Anatoliy Chustrak, Petro Todorov. Efficiency of the training process in martial sports

(2022) Science and education, 2, 44-53. Odessa.

Anatoliy Chustrak,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor, Private Professor, Departments of
Gymnastics and martial arts, The State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
named after K. D. Ushynsky», 26, Staroportofrankivska, Str., Odesa, Ukraine,

Petro Todorov,
Associate Professor, Private Professor, Department of Defectology,
Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine,
The State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky»,
26, Staroportofrankivska, Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature and the results of pedagogical experiment, the article highlights the main factors improving the efficiency of the training process in martial arts at different stages of sports training. The study showed that the athletes of the control groups, whose training was focused on improving physical and functional performance through the traditional basic techniques of judo and karate, formal exercises, general exercise, flexibility, endurance, strength showed better results in strength and speed– strength qualities of athletes, and wrestlers of experimental groups, whose training was focused on a large number of special preparatory exercises in karate and judo, exercises on devices, exercises with a partner, sparring, showed better results in developing coordination skills and effectiveness of the studied techniques at competitions. In the experimental group of judo for some time increased the speed and strength qualities (jumping rope) – by 18%; strength endurance: (flexion and extension of the arms while lying down – by 17%, pull– ups – by 50%, squats – by 23%, lifting the torso from a supine position – by 9.3%); technical readiness: (the number of determined throws of a wrestling mannequin – by 29.7%, the number of different throws of a wrestling mannequin – by 33.3%, the number of effective attacking actions during the competition – by 82%, the intensity and pace of the fight – by 45.9 %). In the experimental group of karate for a certain period of time increased speed and strength (jumping rope) – by 3.5%, strength endurance: flexion and extension of the arms in a supine position – by 8%, pull– ups on the crossbar – by 29%, squats – by 5%, lifting the torso from a supine position – by 9.1%, technical readiness: (number of blows to the bag with his hands – by 20.4%, the number of blows to the bag with his feet – by 30.9%, the number of effective attacking actions under time of competitions – by 21.7%, the intensity and pace of the fight – by 33.8%). The study confirmed the constant interdependence of general and special training in judo and karate, the continuity and necessity of each side of sports training at different stages of sports training.


wrestling, general and special training, stages of training.




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