Zeynab Mehdıyeva. The Use of Active Work Forms in The Inculcating The Life Skills Among Younger Students.

(2020) Science and education, 4, 5-9. Odessa.

Zeynab Mehdıyeva,
Teacher of Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute,
1, Heydar Aliyev Street, Nakhchivan, Republic of Azerbaijan



The experience of using active forms of work in inculcating life skills in students in the primary grades of secondary schools was widely analyzed in the article. The types of lessons are classified, in which the essence of the types of active lessons is clarified. It is noted that it is possible to achieve the formation of students' life skills through the use of active forms of work in the learning process organized for all types of modern lessons. For this, it is necessary to create motivation in the course of an active lesson, to use problem situations. We know that training mainly motivates thinking. Setting a task for students motivates them to think and creates conditions for the formation of their thinking. By solving the problem, children develop positive emotions and enthusiasm for learning. The use of the active work forms in the inculcation of life skills also creates the basis for enhancing students' cognitive activity. In this regard, it is also important to perform problematic tasks. Thus, creating the basis for the acquisition of new knowledge and creating conditions for active understanding of knowledge plays a key role in the implementation of problematic tasks. The article summarizes the use of interactive teaching methods, and also focuses on the main aspects of the activity process of the primary school teachers. Thus, the article reflects the use of active forms of work in the process of teaching the subject "life knowledge" in the disclosure of life skills of students.


Primary school, student, interactive teaching method, life skills, active work forms, school, lesson.




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Valentyna Todorova, Valentina Sosina, Valentyna Vartovnyk, Natalia Pugach, Olena Pogorelova. Development of Strength Abilities in Dancers By Means of Choreographic Training.

(2020) Science and education, 4, 9-17. Odessa.

Valentyna Todorova,
Doctor of Physical Education and Sport, associate professor,
Department of Gymnastics and Martial Arts,
The State institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D Ushynsky»,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
Valentina Sosina,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), professor,
head of the Department of Choreography and Art Studies,
Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Bobersky,
11, Kostiushka Str., Lviv, Ukraine,
Valentyna Vartovnyk,
Honored art Worker of Ukraine, associate professor,
Department of Choreography and Art Studies,
Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Bobersky,
11, Kostiushka Str., Lviv, Ukraine,
Natalia Pugach,
PhD (Candidate of Physical Education and Sport), professor,
head of the Department of Choreography and Art Studies,
Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Bobersky,
11, Kostiushka Str., Lviv, Ukraine,
Olena Pogorelova,
PhD (Candidate of Philosophical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Gymnastics and Martial Arts,
The State institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D Ushynsky»,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article presents the results of studying the peculiarities of the development of various strength abilities of dancers who are the representatives of folk-stage dance. The purpose of the work is to develop a program for the development of strength abilities using the choreography in folk dancers. A group of theoretical and empirical methods was used in the study. The pedagogical observations at training sessions with 12-15 year-old dancers and surveys of teachers and coaches on the peculiarities of the development of strength abilities were conducted; testing of indicators of different strength abilities in 12-15 year-old adolescents engaged in folk-stage dance in the Honored Dance Ensemble of Ukraine «Youth» and in the school of folk dance, folk dance ensemble «Serpanok» (Lviv) was also held. This made it possible to develop a program for the development of strength abilities, taking into account their varieties, which are necessary in folk-stage dances. The main means of developing strength abilities in the program were folk-stage dance exercises, the selection of which took into account their predominant influence on the development of a particular strength ability, the possibility of local, regional or general impact on the musculoskeletal system and the need for accurate dosing. The positive influence of the developed program on the development of various strength abilities of dancers is revealed. The obtained results can be used in the practice of teachers of choreographic groups of folk-stage dance.


 strength abilities, dancers, folk-stage dance, development program.




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Alokhin Mykhailo. Social Situation and Experience of Schoolchildren of Primary Private School (According to The Results of The Experimental Research).

(2020) Science and education, 4, 17-23. Odessa.

Alokhin Mykhailo,
PhD student of the laboratory of Social Education and Social Work,
Institute of Educational Problems of the
National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine,
9, Maksyma Berlynskoho Street, Kyiv, Ukraine



The tendency of educational opportunities polarization, which accompanied by segregation and stratification of secondary education, is empirically confirmed in Ukraine. Children from elite families, who are determined by social distance, individual and personal inequality, disparities in social conditions of development and social selection, are new target group of socio-pedagogical research. The aim of the article is to represent the theoretical and experimental study of the social situation and experience of primary school pupils from elite families and its impact on the trajectory of their social development. The survey, conducted in March-June 2020, involved parents of 143 children from elite families aged 6-8. It was determined that the socio-economic situation of the children family, affects their social experience and the educational trajectory of pupils. The leading role in raising a child belongs to educational institutions in 2% of family, despite the fact that in most elite families the educational function is equally distributed between both parents. It forms a specific demand for a school that has to educate children. Private schools could face the problem of forming responsibilities, as most primary school pupils from elite families have no domestic responsibilities, and their behavior may be partly antisocial. It because family education is not based on the causal links of the child's negative behavior and the equival punishment for it. The main demands on private schools for children from elite families are overcoming or minimizing shyness and isolation; fears and phobias; hyperactivity, emotional instability and capriciousness.


elite families, primary school children, private school, social experience, social development, stratification of education.




