The basis of the work was general scientific principles of objectivity, concreteness, universal methods of theoretical knowledge in the form of analysis and synthesis, abstraction, comparison and modeling. The results of the research. The author states that cyberpsychology includes numerous and intersecting disciplines, such as computer science, engineering and psychology. Online communication in social networks is one of the most researched and updated areas of cyberpsychology. It is noted that social media is a primary source of online communication, which allows not only to interact effectively, but also to demonstrate hidden aggression and the desire to dominate others, who are often much weaker. The research is focused on elucidating the motives, features of psychosocial influence, and the purposes of using video games in various fields – from education to behavior change. It is emphasized that the use of computer games helps to optimize cognitive functioning and social relationships in the elderly, minimize the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, the destructive effect of obsessive memories and depression, and improve mood. The virtual environment leads to activation of all cognitive functions of the player. In the future, this will increase children's information processing capabilities, slow down the development of existing cognitive disorders. It is noted that the use of mobile applications has significant potential in monitoring or reducing symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression. They demonstrate the prospect of ease of use and access, while simultaneously developing self-control skills in users. It is concluded that cyber psychology is in active development, stimulates related psychological fields and disciplines. It should be recognized that the field of cyberpsychology is largely in its infancy, which causes the absence of a unique and agreed conceptual apparatus and scientific boundaries.


cyberpsychology, cyberbullying, mobile application, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, digital addiction, Internet communication.




1. Akram M. B., Amin B., Salik M. H., Abbas Z., Siddique N. (2021) New age media and cyber psychology: The perpetration of cyber bullying among university students. EEO. 20 (1). 4318–4342.
2. Ancis J. R. (2020) The Age of cyberpsychology: an overview. Technology, Mind, and Behavior. 1 (1). URL: https: // tmb. apaopen. org / pub / 2yn6jhyv
3. Asriani D. D., Sos S. (2021) Teenager-related cyberbullying case in Indonesia. URL: https: // cfds. fisipol. ugm. ac. id / wp-content / uploads / sites / 1423 / 2021 / 09 / Digitimes – 35. pdf
4. Boers E., Afzali M. H., Newton N., Conrod P. (2019) Association of screen time and depression in adolescence. JAMA Pediatrics, 173 (9). 853–859.
5. Drigas A., & Mitsea E. (2021) Metacognition, Stress-Relaxation Balance & Related Hormones. Int. J. Recent Contributions Eng. Sci. IT, 9 (1). 4–16.
6. Gladstone J. J., Matz S. C., Lemaire A. (2019) Can psychological traits be inferred from spending? Evidence from transaction data. Psychological Science, 30 (7). 1087–1096.
7. Karsay K., Schmuck D., Matthes J., Stevic, A. (2019) Longitudinal effects of excessive smartphone use on stress and loneliness: The moderating role of self-disclosure. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 22 (11). 706–713.
8. Mahapatra S. (2019) Smartphone addiction and associated consequences: Role of loneliness and self-regulation. Behaviour & Information Technology. 38 (8). 833–844.
9. Martín B., Zapirain G., Coronado L., Rodrigues J. (2018) Managing and Controlling Stress Using mHealth: Systematic Search in App Stores. Published in: JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth. 9. 6.
10. Miloff A., Lindner P., Dafgård P. (2019) Automated virtual reality exposure therapy for spider phobia vs. in-vivo one-session treatment: A randomized non-inferiority trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 118. 130–140. [in English]
11. Raouafi S. Cyberpsychology: Video games as a perspective for cognitive training URL: https: // www.researchgate. net / publication / 318199694_Cyberpsychology_Video_games_as_a_perspective_for_cognitive_training [in English]
12. Russoniello C. V., Fish M. T., O’Brien K. (2019) The efficacy of playing videogames compared with antidepressants in reducing treatmentresistant symptoms of depression. Games for Health Journal, 8 (5). 332–338. [in English]
13. Scott G. G., Wiencierz S. Hand C. J. (2019) The volume and source of cyberabuse influences victim blame and perceptions of attractiveness. Computers in Human Behavior, 92. 119–127. [in English]
14. Sharon A. APU Launches New Cyberpsychology Programme. URL: https: // opengovasia. com / apu-launchesnew-cyberpsychology-programme / [in English]
15. Wang K., Varma D. S., Prosperi M. (2018) A systematic review of the effectiveness of mobile apps for monitoring and management of mental health symptoms or disorders. Published in: J Psychiatr Res. 107. 73–78. [in English]


// Наука і освіта.  2022.  №3. – 48-52.

