Nataliia Leshchii. Functional State of The Cardiorespiratory System of Youth Children with Complex Developmental Disorders

(2019) Science and education, 2, 56-64. Odessa.

Nataliia Leshchii
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,  Department of Defectology and Physical Rehabilitation,
South  Ukrainian  National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,  26, Staroportofransivska, Odesa, Ukraine 



The article deals with the problem of diagnostics of functional state of the cardiorespiratory system of youth children who have complex developmental disorders. The physical, functional and psychological state of the child are an integral whole and any physical disturbance necessarily causes changes in the psychological and functional status of the child, which must be taken into account during performing physical education and health measures. The system of operational assessment of physical development and the results of physical culture and recreational work is an integral part of planning and evaluation of the effectiveness of the developed plan of correctional and recreational work with children who have complex developmental disorders. The aim of the study is to determine the features of the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system of children with complex developmental disorders. The methods of research are the following: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature; medical and biological methods: spirography, functional tests of Shtange, Genchy, Skibinsky, definition of chest excursion, heart rate, arterial pressure; methods of mathematical statistics. It was found that healthy boys have a significantly higher value of vital capacity of lungs than boys who have the complex developmental disorders by 120,40 ml (p<0,01), forced lung capacity – by 200,69 ml (p<0,01), volume of forced exhalation for the first second – by 250,59 ml (p<0,01), peak volume – by 1,1 l/s (p<0,01), maximum ventilation of the lungs – by 19,55 l/min (p<0,01), excursion of the chest – by 2,9 cm (p <0,001), the Skibinsky index – by 5,08 c.u. (p<0,01). The girls who have the complex developmental disorders, the vital capacity was probably less than 120,60 ml (p<0,01) compared with healthy peers, the forced vital capacity – by 200,39 ml (p<0,01), volume of forced exhalation for the first second – by 255,59 ml (p<0,01), peak volume – by 1,2 l/s (p<0,01), maximum ventilation of the lungs – by 19,65 l/min (p<0,01), chest excursion – by 2,9 cm (p<0,001), Stange test – by 11,00 sec (p<0,01), Genchi test – by 5 seconds (p<0,01), Skibinsky index – by 3 c.u. (p<0,05.


functional state, cardiorespiratory system, diagnosis, children, complex developmental disorders.




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