Svitlana Yanovskaya (Ianovska), Pavlo Sevostianov, Rimma Turenko, Inna Zakutnya. Psychological Aspects of Own Greed Perception and Its Assessment in The Others.

(2021) Science and education, 3, 5-12. Odessa.

Svitlana Yanovskaya (Ianovska),
Candidate of Psychological Sciences,
associate professor of the Applied Psychology Department,
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
6, Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Pavlo Sevostianov,
Candidate of Psychological Sciences,
lecturer of the Applied Psychology Department,
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
6, Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Rimma Turenko,
senior lecturer the Department of English Language,
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
6, Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Inna Zakutnya,
student of the Faculty of Psychology,
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
6, Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, Ukraine



The article examines the relationship between self-assessment of human greed and assessment of the greed of the others. It has been shown that young people's perceptions of greed are ambivalent: greed is described as a defect, something bad that makes a person vulnerable, lowers his/her self-esteem, causes trouble, prevents him/her from living a full life and reduces the ability to acquire what is desired. On the other hand, young people pay attention to the fact that due to their greed they are careful about their own funds, control costs and consolidate resources for large purchases. The greed of others is also ambiguous: it can be an obstacle to satisfying the desires of young people, or it can be one that does not affect their goals achievements. The greed of the others is an obstacle to satisfying the desires of young people, achieving their goals. The assessment of the others' greed varied depending on the degree of these people intimacy. The characteristics of relatives, friends, people who they study or work with, were similar to the data obtained in the self-assessment of greed. However, when assessing the greed of the people who run the city and the country, the subjects attributed to them a higher degree of greed. The positive connection between the assessment of one's own greed and the assessment of the greed of relatives, friends and colleagues is determined. No significant relationship was found between the assessment of one's own greed and the greed of the people who run a city or country.


 greed; the idea of own greed; self-evaluation, evaluation of the others.




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Viktor Plokhikh, Liliia Suponeva. Psychological Defense in The Organization of The Time Perspective of Students Under COVID-Restrictions.

(2021) Science and education, 3, 12-21. Odessa.

Viktor Plokhikh,
Doctor of Psychology,
professor, professor at the Department of General Psychology,
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
6, Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Liliia Suponeva,
master student,
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
6, Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, Ukraine



The COVID-19 pandemic and its accompanying quarantine restrictions have changed the way people live. People find themselves in a situation of social deprivation, distance work and learning, anxiety, fear and stress. The specific attitudes and reactions of student youth to COVID-restrictions became relevant issues for the study. The purpose is to determine features of the psychological defenses activation in their connection with life time perspective organization of students in the terms of COVID-restrictions. The study includes 97 students in the six-month period before the COVID-19 pandemic (group 1) and 87 students – 18 months later after the pandemic started (group 2). Such methods as "Lifestyle Index" (Plutchik, Kellerman); "Questionnaire of time perspective" (Zimbardo); "Styles of self-regulation of behavior" (Morosanova); "Internet Addiction Scale" (A. Zhichkin); "Predisposition to addictive behavior" (Mendelevich) were used in the study. Test subjects commented on the degree of concern about COVID-restrictions. The threats from COVID-19 in group 2 led to a relatively high level of activation of such psychological defenses as: denial (U=2604.50; p<.001); displacement (U=2236.00; p<.001); regression (U=2820.00; p<.001); substitution (U=1552.00; p<.001); intellectualization (U=3350.00; p=.016); reaction formations (U=3298.50; p=.011). One quarter of the subjects from group 2, who are most concerned about Covid-restrictions, have relatively the highest level of total stress protection (χ2=6,615; p=.037), compensation (χ2=7,399; p=.025), reaction formations (χ2=8,470; p=.015), the highest (primarily compared to moderately concerned subjects) focus on the Present Hedonistic (U=166.00; p=.031). Almost half of the subjects in group 2 with indifference to COVID-restrictions have the highest level of protection of displacement (χ2=9,811; p=.007) and intellectualization (χ2=7.423; p=.024). The students' psychological defenses under COVID-restrictions are reinforced along with overt or covert anxiety and worry, and are combined with numerous reinforcing connections to the Present Hedonistic and Present Fatalistic, and weakening connections to the Future. Indifference to COVID-restrictions in almost half of the subjects is accompanied by relatively highest activity of the defense of displacement and intellectualization. The high level of concern of COVID-restrictions of a quarter of the subjects is associated with high stress regression protection, compensation, reaction formations, expressiveness of orientation to the Present Hedonistic, increased likelihood of addiction (in particular, Internet addiction).


