Svitlana Lytovchenko, Vitaliy Lytovchenko. Preparation of parents for assessment of children’s development in inclusive resource centers: psychological and pedagogical fundamentals of communication

(2022) Science and education, 2, 31-38. Odessa.

Svitlana Lytovchenko,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher,
Head of the Department of Education of Children with Hearing Impairments,
Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology
of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine,
9, M. Berlinskoho str., Kyiv, Ukraine

Vitaliy Lytovchenko,
Ukrainian Military Medical Academy,
45/1, bldg. 33, Moskovskaya str., Kyiv, Ukraine



Innovations in the field of special pedagogy and psychology led to the reorganization of the system of consultative and diagnostic assistance, therefore inclusive resource centers became the first link in determining the individual trajectory of education for a child with special educational needs. At the same time, in the extremely difficult period of wartime, it is especially important to establish effective communication, pay attention to the psychological state of parents, and reduce their level of anxiety. Taking into account the above, there is a need to define and present recommendations for parents, in particular regarding visiting the inclusive resource centers, conducting a comprehensive assessment of the child’s development, based on current regulatory documents and taking into account educational innovations. The purpose of the article is to develop recommendations for parents who plan to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the child’s development in an inclusive resource center, based on the key values of modern education (tolerance, respect for differences, freedom of choice; priority of the child’s interests, the value of childhood and cooperation with the family; emphasis on individual needs and capabilities). Methods of analysis of regulatory documents, literary sources, results of modern research presented in scientific publications included in the scientometric databases PubMed, Index Copernicus, Ulrich’s Periodicals, Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, etc. were used. Within the scope of the empirical study, the organization of comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assessments of children’s development was analyzed and a survey of parents was conducted on the basis of the Inclusive Resource Center № 3 of the Desnyan district of Kyiv using Google forms (during 2019–2022). More than 50 teachers who work in the inclusive resource centers of Kyiv took part in the study, and about 120 families. The results of the study give grounds for drawing the following conclusions: the analysis of legal documents and psychological-pedagogical literature shows the relevance of the problem of the activities of inclusive resource centers (the issue of informational and methodical support for parents regarding the organization of a comprehensive assessment of the child’s development in the inclusive resource center requires special attention); recommendations are defined for parents who plan to carry out a comprehensive assessment of a child’s development in an inclusive resource center; approbation of the developed recommendations made it possible to note a decrease in psycho-emotional stress in parents (35% of respondents), significantly expand their understanding of the procedure for carrying out development assessment in inclusive resource centers (65% of respondents), to improve the competence of parents in the analysis of data received from specialists and to approach the organization of accompanying a child in an educational institution in a more motivated manner (45% of respondents).


inclusive resource center, children with special educational needs, comprehensive assessment of child development, communication specialists, advice to parents.




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