Estella W. Chizhik, Alexander W. Chizhik, Brian Burgess, Maelyn Tanmajo, Derrick Seng, Myrna Hernandez. Video-Based Coaching in Support of Elementary Teacher-Candidate’s Professional Development.

(2019) Science and education, 4, 5-15. Odessa.

Estella W. Chizhik,
Professor of Teacher Education, San Diego State University, San Diego, USA
Alexander W. Chizhik,
Professor of Teacher Education, San Diego State University, San Diego, USA
Brian Burgess,
Student in the Psychology Department, San Diego State University, San Diego, USA
Maelyn Tanmajo,
B.A. in Psychology, San Diego State University, San Diego, USA
Derrick Seng,
Student in the Psychology Department, San Diego State University, San Diego, USA
Myrna Hernandez,
B.A. in Psychology, San Diego State University,
San Diego, USA *Corresponding author
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Teacher-education programs seek to improve their clinical practice for teacher candidates. Video-based coaching enables university supervisors the ability to provide meaningful feedback to teacher candidates. Most of the research on video-based coaching has focused on how the tool helps candidates notice aspects of their teaching. Few studies have examined the type of feedback university supervisors provide their teacher candidates. The current research examined the type of feedback university supervisors provide, how the feedback changes over the course of the program and its impact on a summative performance-based assessment. Reviewing the feedback provided by 16 university supervisors for 124 elementary school teacher candidates, our findings show that university supervisors’ feedback tends to be more positive than constructive. The select skills on which supervisors focused modulated over time and appear to be associated with candidates’ performance on the summative performance assessment. The implications of this research posits that university supervisors can have a measurable effect on teacher candidates’ instructional performance with the use of video-based coaching.


 teacher education, teacher candidates, university supervisors, video-based coaching, feedback, performance-based assessment.




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Raisa Martynova. Types of Didactic Models of The Learning Process.

(2019) Science and education, 4, 15-22. Odessa.

Raisa Martynova,
Doctor of Education, professor,
The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankovskaia St., Odessa, Ukraine



The article substantiates the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of the process of teaching any subject by means of its preliminary modeling. It has been proved that any didactic model consists of three blocks: organizational, which represents the stages of teaching; informative, which includes such links as: teaching objectives, elements of the major subject and components of the major subject content; procedural, which includes such links as: teaching methods, teaching aids, control of teaching outcomes. The form of interconnection of the named links shows that each previous link assumes the next one, and each subsequent link is based on the previous one. Their consistent implementation determines the dynamics of the teaching process. Such model has the properties of a system: INTEGRITY, manifested in the fact that a change in a link or their sequence will violate not only the logic of the teaching process, but will also suspend its implementation; HIERARCHY, manifested in the fact that the presented educational integrity is a structure of a higher level than its components; EMERGENCY, manifested in the fact that a simple sum of links will not lead to the dynamics of the teaching process; it is possible only with the fixed form of their relationship; FUNCTIONALITY, manifested in the fact that each link performs its own function, which proceeds from the function of the previous link, that, in its turn, determines the function of the next link; SYNERGY, manifested in the fact that none of the links can be a subject to bifurcation; otherwise, its destruction will lead to the destruction of the entire teaching process as a whole.


modeling, receptive assimilation, reproductive assimilation, productive assimilation, creatively reflective assimilation; stages of training, learning objectives, teaching methods, teaching aids, components of the learning content, elements of the subject of instruction, monitoring of learning outcomes.




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Oksana Stupak. Characteristics of Components of System Formation of Social Activity of Youth in Institutions of Civil Society.

(2019) Science and education, 4, 23-30. Odessa.

Oksana Stupak,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), doctoral student,
Department of Preschool Education and Social Work,
State Higher Educational Institution “Donbas State Pedagogical University”,
19, Batiuka Str., Sloviansk, Ukraine



The modern development of civil society is directly related to the effective activity of civil society institutions. At the same time, their activities have attracted more attention from political scientists, philosophers, government officials, than educators. The analysis of the activities of such institutes showed their increase in the pace of development and the variety of implemented tools and technologies in youth work. Thus, considering the relevance of the current trends in the development of Ukrainian civil society in the identification of the key role of a number of civil society institutions that have a weighty impact on youth, conducting a theoretical analysis and content-based presentation of the system of formation of youth social activity in the institutions of civil society. The purpose of the study is to substantiate and highlight the component composition of the system of formation of youth social activity. The allocation of component composition was based on the theoretical background of specialists in the field of social work, as well as the personal experience of the author in the public sector and in working with young people. The institutes of civil society that influence the formation and development of social activity of youth include the following: public organizations, youth centers, youth councils, charitable foundations. The theoretical analysis of the problem under the research problem provided an opportunity for defining the system of formation of youth social activity in the institutions of civil society as a holistic process, which includes a set of interrelated and interdependent components, in particular, purpose, object and subject, content, directions, forms and methods of working with youth in civil society institutions. The research system is represented five substantiated structural components: target (goal, task, principles, result), subject-object (subject and object of research), substantive (directions, content of activity of civil society institutions), procedural activity (forms and methods of youth work), environmental (conditions of formation of youth social activity).


  social activity, youth, system, institutions of civil society.