psychological defenses, time perspective, anxiety, self-regulation, Present Hedonistic, Present Fatalistic, internet addiction, COVID-19.




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Svitlana Sytnik, Oleksiy Chebykin. Orientation in Communication as a Personal Resource of Effective Interpersonal Interaction.

(2021) Science and education, 3, 22-29. Odessa.

Svitlana Sytnik,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
Oleksiy Chebykin,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, professor,
Full member of the NAES of Ukraine,
The State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky»,
26, Staroportofrankivska, Odesa, Ukraine



The results of an empirical study of the influence of different types of orientation in communication on the formation of personal resource of interpersonal interaction are presented in the article. The analysis of the results of the study consisted of three successive steps to test the hypothesis that the type of orientation in communication affects the formation of the personal resource of interpersonal interaction. First, it is the clarification of the general trends in the manifestation of different types of communication orientation in modern youth. Second, it is the establishing the nature of the relationship between the types of communication orientation with the personal components of interpersonal interaction. Third, it is the comparison of groups studied by different types of orientation in communication. As a result of the study, it was determined that three tendencies are most common in the communication of modern youth: a) to build it on mutual trust, respect, mutual understanding and openness; b) focus efforts on voluntary and selfless centering on the partner; c) treat partners as a means, an object of covert manipulation. It is established in the process of correlation analysis that all types of communication orientation in some way affect the formation of the personal resource of interpersonal interaction. This is most evident in the direct links of alterocentric tendencies with motivational, emotional, cognitive components and the general indicator of the effectiveness of interpersonal interaction; as well as in the negative links of authoritarian and indifferent orientation with motivation, emotional and volitional regulation, and as a consequence, the personal basis of interpersonal interaction in general. Furthermore, the direct correlations of dialogic orientation of communication with the motivational component, manipulative and conformal orientation with the cognitive component of interpersonal interaction were revealed. It was found by comparing groups of subjects with the dominance of different types of orientation in communication, that the alterocentric type more than other types contributes to the highest manifestation of personal resource of interpersonal interaction, manifested both at the level of all its components and overall efficiency of this process. Authoritarian type leads to a deficient nature of the formation of personal resources, which reduces the effectiveness of interpersonal interaction. Dialogic orientation of communication is characteristic of young people with a moderate formation of all components of interpersonal interaction. A feature of young people with a predominance of conformal type of orientation is high self-confidence, independence, endurance and self-control. The dominance of the indifferent type leads to a lack of communication skills, and therefore representatives of this type often distort the feelings of partners; they do not know how to negotiate.


 personality orientation, communication, interpersonal interaction, personal components.




1. Andrieieva, Ya. F., Lytovchenko, N. F. (2018). Problema stanovlennia dialohizmu yak profesiino-vazhlyvoi yakosti studentiv-psykholohiv [The problem of formation of dialogism as a important professional quality of students-psychologists]. Technologies of intellect development, 8 (19). Vol. 2. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
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Elena Sashurina, Stanislav Larionov. Psychological Resources of The Personality of Law Enforcement Agencies at The Stage of Professional Training.

(2021) Science and education, 3, 29-37. Odessa.

