Oleksiy Chebykin, Oksana Vdovichenko. Specificity of Risk Propensity in Age Crisis Periods of Ontogenesis.

(2020) Science and education, 2, 5-13. Odessa.

Oleksiy Chebykin,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, professor,
Full member of the NAPS of Ukraine,
Oksana Vdovichenko,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, associate professor,
The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The problem of the specifics of risk propensity in age crisis periods of ontogenesis is analyzed in the article. The theoretical and methodological analysis of approaches to the study of the problem of risk in psychology, as well as the selection of its specific levels have been described. The generalization of different approaches made it possible to note that the problem of risk is a multifaceted phenomenon and is considered from two directions: as positive which is characterized by a certain driving force of progress in general and personal development, in particular, and as negative which lead to regression, loss, etc. Based on the selected approaches, as well as the results of the research, the authors will follow the understanding of risk as a specific emotional and volitional action that activates various mental functions that are aimed at overcoming a dangerous situation. The aim is to reveal the severity of risk and to identify certain dominant levels in the age crisis periods of ontogenesis. The latter include crises of adolescence (13-16), early adulthood (30-35) and midlife (45-50). The complex of psychodiagnostic techniques, both the author's development and other researchers have been used to identify certain levels of risk propensity. It has been empirically shown that excessive, high, medium and moderate risk is more evident in adolescent crisis; excessive, high and low risk – in the crisis of early adulthood; high, moderate and low risk – in the midlife crisis. It has been found that the dominance of the affective factor, which is expressed in the emotional non-acceptance of the situation of uncertainty, excitement and confidence in the situation of uncertainty, anger and embarrassment in a situation of danger and personal anxiety is most typical in the adolescent crisis. The dominance of motivational and regulatory risk factor, namely indicators of the pursuance of perfection and benefits, focus on action during the planning and implementation of activities, engagement with life events, achievement motivation is typical in early adulthood crisis. The dominance of the cognitive risk factor, where the most important are the abilities to quickly solve creative tasks and to be tolerant to uncertainty is typical in midlife crisis.


 risk, Psychology of Risk, risk propensity, age periods, crisis, age crisis.




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Olga Vovchenko. The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on The Processes of Self-Identification of Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities.

(2020) Science and education, 2, 14-21. Odessa.

Olga Vovchenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), doctoral student,
Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology,
National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine,
9, Berlin M. Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The relevance of the study is due to two aspects: first, the complexity of adolescence, psychological problems faced by adolescents, their parents, educators and teachers; secondly, the lack of research not only the peculiarities of self-identification of adolescents with intellectual disabilities, but also the interaction of emotional intelligence on the formation of self-esteem, Self-concept and self-identification in general. Because self-identification and emotional intelligence require the adolescent's personality to actively participate in its formation and formation. These are two constructs in the structure of personality, which are based on reflection, self-regulation, self-awareness and further determine the vector of life of the adolescent, his/her place in social life. The aim of the article is to identify and experimentally test the state of formation of self-identification in adolescents with intellectual disabilities and the impact on its formation of emotional intelligence. The study used theoretical (deductive, inductive) and empirical (methods of psychodiagnostics) methods. Psychological diagnosis of the state of formation of self-identification in adolescents with intellectual disabilities was carried out using the method of «Hand-drawn apperceptive test (PAT)», the method of «Who am I? » (by M. Kuhn), conversations, observations. The result of the study was a statement of the fact that the vast majority of adolescents with intellectual disabilities have a low level of self-identification, only a small percentage of the studied adolescents have an average level. Such results are due to such personal characteristics of the adolescent as asociality, anxiety, diffidence, lack of self-control, inability to control stress-filled emotional states, low level of selfregulation (including emotional and volitional self-regulation), low level of emotional intelligence formation.


adolescence, intellectual disabilities, self-identification, self-esteem, Self-concept, emotional intelligence.




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Yurii Cheban, Viktor Plokhikh. Emotional and Volitional Component of Competitive Attitude of Rowing Athletes.

(2020) Science and education, 2, 22-31. Odessa.

Yurii Cheban,
PhD student,
Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
Viktor Plokhikh,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
Department of Developmental Psychology and Social Communications,
The State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



