Iryna Savenkova, Natalia Tsumarieva. Psychotherapeutic Methods Application in Follow-Up of Emotionally Deprived Elementary School Children.

(2021) Science and education, 2, 5-15. Odessa.

 Iryna Savenkova,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Full Professor,
Head of the Department of Psychology and Social Sciences,
Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv,
24, Nikolskaya Street, Mykolaiv, Ukraine,
Natalia Tsumarieva,
Senior Lecturer of Psychology and Pedagogy Department,
Kropivnitsky Institute of Private Higher Educational Institution «University of Modern Knowledge»,
40, Poltavska Street, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine,



Hardships experienced many times in the family and outside it in the past, have a negative impact on formation of children’s personality. Emotional deprivation is one of such factors. Long-term stay of elementary school children under emotional deprivation conditions results in a whole number of adverse effects. Being directly dependent on environment adverse changes and impacts emotional sphere is most vulnerable in this respect. The range of emotional deprivation adverse effects on elementary school children is quite wide: from mild emotional disorders that can be corrected with the help of correctional and developmental activities to severe mental disorders and diseases that require long-term treatment. Thus, the situation of emotional deprivation requires the use of prophylactic, corrective and rehabilitative actions. The purpose of the article is to reveal the features of psychotherapeutic methods application in arranging psychological follow-up of emotionally deprived elementary school children. To achieve the determined purpose we’ve applied a mix of speculative (analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization) and empiric (observation, survey, talk, expert evaluations, testing, quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the results obtained) research methods. The results of the literature sources analysis let us sum up by saying that such methods as adaptation, socialization, learning, development, correction, counseling, psychotherapy, follow-up and rehabilitation may be applied to cope with children’s emotional deprivation. We consider follow-up to be the most effective and comprehensive method. The psychological follow-up model developed and tested by us includes support provided to foster families in the course of coping with children’s emotional deprivation adverse effects and is based on the system of working with foster children and parents, as well as on conducting joint classes involving parents and children. We’ve applied various psychological correction and development methods (talk, games, exercises, drawing, fantasizing and relaxation) in combination with psychotherapeutic methods (symbol drama, art therapy and positive psychotherapy) to conduct psychological follow-up of children. Effectiveness and efficiency of the emotionally deprived elementary school children psychological follow-up model developed by us has been tested on the ground of repetitive psychodiagnostic testing and comparing its results of control and experimental groups. The application of remedial methods in combination with psychotherapeutic methods has made it possible to obtain constant and long-lasting results in emotional deprivation evidences reducing and elementary school children emotional intelligence level raising.


emotional deprivation, elementary school children, emotional deprivation effects, psychological follow-up, psychological correction, psychotherapy, emotional intelligence.




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Serhii Dolynnyi. Personality Psychology in The Context of Conflict Interpritations.

(2021) Science and education, 2, 15-19. Odessa.

Serhii Dolynnyi,
PhD student,
Department of Psychology and Social Work,
Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University named after Mikhail Kotsyubinsky,
32, Ostrozhskogo Str., Vinnitsa, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7146-6383



The article analyzes the most important psychological preconditions of a conflict situation on the basis of which the strategy and tactics of people's behavior in case of differences of their interests are formed. The main psychological models of conflict are presented in the study, which is used to interpret sociotypes that highlight the psychological portrait of the individual in the perspective of modernity. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the causal dysfunctions in the implementation of conflict situations and highlight ideas for avoiding conflict demonstrated by the individual. The study used the Keirsey questionnaire to assess the temperament of participants and K. N. Thomas' methodology to determine their typical ways of responding to a conflict situation, which identified the tendency of sociotypes to rivalry and cooperation, the desire for compromise, conflict avoidance and flexibility in decision making. The article considers a concept of personality types and their interaction in the structure of interpersonal relationships. According to the methodology of D. Keirsey, which is based on the typology of Carl Jung and the theory of information metabolism of A. Kempynsky, there are 16 types of information sharing between individuals. The formation of a sensitive image of a person as an adequate information subject characterizes the problem of defining a person’s personality in a continuous flow of information, communicative perceptions, innovative competencies and different value systems. Having followed the method of K. N. Thomas that is designed to determine the typical ways of individuals’ responds to conflict situations, we determine an inclination of the above mentioned sociotypes to competition and cooperation, as well as desire to compromise and avoid conflicts, and flexibility in decision making. In the framework of the Socionic model, the subjects of information influences make adequate assessment of their potential, find appropriate ways of self-realization, competitively and objectively perceive the abilities of others in order to form a harmonious relationship with them. The problem that arises in a conflict always stands in the way of the implementation of goals, which refer to both the interests and fears of person. Barriers that work against the implementation of needs and interests in a conflict are always associated with communication, since other people’s activities are often perceived as a dissonance of individual and his/her environment. A mixture of contradictions caused by different types of experience and behavior, character traits and other factors of interpersonal interaction provide the basis of conflict. The conceptual importance of personality covers a wide range of internal mental processes that determine the features of human behavior in different situations. The objective conflict management is the only way that leads to positive dynamics in the conflict of interest, with the main criterion being the ability to compromise, based on the understanding that contradictions can give ground to the development that, in its turn, can bring about effective cooperation.


sociotype, personality, conflict situation, conflict management, social group, factors of interpersonal interaction.




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Fred Voskoboynikov. A Systemic Approach to Implementing Psychological Factors in Management.

(2021) Science and education, 2, 20-26. Odessa.

