Ganna Slobodianiuk. Formal and Organizational Trends in Psychological Training of Future Teachers in Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine.

(2019) Science and education, 3, 21-31. Odessa.

Ganna Slobodianiuk,
PhD student,
Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
The State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska St., Odesa, Ukraine



The vector of competence approach in professional formation of specialists poses to the higher education of Ukraine the question of the quality of future teachers’ preparation, the examination of which should become the professional competencies of the graduate student. The psychological competencies of the teacher require specification of the application of psychological knowledge in relation to a number of interactions that mediate the educational process and activity of a teacher. It is logical for the society to expect that the basic psychological competences of the future teacher should be acquired at the stage of primary professionalization in the educational institution which prepares teachers. Structurally normative psychological training of future teachers is indirectly reflected in the scope of teaching and distribution of teaching hours of psychological disciplines, in their content and structuring in different training courses, the ratio of classroom hours and independent work of the student in the discipline. The purpose of the work is to summarize the educational tendencies in the content of the curricula of psychological training of future teachers in the higher education system. The main results were obtained through the methods of analysis of curricula for the preparation of mathematics teachers of bachelor level in different higher education institutions of Ukraine in the context of: the volume of academic hours of disciplines of psychological cycle and their content representation; studying trends in the ratio of different forms of classroom training and their share in the general and practical training of specialists. The analysis of ten-year curricula and programs of psychological disciplines showed a variety of volumes of study of psychological disciplines, a tendency to decrease its academic hours, a reduction in the number of ECTS credits and reduction of the applied content component of developmental, pedagogical, social psychology and psychological foundations of family life. There is a certain tendency to decrease the quota of classroom study of psychological disciplines and increase the volume of students’ independent work. The lack of approved national professional standard for the teaching profession makes it difficult to include applied psychological disciplines in teacher training plans designed to ensure the formation of professional psychological competencies of future educators.


 psychological training of future teachers, volume of psychological disciplines in the curriculum of bachelor’s training, classroom and independent work of students in psychology, competences, psychological competences, professional competences of teachers, educational standard, institution of higher education (Higher education institution).




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