1. Gidens, E. (1999). Sotsiologiia [Sociology]. Kyiv: Osnovy [in Ukrainian].
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Olena Ostrianska, Natalia Zernova. Facilitative Support of Professional Development of Research and Teaching Staff in The Process of Preparing and Holding International Educational Exhibitions.

(2020) Science and education, 4, 24-40. Odessa.

Olena Ostrianska,
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Sciences,
associate professor of the Department of Scientific Work,
State Institution of Higher Education "University of Educational Management"
of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
52-A, Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
Natalia Zernova,
methodologist of highest category of the Department of Scientific Work,
State Institution of Higher Education "University of Educational Management"
of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
52-A, Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article analyses the experience of organizing International Educational Exhibitions in Ukraine in 2016 – 2020. The essence of such concepts as "international educational exhibition", "international educational exhibition space", "facilitative support of professional development of research and teaching staff" is defined. The structural elements of the International Educational Exhibition and the stages of a higher educational institution participation in the exhibition activity (preparatory, direct participation, analysis of the achieved results) are considered. The authors of the article present systematized experience of facilitative support of professional development of research and teaching staff provided by specialists of the Department of Scientific Work of the State Institution of Higher Education "University of Educational Management" of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine in the process of preparing, holding and analysing results of International Educational Exhibitions, such as "Innovation in Modern Education", "Modern Educational Institutions", "Education and Career – Student's Day", "Education and Career". The types of organizational and coordination activities are determined, a detailed list of actions of the process of facilitative support by the specialists of the Department of Scientific Work of research and teaching staff as exhibitors and visitors of the exhibition is presented. Methodical structuring and algorithmizing of types of organizational and coordination activities and a detailed list of actions of the facilitation process are described in the following stages: 1) preparation of research and teaching staff (exhibitors and visitors) to participate in International Educational Exhibitions; 2) direct participation of research and teaching staff (exhibitors and visitors) in the International Educational Exhibitions; 3) analysis of the results of participation of research and teaching staff (exhibitors and visitors) in International Educational Exhibitions. The authors have created a classification of events of the International Educational Exhibition according to the congress, competition and exponential components. Statistics of the number of planned and conducted events within the International Educational Exhibition activities in Ukraine in 2016 – 2020 are presented. Emphasis is placed on changing the form of exhibitions from offline to online format due to the COVID–19 pandemic and lockdown (quarantine restrictions) in 2020. Recommendations for higher educational institutions to maintain an integrated information base of exhibition educational activities with detailed information on the activities within the exponential, competitive and congress programs of the exhibition.


higher education institution, facilitation support, professional development, research and teaching staff, International Educational Exhibition, international educational exhibition space, exhibition activity, exhibitor, exponential, competitive, congress components of the exhibition program.




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Anatoliy Chustrak, Artemy Kiziryan, Edward Kiziryan. Which is Better: Physical Education or Sports?

(2020) Science and education, 4, 40-47. Odessa.

Anatoliy Chustrak,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Privat-professor of the Department of Gymnastics and Martial Arts,
The State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine,
Artemy Kiziryan,
high achiever of education of Ukraine,
Edward Kiziryan,
first-year student,
The State Institution "I.I. Mechnikov National University",
2, Dvoryanska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



According to the Federal center of kinesitherapy and sports medicine of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, only 12% of people who are involved in sports become apparently healthy. There has long been a polemic in literature, which is better physical education or sports? Physical culture is a part of General human culture. And the sport is just one of many means of physical exercise within this more General category of «physical culture». Today, unfortunately, culture prevents to live not only for athletes, but also politicians, businessmen and government officials. The article draws attentions to the negative aspects of sports that have become more prominent in recent years: injury, illness and even deaths of elite athletes. The article provides facts, statements of famous scientists, traumatologists, doctors and trainers about the reasons for the negative impact of sports and recommendations how to avoid it and warn that exercise: sports like smoking are dangerous to health. Recommendations for beginner athletes are given. The doctor's consultation and recommendations what kind of sport is best to do need to be at least in this problem. What should be: sportswear, shoes and most importantly what loads to use in the beginning. It is forbidden to go in for sports with a diagnosis of cancer and immunodeficiency diseases, colds and other inflammations and even if you feel ill. You need to listen to your body, finish training at the first signs of fatigue and avoid strenuous physical activity, which is rarely noticed by coaches. According to the statistics of injuries among runners: the most common injuries are knees, then ankles, hips, lower back, muscles and tendons, thighs and calves, upper back and neck. The US Safety Commission has registered 554,000 injuries to cyclists in one year. The recommendations of Academician M. Amosov are shown: a set of 10 exercises, repeating each exercise 100 times. Tibetan lamas recommend only 5 exercises and repetitions from 3 to 21 times each of the exercise. Everything can be used for good or harm. Everything is food, and everything is poison, the main thing is moderation. You can choose high sports achievements and records or high efficiency and healthy longevity.


physical education, sports, health of athletes.




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