Bilousova Lyudmyla , Zhytienova Natalya. Technology of Designing Digital Didactic Visual Means in Professional Activities of Teacher

(2019) Science and education, 2, 49-55. Odessa.

Bilousova Lyudmyla,
PhD (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences), associate professor, Department of Informatics,
Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G. S. Skovoroda, 2, Valentinovska, Kharkiv, Ukraine
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Zhytienova Natalya,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor, Department of Informatics,
Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G. S. Skovoroda, 2, Valentinovska, Kharkiv, Ukraine
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ORCID: 0000-0002-3083-1070



The article defines the essence and features of the design of digital didactic visual means in the professional activity of the teacher. The fact that there are no pedagogical researches devoted to the specifics of the creation of didactic visual digital means is revealed at the present time, however, the creation of qualitative visual materials requires appropriate competencies, which necessitates disclosure of the specifics of their creation and the corresponding technology. The peculiarity of the design of the digital didactic visual means, which is due to the compositional decisions, typography, coloristics, includes the unity of style and the creation of visual anchors and metaphors. The technology of designing the indicated means consisting of several stages is substantiated, namely: the stage of goal-setting, the stage of didactic design, the stage of visual design, the stage of instrumental design. The stage of goal-setting involves determining the significance and location of the training material in the general structure of the discipline in terms of the relevant topic section; finding out the specifics of the contingent of students; analysis of the complexity of creating a suitable visual tool. The stage of didactic design involves analytical work with information; identification of key elements of informational content; establishing interrelations and hierarchy. The stage of visual design aims to transfer the layout in a visual form and involves taking into account composite decisions, rules of coloring and typography and the adding of visual anchors and metaphors. The final step is to transfer the prototype to a digital format and involves the program realization and receipt of the final product of the digital visual didactic tool. The proposed technology systematizes the process of developing a didactic visual tool and consists of logical interconnected sequential stages which have a certain result. The structure, content and methods of teacher’s design activity at each of the stages are revealed. The proposed technology can be used in the process of training future educators and in the system of postgraduate education.


visualization technologies, didactic design, visual design, instrumental design, educational process.




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