Oleksii Chebykin, Olena Kosianova, Irina Voloshina. Research on Aggressiveness With Attitudes to Your and Other People's Deception in Adolescence.

(2019) Science and education, 3, 14-20. Odessa.

Oleksii Chebykin,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences,
Academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine,
Olena Kosianova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), lecturer,
Department of Theory and Methodology of Practical Psychology,
Irina Voloshina,
Master of Psychology,
Department of Theory and Methodology of Practical Psychology,
The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankivska St., Odessa, Ukraine



The article deals with the problem of aggression in adolescence in the correlation with various types of deception. The use of techniques of I. P. Shkuratova ("Types of deception", "Attitude to other people`s deception", "Attitude to your deception"), Buss-Durkey Inventory intended for diagnosing aggressive and hostile reactions that allowed to identify significant positive correlation between all indicators of aggression and types of deception. It is determined that in both groups there is almost the same attitude towards other people`s deception. Thus, representatives of high and low levels of aggressiveness demonstrate an uncensorious attitude to etiquettical deception, pious fraud, fraud-fantasy, which are recognized as socially acceptable. It is established that people with a high level of aggression choose a competitive style of behavior, which is manifested in the control of the opponent's actions, pressure by all available means, the use of deception, cunning, insults, etc. Pepople with a low level of aggression tend to use avoidable and adaptive types of behavior, which are characterized by constant compliance with the requirements of the enemy, the desire to please everyone, avoiding offense, indecision in critical situations.


  aggressiveness, levels of aggression, deception, types of deception, attitude towards your and other people's deception.




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