Elena Sashurina,
PhD student,
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs,
27, Lva Landau Ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Stanislav Larionov,
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor,
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine,
3A, Defenders of Ukraine Square, Kharkiv, Ukraine



The social demands and expectations regarding the work of law enforcement agencies have never been so high as now; the surrounding society wants to see professional and humane police officers and to feel the effectiveness of their professional activities. The system of law enforcement agencies in recent years is in a state of permanent transformation, that is what aggravates the problem of quality training of its staff. It lies in the fact that, first, there are not enough applicants for the service, and second, the available candidates mostly do not fully correspond to the established decision criterion. This orients managers and practical psychologists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to find and improve the ways to support and develop staff, to keep them in the workplace; it also focuses on the realization that employees are important and have potential opportunities and resources for self-development. The professional development of law enforcement agencies usually begins in departmental higher educational institutions, which determines the relevance of the study of psychological resources of the law enforcement agency`s personality at the stage of professional training and defines the aim of the current article. The complex of theoretical and empirical search methods was used during the study, in particular the method “Psychological Narrative Analysis of Crisis / Traumatic Events” developed by V. I. Shebanova. The sample consisted of 84 future law enforcement agencies who study and serve at the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The study identified the main significant events in the life and attitude of law enforcement agencies at the teaching stage in the higher educational institutions with specific conditions. It is found that they can be divided into seven categories, in which there are important events common to military students: school; training and service activities in the higher educational institutions; family; difficult life events; losses; personal relationships; etc. It is determined that the most important life events happened to military students in the life period before entering higher educational institutions, which should focus on finding resources in psychological support to the autobiographical narrative of the individual. The range of military students' psychological resources is identified, including emotional experiences of pleasant events, interaction with significant relatives, “adult” reassessment of situations and positive thinking, finding new connections and contacts, awareness of target requests and the impact of events on the future.


narrative, law enforcement agencies, military students, psychological resources, situations, traumatic events.




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Inessa Viznіuk, Natalia Ordatiy, Anatoly Ordatiy. Environmental Consciousness of Students in Vspu Named After Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi in The Conditions of Quarantine Restrictions.

(2021) Science and education, 3, 38-45. Odessa.

Inessa Viznіuk,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, associate professor
Department of Psychology and Social Work,
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University,
32, Ostrozky Str., Vinnitsia, Ukraine,
Natalia Ordatiy,
assistant of the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry,
Psychiatrist of the Military Medical Clinical
Center of the Central Region Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University,
PhD student of the Department of Psychology and Social Work,
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University,
32, Ostrozky Str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine,
Anatoly Ordatiy,
Candidate of Medical Sciences,
Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service of the
Military Medical Clinical Center of the Central Region,
185, Kniaziv Koriatovychiv Str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine



The article considers the main problems that reflect the formation of adequate environmental awareness in people, which is now such a controversial and complex process in theoretical and practical terms, especially during the pandemic COVID-19. Modern environmental problems of today take into account, by the way, the entire sphere of human social life. The aim of the article is to study the level of anxiety of signs-states in medical students in the ecological environment of the COVID-19 pandemic in the conditions of distance learning at Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky. The study included methods such as generalization, comparison, synthesis, concretization and the following psychodiagnostic techniques: Spilberg’s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) modified by J. Hanin, an author's questionnaire that contained 11 additional questions about online learning satisfaction. It has been empirically established that among the environmentally destructive factors that affect a person's mental health is the level of identification of the state of anxiety. The structure of pathological changes to determine the level of anxiety is dominated by mental disorders of a prenosological nature, based on a list of borderline phenomena between normal and pathology in interaction with the environment, which cause various manifestations of socio-psychological maladaptation in online learning. The conclusions indicate that the environmental friendliness of the educational environment is due to the needs of the individual in mastering the knowledge of nature and in effective coexistence with it, as well as in increasing the level of knowledge of students about the problems of its protection. The environmental education should contribute not only to the development of the course in terms of studying the discipline, but also the formation of environmental consciousness and culture of the humanistic type in order to adapt students to modern conditions.


eco-environment, ecological factors, pandemic of COVID-19 virus, distance learning, ecological education.




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