Mykola Nosko, Olha Mekhed. Scientific and research work of students as a component of preparation for social and pedagogical activities

(2022) Science and education, 2, 39-43. Odessa.

Mykola Nosko,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
active member of the National Academy
of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine,
Honors of Science and Technology of Ukraine,

Olha Mekhed,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor,
head of the Department of Biology,
T.H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium”,
Chernihiv, Ukraine



The article defines the essence, features and main aspects of scientific research work of students as one of the components of socio-pedagogical activity in the work of a teacher of biology and the basics of health. The purpose of the study was to identify the main aspects and substantiate the theoretical basis of training future teachers of biology and the basics of health for scientific and research activities, for which the theoretical basis of training future teachers for scientific and research activities was revealed and the range of issues that require scientific development was determined knitting; the essence, structural components, criteria and levels of readiness of future teachers of biology and the basics of health for scientific and research activities are substantiated; the theoretical foundations of the concept of pedagogical influence on the process of training future teachers for scientific and research activities are determined. The following research methods were used: analysis of scientific, psychological-pedagogical, educational-methodical and special literature, information sources on the research problem; synthesis and generalization of theoretical provisions revealed in scientific and educational literature; summarizing one's own pedagogical experience of training future teachers to carry out scientific research activities in the learning process, as well as the practical experience of teachers. The main aspects of scientific and research activity of education seekers in a pedagogical institution of higher education are characterized. The theoretical principles of training future teachers of biology and the basics of health for scientific and research activities are substantiated. It has been established that an effective factor in the system of professional training of future teachers of biology and the basics of health for socio-pedagogical activity is the organization of their scientific and research work, which is clearly implemented in three stages: involvement in the performance of necessary tasks using methods of scientific and pedagogical research in the process psychological-pedagogical diagnosis of schoolchildren and individual elements of the social-educational process; studying the best pedagogical experience of domestic and foreign teachers on the outlined problem, conducting socio-pedagogical research in institutions of general secondary education. Prospects for further research are to establish and characterize the stages and levels of mastering by students of the main types of socio-pedagogical activity of a biology teacher and the basics of health.


teacher of biology and fundamentals of health, research work, educational process, professional activity, socio-pedagogical activity.




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