Fred Voskoboynikov,
BS in Physiology of Human,
MS in Industrial-Organizational Psychology,
Honorary Professor of Psychology
(The Baltic Academy of Education,
35, Dekabristov Str., St-Petersburg, Russia),
129, Idora Avenue, San Francisco, California, USA



In this work we will consider some aspects of management as a scientific and applied discipline. Ensuring the effectiveness of management requires a new way of thinking characterized by the systemic, flexible, responsive, and a non-standard approach to the decision making. According to the systemic-structural activity theory, as a scientific basis for self-regulation, human activity is considered to be a goal-directed self-regulative system. The main focus of our discussion will be on what is essential for managerial activity from the psychological perspective. Specific attention will be paid to the way managers relate to subordinates and how this factor effects the group moral and psychological atmosphere in the workplace. Possessing only the technical knowledge in a chosen field of activity does not necessarily make a person effective manager. To achieve the desired objectives and maintain people satisfaction at work place one must be prepared to think of them in human terms. People are filled with thoughts and ideas and they want to experience satisfaction from their implementation. We will present some important factors of the psychological nature which should be applied to the practice of management. Such factors as consideration for subordinates’ personality features, their individual style of performance and their communicative anilities, as well as their goals, desires and objectives. The effect of a group environment on individual performance and the phenomenon of psychological compatibility are also considered in this work. We will also briefly dwell on the history of motivation in industry and the emergence of a new direction in managerial activity as a demand of the developing society. At this juncture we will emphasize on how the science of management first emerged in a form of applying a mechanistic approach in managing people’s activities in industries and, further, by bringing the human element into consideration in the search for efficiency.


management, management styles, activity theory, systemic-structural activity theory, psychological factors in management, personality features, individual style of activity, compatibility factor, communicative abilities.




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Svetlana Doskach, Lіubov Kostyk. Technologies of Informative And Manipulative Influence on Socio-Political Consciousness and Behavior of Modern Youth.

(2021) Science and education, 2, 27-33. Odessa.

Svetlana Doskach,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), assistant professor,
Department of Psychology,
Lіubov Kostyk,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), assistant, practical psychologist,
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Preschool Education,
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University,
2, M. Kotsyubynskoho Str., Chernivtsi, Ukraine,



The article presents a theoretical analysis of informative and manipulative influence on the socio-political consciousness and behavior of modern youth. The interpretation of consciousness in the psychological and political areas has been revealed, which makes it possible to consider information technologies as an important attribute of influence on political consciousness. There has been conducted the analysis of the psychological components of informative and manipulative technologies, which defined as the dominance of the spiritual state of the individual, the imposition of thoughts, ideas, attitudes, values and management of behavior in favor of the subject of influence. There has been revealed the idea that the favorable socio-political conditions encourage the media to exert influence by manipulating the political consciousness and behavior of young people. The opinion has been clarified, that the use of communication technologies, that optimize the implementation of policy actors of their tasks and responsibilities through rational means, sequence of actions, development of an appropriate algorithm of behavior, result in the implementation of human activities to achieve socially significant goals, including political one. In the context of this issue, the role of the media in the political processes of society has been revealed, where they act as a means of manipulative influence aimed at transforming the political consciousness of young people. The factors influencing the political consciousness of young people have been analyzed, where the most influential are: granting the right to edit, adding their own conjectures; distortion of information; submission of false information; being reticent about major events; being ahead of the curve. However, the main reason for the effects of informative and manipulative influence lies in the personal scope, where it is important to have the ability to think critically, to analyze, interpret, defend the point of view, have strong energy and will, to have different forms of verbal influence of optimal mechanisms of thought and actions appropriate to the situation. Methods of effective counteraction to informative and manipulative influences have been determined. The main one is the ability to distribute information in the associative space, when one constructs the absence of intersection of the discussed events by associative connection with other unrelated events. Due to effective approaches, modern youth has the opportunity to stop being a "passive mass" and become active citizens who defend their opinions, make independent decisions and form their own patterns of behavior.


political consciousness, political behavior, psychological and political components, manipulative influence, political manipulation, information technology, mass media.




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Olha Yurtsenyuk. Scientific and Methodological Approaches To The Teaching of The Discipline "Medical and Psychological Examination".

(2021) Science and education, 2, 34-40. Odessa.

Olha Yurtsenyuk,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Nervous Diseases, Psychiatry and Medical Psychology,
Bukovynian State Medical University,
2, Teatralna Square, Chernivtsi, Ukraine



The discipline "Medical and psychological examination" was created in order to obtain more in-depth professional knowledge and competencies in such an applied field of clinical psychology as expert activity. Among the tasks solved by a clinical psychologist in health care, one of the main is his/her participation in various types of examinations. The purpose of this article is to highlight the features of the methodology of teaching a new discipline "Medical and psychological examination". To achieve this goal, the tasks were formed: to identify topical issues of this discipline, to establish and describe the content of competencies and expected results. Important tasks of studying medical and psychological examination are: mastering by students of practical skills and abilities used in medical and psychological examination; consolidation of skills of practical implementation of skills on preparation of the materials necessary for the substantiation of the description of the conclusion of medical and psychological examinations; the ability to draw up an expert opinion, following the rules of the sequence of registration. It is established that the subject "Medical and psychological examination" lays the foundations for students to study psychiatry, narcology and other clinical disciplines, and provides for the integration of teaching with these disciplines; provides the formation of skills to apply knowledge of medical and psychological expertise in the process of further training and professional activities; lays the foundations of a doctor's knowledge of the psychology of a sick person, prevention of mental disorders in the process of life and in various diseases, medical and psychological examination of patients. Based on theoretical analysis and practical developments, we were able to generalize and systematize approaches to studying the problem of teaching the discipline "Medical and psychological examination". It is established that at the present stage of the educational process of teaching the discipline "Medical and psychological examination" is a new, important and complex task that must be comprehensively solved and improved using different teaching methods.


medicine, psychology, examination, students, competencies, pathopsychology




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