High achievements in modern sports are associated with the development of the emotional and volitional sphere of athletes, with their abilities for effective self-regulation of functional states and actions. The theoretical basis of the study is the provisions of the attitude theory, the concept of system organization and self-regulation of the process of activity, the differential psychology of emotions, the concept of basal and system volitional qualities. The competitive attitude of rowing athletes is considered as an attitude for self-mobilization and stabilization of highly coordinated, powerful rowing actions. The purpose of the study is to determine the structure, relations, symbolic and significant forms of strengthening the emotional and volitional component of the competitive attitude of rowing athletes. The following methods were used to determine the values of indicators in the empirical study: natural experiment (indicator of overcoming exhaustion); analysis of performance (sports qualifications); test psychodiagnostics of emotional stability, worry, conscientiousness, courage, self-control (16 Personality Factors Questionnaire of Raymond Cattell); achievement motivation (test of T. Ehlers); frequency of manifestation of basal emotions (T. Dembo technique); questioning (frequency of using mental resources). A subgroup of 18 people was selected in the group of subjects using cluster analysis who have a high level of development of volitional qualities, with a preference for a positive emotional background of vital activity, with relatively higher (Mann-Whitney U-test) sports achievements, evaluated by indicators of sports qualifications (U=96.5; p=.003) and the ability to overcome exhaustion (U=101.0; p=.005). A higher, in comparison with other subjects, expressiveness of achievement motivation (U=90.5; p=.002), conscientiousness (U=35.0; p<.001), cheerfulness the opposite of worry (U=43.0; p<.001), courage (U=111.5; p=.011), self-control (U=95.5; p=.003), emotional balance (U=110.5; p=.011), experiences of pleasure (U=117.5; p=.014) were observed in this subgroup. The analysis of the study results allows to conclude that the emotional and volitional component of the competitive attitude of rowing athletes functionally aimed at mobilizing and stabilizing highly coordinated, powerful rowing actions, in its structure relies on developed systemic qualities of conscientiousness and cheerfulness associated with manifestations of courage, self-control, patience, energy, with expressed preferences for a positive emotional background of vital activity. The implementation of the emotional and volitional component is directly related to the motivation of achievements and the energy strengthening of the oared process. The competitive success of rowing athletes is increased by using mental resources (verbal formulas, figurative constructs) for self-mobilization


 basal emotions, basal volitional qualities, systemic volitional qualities, mental resource, attitude, selfmobilization, actions of rowing athlete.




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Antonina Kichuk. Some Approaches to Knowing The Features of Students’ Emotional Health.

(2020) Science and education, 2, 31-38. Odessa.

Antonina Kichuk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General and Practical Psychology,
Izmail State University of Guanitars,
12, Repin Str., Izmail, Ukraine



The perspective of the “petals” of personal health have never disappeared from the field of view of psychological science and practice. In modern stressful situations of being, it is the emotional component of health which is actualized through an increase of the emotional pressure on all aspects of life of a person. This is especially true for the period of early adulthood, when stressors that have age-related origin are also added to the urgent challenges of our time. Defining the structural-component elements of the phenomenon, that is of the emotional health of students, which does not make it possible to determine its scientific and practical foundations. This negatively affects the students' ability of selfknowledge, self-preservation, self-renewal and self-enrichment of their own emotional health, and the development of a positively active attitude towards the indicated personality feature. As a result of the analytical work, based on the scientific research foundation of the problem, a number of assumptions, which directed the research position, concerning meaningful content of the concept “emotional health”, regulatory and adaptive functions and the self-value of emotional health regarding students in the “individual-subject-personality - individuality” has been detailed. On this background, the author’s position, regarding the interpretation of the basic concept, structural identity, component constitution and measurements of the emotional health of an individual in early adulthood, has been justified. This involves an internally determined phenomenon, which, under appropriate conditions of educational and professional activity, can be transformed into an object of cognition, evaluation, and restoration by an individual. The expediency in the emotional health of a student to distinguish axiological, cognitive-affective, constant-instrumental and social-empathic components, which are caused by internal and external factors has been proved. The above mentioned statement expands scientific ideas about the emotional health of modern students, actualizing the need for practice-oriented activities in the current conditions of the notable negative impact of stress factors combination.


 health, psychological health, emotional health, structural component constitution, student.




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Mariia Kanibolotska. The Sense of Teacher Belonging as a Premise For Success of Educational Reform: Methodological Principles of The Study.

(2020) Science and education, 2, 38-44. Odessa.

Mariia Kanibolotska,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
researcher of the Institute of Social and Political Psychology,
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
15, Andrііvska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The problems of management of educational reforms in the context of world practices have been analyzed. Based on the study of international experience, the premises for the successful implementation of educational reforms have been identified: decentralization and autonomy of schools; effective leadership of administrators as a factor in stimulating innovative changes among the pedagogical community; gradual steps of the reforms; well-established communication and high degree of trust between all stakeholders; consensus-based participation, as well as openness to communication and tolerant exchange of views; the subjective sense of belonging of the participants at all stages of educational reform. Based on the results of the analysis of modern scientific knowledge, it has been established that individuals who feel involved into the community tend to go beyond personal interests for the group goals and implement socially significant tasks. There have been identified approaches to the under-standing of the sense of teachers` belonging. It has been also stated that the consolidation of opinions at the level of collective interests and values, as well as a positive affective background contribute to the formation and high manifestation of the sense of belonging. The levels of teachers` belonging in the context of educational reforms have been identified through the questionnaire. There has been established a link between teachers' sense of belonging and their willingness to implement competency-based approach into learning.


educational reform, management of the reform, pedagogical community, sense of belonging.




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