Victoriia Mendelo. Tendencies of Emotional Intelligence Research.

(2021) Science and education, 4, 45-55. Odessa.

Victoriia Mendelo,
PhD student,
Department of Theory and Methodics of Practical Psychology,
The State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”
26, Staroportofrankovskaya Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The article covers the process of the historical development of the emotional intelligence concept; as well as the classification of modern approach to this concept in the scientific literature has been created. The purpose of the article is to systemize the modern tendencies of the emotional intelligence research as a component of thinking. To achieve this goal several tasks needed to be solved: to clarify the psychological meaning of emotional intelligence; to systemize the main aspects used in the emotional intelligence research; to describe the psychological models of emotional intelligence. The complex of theoretical methods has been used to solve the given tasks: learning and analysis of scientific literature on the research topic, the systematization of data that characterizes the main aspects and the directions of the scientific process. The given article is the systematic study. The methodological basis of the research consists of the scientific works on psychology of J. D. Mayer, D. Halpern, W. Gray, A. Ortoni, J. Klor, A. Collins, L. S. Vygotskiy, S.L. Rubinstain, A. N. Leontiev, O. K. Tikhomirov, O. Ya. Chebykin etc. The following conclusions have been made during the study: despite the significant amount of types and components of intelligence, their final establishing is still hard to find out. As the result of the current research it was pointed out that the ability models more effectively reveal the emotional intelligence concept. Because they are characterized by the greater practical development and greater reliability of the diagnostic inventory.


emotions, emotional intelligence, models of emotional intelligence, emotional thinking, emotional maturity, history of psychology.




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Svitlana Kaminska. Structure of Extracurricular Activity is The Component of The Formation of Foreign Language Communication of The Future Seaman.

(2021) Science and education, 4, 55-62. Odessa.

Svitlana Kaminska,
PhD student of the Department of Theory and History of Pedagogy,
Borys Hrinchenko Kyiv University,
senior lecturer of the Department of Language Disciplines,
State University of Infrastructure and Technology,
9, Kyrylivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article describes and analyzes modern aspects and approaches to the definition of extracurricular activity. Its system, forms, content and functions were considered in this article and its structure was also analyzed. It is stated that the purpose of extracurricular activity is to prepare the student to perform his/her professional duties in the future, to overcome the language barrier and to socialize with crew members by means of communication. Significant time in the student's pastime is occupied by classroom activity, such as lectures and seminars, practical or laboratory classes, but it is extracurricular activity that gives students the opportunity to implement their knowledge and acquire new ones through self-education. The relevance of the presented material is about to the needs in additional hours of future maritime transport specialists allocated for the formation of foreign language communication during their studying for direct adaptation, socialization and professional communication during their marine practice and professional activity in the future. As well as increasing the requirements for professional foreign language communication of maritime transport professionals under modern conditions of competition in the labor market, which leads to the renewal of the system of professional culture. Extracurricular activity is a form of student's social work. The article reveals the role of extracurricular activity and the opportunities in the formation of communicative culture of future seamen. Extracurricular activity plays a role in improving the professional communication skills of the future maritime transport specialist. The priority in higher education institutions is given to classroom work, during which hard skills are formed and developed. The importance of extracurricular activity is becoming very important just recently due to the requirements of employers to develop soft skills that can be developed through foreign language communication. It is defined that extracurricular activity helps to increase students' interest in the chosen field of activity, to develop independent work and selfdevelopment, which stimulates the desire for a professional approach and creative search.


professional foreign language communication, extracurricular activity, formation of readiness, standards of professional training, initiative, marine practice.




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