Ганна Коваль,
доктор філософії, кандидат психологічний наук, доцент,
Одеський національний університет імені І.І. Мечникова
вул. Дворянська, 2, Одеса, Україна
ORCID: 0000-0003-0291-7501





Наголошено, що активний розвиток нових технологій призвів до виокремлення кіберпсихології як унікальної дисципліни, що досліджує психологічні процеси, пов’язані з різними аспектами та особливостями технологічно обумовленої поведінки людини. Трансдисциплінарний характер кіберпсихології сформований з врахуванням ряду теоретичних перспектив і знаходиться у фазі активного розвитку. Мета статті полягає у розгляді історії становлення, сучасного стану розвитку та перспектив кіберпсихології. Методи дослідження. Під час розгляду кіберпсихології як галузі психології використовувався інтегративний підхід, що поєднує в собі різні методи дослідження і тісний зв’язок теоретичних уявлень з конкретними реаліями розвитку психологічної науки у ХХІ столітті. Основою роботи були загальнонаукові принципи об’єктивності, конкретності, універсальні методи теоретичного пізнання у вигляді аналізу і синтезу, абстрагування, порівняння та моделювання. Результати дослідження. Автором зазначено, що кіберпсихологія включає численні та пересічні дисципліни – інформатику, інженерію та психологію. Онлайн-комунікація в соціальних мережах є одним з найбільш досліджених та актуалізованих напрямків кіберпсихології. Зазначено, що соціальні медіа є першочерговим джерелом онлайн-комунікації, що дозволяє не тільки ефективно взаємодіяти, а й демонструвати приховану агресію та прагнення домінувати над іншими, часто значно слабшими. Дослідження орієнтовані на з’ясування мотивів, особливостей психосоціального впливу, цілей застосування відеоігор у різноманітних сферах – від освіти до зміни поведінки. Наголошено, що використання комп’ютерних ігор сприяє оптимізації когнітивного функціонування та соціальних зв’язків у людей похилого віку, мінімізації симптоматики посттравматичного стресового розладу, деструктивного впливу нав’язливих спогадів та депресії, покращенню настрою. Віртуальне середовище призводить до активізації всіх когнітивних функцій гравця. У подальшому це дозволить збільшити можливості обробки інформації у дітей, сповільнити розвиток наявних когнітивних порушень. Зазначено, що використання мобільних додатків має значний потенціал при здійсненні моніторингу або зменшенні симптомів тривоги, стресу, депресії. Вони демонструють перспективу простоти використання і доступу, одночасно розвиваючи у користувачів навички самоконтролю. Підсумовано, що кіберпсихологія перебуває в активному розвитку, стимулює суміжні психологічні галузі та дисципліни. Варто визнати, що галузь кіберпсихології значною мірою перебуває в зародковому стані, що обумовлює відсутність унікального та узгодженого понятійного апарату та наукових кордонів.


кіберпсихологія, кібербулінг, мобільний додаток, віртуальна реальність, штучний інтелект, цифрова залежність, Інтернет-комунікація.




1. Akram M. B., Amin B., Salik M. H., Abbas Z., Siddique N. New age media and cyber psychology: The perpetration of cyber bullying among university students. EEO. 2021. № 20(1). РР. 4318–4342.
2. Ancis J. R. The Age of cyberpsychology: an overview. Technology, Mind, and Behavior. 2020. № 1(1). URL: https: //tmb. apaopen. org / pub / 2yn6jhyv.
3. Asriani D. D., Sos S. Teenager-related cyberbullying case in Indonesia. 2021. URL: https: // cfds. fisipol. ugm. ac. id / wp-content / uploads / sites / 1423 / 2021 / 09 / Digitimes – 35. Pdf.
4. Boers E., Afzali M. H., Newton N., Conrod P. Association of screen time and depression in adolescence. JAMA Pediatrics, 2019. № 173 (9). РР. 853–859.
5. Drigas A., & Mitsea E. Metacognition, Stress-Relaxation Balance & Related Hormones. Int. J. Recent Contributions Eng. Sci. IT, 2021. № 9(1). Р. 4–16.
6. Gladstone J. J., Matz S. C., Lemaire A. Can psychological traits be inferred from spending? Evidence from transaction data. Psychological Science, 2019. № 30(7). РР. 1087–1096.
7. Karsay K., Schmuck D., Matthes J., Stevic, A. Longitudinal effects of excessive smartphone use on stress and loneliness: The moderating role of self-disclosure. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 2019. № 22(11). РР. 706–713.
8. Mahapatra S. Smartphone addiction and associated consequences: Role of loneliness and self-regulation. Behaviour & Information Technology, 2019. № 38(8). РР. 833–844.
9. Martín B., Zapirain G., Coronado L., Rodrigues J. Managing and Controlling Stress Using mHealth: Systematic Search in App Stores. Published in: JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth. 2018. № 9. Р. 6.
10. Miloff A., Lindner P., Dafgård P. Automated virtual reality exposure therapy for spider phobia vs. in-vivo onesession treatment: A randomized non-inferiority trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 2019. № 118. РР. 130–140.
11. Raouafi S. Cyberpsychology: Video games as a perspective for cognitive training. URL: https: // www.researchgate. net / publication / 318199694_Cyberpsychology_Video_games_as_a_perspective_for_cognitive_training.
12. Russoniello C. V., Fish M. T., O’Brien K. The efficacy of playing videogames compared with antidepressants in reducing treatmentresistant symptoms of depression. Games for Health Journal, 2019. № 8(5). РР. 332–338.
13. Scott G. G., Wiencierz S. Hand C. J. The volume and source of cyberabuse influences victim blame and perceptions of attractiveness. Computers in Human Behavior, 2019. № 92. Р. 119–127.
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