1. Yevropeiska khartiia uchasti molodi v hromadskomu zhytti na mistsevomu i rehionalnomu rivni [The European Charter has been involved in public life at local and regional level]. Retrieved from r.pdf [in Ukrainian].
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Natalia Astrakhan. Harry Potter By J.K. Rowling: The Developmental Potential of Didactic Interpretation.

(2019) Science and education, 4, 31-40. Odessa.

Natalia Astrakhan,
Doctor of Philology, associate professor,
Professor of the Department of German Philology and Foreign Literature,
Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University,
40, Bolshaya Berdicheskaya Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article is concerned with the novel series about Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling in terms of its influencing the formation and development of a high school reader’s personality. The purpose of the article is to carry out a didactic interpretation of the novel series in order to determine the personality developing potential of the picture of the world and the concept of man, created by the writer; to determine the significance of the meanings found in the process of interpretation of the influence on the axiological sphere of a modern person; to comprehend the saga as a programme for a young person, training for the tasks and challenges of the modern world, related to the need for lifelong learning and development in order to harmonize individual and general existence. While carrying out the interdisciplinary research, humanitarian according to its formal and substantive features, we used general scientific theoretical methods of studying literary sources, description, analysis, synthesis, interpretation; pedagogical and methodological methods of Педагогіка – Education Science and Education, 2019, Issue 4 40 observation, as well as education and training by means of art; literary methods, in particular hermeneutic, cultural-historical, comparative-historical. The didactic interpretation of the article shows that life emerges in the space of the novel series about Harry Potter as a super-complex spiritual and intellectual riddle that can only be solved through the best efforts of the mind and heart, working tirelessly with all other people, each time taking on a new level of awareness of the tasks and the possibilities of solving them. That is, life requires constant personal development, and complete self-realization of a person, which introduces him or her into the space of history, leads to the harmonization of personal and general being. Only in the path of personal development and creative existence in the space of history can we build an algorithm of actions that can lead to a miracle - ordinary human happiness, which is based on love and therefore opens new horizons of being.


didactic interpretation, personality development, creative self-realization, spiritual and intellectual riddle, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter.




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Alexey Ganchar, Oleg Chernyavsky, Serhii Medynskyi, Ivan Ganchar. Estimation of Skills Formation of Swimming Among The Strongest Swimmers-Students at The XXX World Universiade in Naples-2019.

(2019) Science and education, 4, 40-46. Odessa.

Alexey Ganchar,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor, professor,
Department of Tactics and General Military Disciplines,
The Institute of Naval Forces of the National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”,
20, Gradonachalnitskaya St., Odessa, Ukraine,
Oleg Chernyavsky,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), 1st rank captain,
Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian and fundamental disciplines,
The Institute of Naval Forces of the National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”,
20, Gradonachalnitskaya St., Odessa, Ukraine,
Serhii Medynskyi,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, professor,
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology,
Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture,
11, Tadeusha Kostyushka St., Lvov, Ukraine,
Ivan Ganchar,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor,
Department of Physical Education and Sports,
National University “Odessa National Maritime Academy”,
8, Didrikhson Str., Odessa, Ukraine



In this article the dynamics of the rating of command performances of strongest swimmers-students according to the results of receiving prize-winning among men and women, participants-winners of the final Universiade in Naples-2019. Swimmers-winners, who won gold medals for men (900 points) and women (881) in “points” equivalent almost indistinguishable (19 points). We determine the ranking of team performance of different countries in the representatives of different sex in the distances of sports swimming according to the results of winning the medals at the start of XXX World Universiade in Naples-2019. The authors' collective was studied: a) revealing the ranking in the performance of team performance of male and female swimmers at the start of the World Universiade-2019; b) introduction of the results of the study into the practice of physical education and sports in order to identify an objective rating of the success of the team performance of swimmers-students. In addition, professional interest is in studying the evaluation of swimmers' results, having won awards with gold, silver and bronze medals. The results of our study identified the unconditional leaders (top ten) of student swimming at the XXX World Universiade in Naples2019: USA-40 medals (17 men + 23 women), Japan-20 (9 men + 11 women), Russia-18 (15 men + 3 women), Italy-11 (5 men + 6 women), South Africa-6 (2 men + 4 women), United Kingdom-6 (2 men + 4 women), Australia-5 (2 men + 3 women), Brazil4 (3 men + 1 woman), Germany-3 (3 women), Sweden- 1 (men) medal. This trend is also seen among the award-winning silver medals (886 respectively, and 863 points, the difference-23 points) and received bronze medals (respectively 874 and 852 points, the difference-22 points). Thus, in the general summary table of the rating of teams-participants in Naples-2019, it should be included, not only the existing state of qualitative indexes of medals (gold, silver, bronze), but first of all quantitative indicators. Since the generalized gender differences (887 + 865 = 1752 – Average 876 points), allows to assess the advantages of achievement in points.


 ranking team, prize medals, swimmers male, swimmers women, Universidad, assessment of the achievements, table FINA.




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