Olena Volynchuk. The Problem of Individual’s Psychological Boundaries.

(2019) Science and education, 3, 37-40. Odessa.

Olena Volynchuk,
postgraduate student,
Department of Theory and Methodology of Practical Psychology,
The State institution “South-Ukrainian Pedagogical University
named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The approaches to the problem of psychological boundaries of the individual are systematized in the article. The stages of studying the problem of boundaries are indicated. It is noted that the vast majority of studies of the phenomenon are carried out within the framework of philosophical and psychological approaches. The content of the psychological boundary is presented. The varieties and functions of boundaries of personality’s psychological space are presented.


 personality, psychological boundaries, psychological space.




1. Andronnikova, O. O. & Volokhova, V. I. (2018). Psikhologhicheskie granitsi victimnoi lichnosti [Psychological borders of victim personality]. Sibirskii pedagogicheskii zhurnal – Siberian Pedagogical Journal, 2 [in Russian].
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3. Hryhoryeva, O. V. & Drapaka, A. V. (2007). Psikhologhichni mezhi osobystosti і metod otsinki yikh sformovanosti [Psychological boundaries of personality and determinational method of their formation]. Meditsinskaia psikhologhiia – Medical Psychology, 4 [in Ukrainian].
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Oksana Mіroshnychenko, Natalia Svitlychna, Inna Tabachnyk. Psychological and Pedagogical Means of Positive and Effective Attitude Formation of Students To Their Own Health.

(2019) Science and education, 3, 40-46. Odessa.

Oksana Mіroshnychenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Acting head of Department of Psychology,
Academy of State Penitentiary Service,
34, Honcha Str., Chernihiv,Ukraine,
Natalia Svitlychna,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, senior lecturer,
Department of Psychology of Activities in Special Conditions,
National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine,
94, Chernyshevska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Inna Tabachnyk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, senior lecturer,
Departments of Theory and Methodology of Preschool Education,
Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy» of Kharkiv Regional Council,
7, Rustaveli Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine



The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the use of psychological and pedagogical means for realization of the most effective steps of positive and effective attitude formation of students to their own health. The purpose of the article was to carry out the theoretical analysis of the basic psychological and pedagogical means of prevention and correction students' addictive behavior. A set of theoretical (reflexive analysis and generalization of scientific literature) and empirical (mathematical statistics tools) methods were applied, the choice and combinations of which were determined by the purpose and tasks of the research. An important psychological and pedagogical condition for the students' addictive behavior prevention is the implementation of prophylactic monitoring, that is, the tracking of indicators of possible conditions and factors of tobacco and alcohologenic risk, which implies the creation of an appropriate scientific basis. The necessary conditions for solving the problems of forming an interest of one's own health in the system of students` perception of the world is the formation of a motivational component, a positive attitude to educational activity and psychological well-being. Mindset training as a means of reprogramming the model of behavior and activity management that humans already have, in this case adolescents and youth is of particular importance in the context of these issues. A step-by-step model of addictive behavior is used in the training program. The forms of social and psychological assistance in working with students are the prevention and correction of cognitive disorders using exercises and games based on a combination of cognitive and suggestive components, correction of emotional and abnormal personality etc. The possibilities of correction of students' addictive behavior during the period of study in higher education institutions by means of psychological training of integrative type remain insufficiently investigated. Therefore, the practical importance, namely, of this complex of psychotherapeutic techniques expands the idea of ways to correct addictions in adolescence through the use of psychological means of developing a positive and effective attitude to health in the system of basic personality relationships.


  adolescence, students, prevention, correction, additive behavior, mindset training.




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Inna Bedny. Human Factor in Performing Computer Based and Computerized Tasks: Systemic-Structural Activity Theory Perspective.

(2019) Science and education, 3, 47-53. Odessa.

Inna Bedny,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, professor,
Information Technology, UPS,
3, Nuthatcher Court, Wayne, New Jersey, USA



The purpose of this article is to highlight the issues related to human-computer interaction (HCI) and demonstrate how application of the Systemic-Structural Activity Theory (SSAT) allows to solve some of the problems related to utilization of software. Wide spread HCI is a relatively new phenomenon. Today people of all ages use gadgets to connect with their friends and relatives, to purchase all kinds of necessities, to work, travel and play. Software developers are often concentrated on coding while ignoring the human element. The software intended for work that is used hundreds of times during the day should be designed differently from the interface for the customers that might have to use it once. SSAT considers human activity as a structure that unfolds in time. Suggested in this framework methods of analysis of human performance allows to analyze the structure of the task, find its critical points, determine the complexity of task performance and compare different versions of interface design to choose the best version. SSAT suggests new methods of algorithmic description of human performance that allow to conduct the qualitative analysis of the software used to perform the task and derive the quantitative measures of complexity. Special attention is paid to the decision-making process and to the reliability of human performance. The developed analytical methods can be used at the design stage when software does not exist yet. These methods help to choose the best design version saving a lot of resources at the early stages of the design process. Here we are going to demonstrate how applying these methods we can improve user experience by make the task performance less complex and more efficient.


 user experience, task analysis, design, complexity, reliability of human performance.




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3. Bedny, G. Z., Karwowski, W., Bedny, I. S. (2018). “Applying Systemic-Structural Activity Theory to Design of Human-Computer Interaction Systems”, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group [in English].
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6. Bedny, I. S., (2019). Application of SystemicStructural Activity Theory to Evaluation of Innovations. In: Janusz Kacprzyk (eds.) Advances in Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing), vol. 953, Springer International Publishing [in English].
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Svitlana Mykhalska. Social and Institutional Situation of The Preschool Child’s Development.

(2019) Science and education, 3, 54-59. Odessa.

Svitlana Mykhalska,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), assistant professor,
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University,
61, Ohienko Str., Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine



The article deals with the important problem of preschooler’s social development. It has been found, that social development of personality, is an interconnected process of preschool child’s socialization and individualization. The theory of multidimensional personality structure is considered. The article analyzes the changes in the social situation of the child's existence and development, in particular, the ontogeny and sociogenesis conditions; socio-cultural and psychological bases of preschooler’s life activity, who may be in different educational institutions; living conditions and prerequisites for the children development in various aspects; institutional and social situation of preschool childhood. A special feature of the new social situation in society is the growing role of the media. It is proved, that the preschool age is characterized by a new social situation of development, when the sphere of child interaction and the circle of communication are greatly expanded; communication with adults becomes more complicated, takes on new forms and content. The social transformation of the preschool child’s game is shown, which characterizes by the absence of play environment, a decrease of play level, the impossibility of mastering by the child of social roles, which leads to a slow formation of the child's social identity at the beginning of school. It is argued, that education, training and development must occur in the unity of all the psychic qualities, which are inherent to a child of this age (curiosity, interest, play, ability to be creative and more). It is revealed, that in childhood the main criteria of periodization and personality formation are the position on the dynamics of the social development, the dynamics of leading activities and the dynamics of their own personal new items in a certain order of significance. The growing up of a child indicates a change in the sequence and dynamics of social development. It is determined, that a psychologically mature preschooler is a child who, according to emotional, volitional and intellectual traits, is ready to changes in new situations of communication and activity; ready to consciously regulate his/her intentions, actions, plans. This is a child who has developed volitional regulation, independence, motivation to manifest different kinds of activity: awareness of himself, positive attitude to the world, to him/herself and others, adequate self-esteem, willingness to interact, ability to organize a game, play, act together, desire to be a part of the group, the ability to empathize, provide and ask for help. This is a child who has advanced communication skills, listening skills to others, decision-making skills, etc.


 personality, preschooler, social situation of development, leading activity.




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