Inessa Viznyuk. Pedagogical Skills of The Teacher as a Means Of Forming a Healthy Lifestyle Among Students.

(2019) Science and education, 3, 5-9. Odessa.

Inessa Viznyuk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology and Social Work,
Vinnitsa State Pedagogical Mikhail Kotsyubynsky University,
32, Ostrozky Str., Vinnitsa, Ukraine



The article considers the phenomenon of teacher's personal maturity as a key factor in the effectiveness of pedagogical activity. The purpose of our article is to substantiate the pedagogical skills of the teacher as a means of forming a healthy life. Generalization of various approaches gives the grounds to allocate some bipolar parameters which have great value in a context of pedagogical activity and characterize the level of a personal maturity or, accordingly, immaturity of the teacher. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical approaches to the interpretation of the essence of personal development, we determine the following criteria of the teacher's personal maturity: self-determination, capacity for self-awareness, spontaneity, authenticity, readiness for emotionally close relationships, etc., as well as the adequacy of self-perception, flexibility, tolerance for contradictions, understanding of the relativity of things, positive self-image, inclination for creativity, existence of individual life philosophy and professional position. The humanization of the school and the organization of the educational process on the basis of a personal approach requires the teacher to have a high level of personal maturity, who can present him/herself to the students not as an impersonal functionary, professional, but as an original personality, who has his/her own position, which is open in expression, their feelings, emotions and views. Teaching such teachers requires the realization of a set of pedagogical conditions in the educational environment of higher education institutions, connected with ensuring the subjective position of students, intensifying their reflective processes, dialogue, problematization and personalization of pedagogical communication. The preparation of such teachers requires the realization in the educational space of a higher educational institution of a complex of pedagogical conditions connected with the maintenance of the subject position of students, activation of their reflexive processes, dialogical character, personification and complication of pedagogical interaction, Psychology of Technology and Social Psychology.


maturity, personal maturity, criteria of teacher's personal maturity, development of teacher's personal maturity.




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