Victoria Pererva. Pedagogical Conditions of Professional and Terminological Competence of The Future Biology Teacher

(2019) Science and education, 2, 44-48. Odessa.

Victoria Pererva,
Assistant of Botany and Ecology Department,
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54, Gagaryn Avenu, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine 



In the article essence of concept «condition» is exposed and maintenance of concept «pedagogical condition» is described. The generalization of existent scientific approaches the understanding of pedagogical terms of forming of professional and terminology competence of future biology teachers is given in the process of professional preparation. The main aspect of modern pedagogical research of the increasing the efficiency of the educational process problems is the identification, substantiation and verification of pedagogical conditions that ensure the success of the activity. The problem of identifying and substantiating the pedagogical conditions of professional and terminological competence of future biology teachers formation during professional training remained out of the attention of the researchers. The effective pedagogical conditions depend on the clearly determining the structure of methodological support in accordance with the ultimate goal, as well as on the implementation of an interdependent set of conditions. Considering that for the biology teacher, as well as for the doctor, Latin is the basis of professional and terminological competence. Thus, the level of training of specialist is conditioned by the degree of mastery of Greek-Latin terminology, ability to conduct semanticetymological analysis of terms. The basic pedagogical terms of forming of professional and terminology competence of future biology teachers are reasonable. The result is an increase interest and activity in mastering Latin, an expansion of individual passive and active vocabulary. This pedagogical condition implies the introduction of interactive, imitation and game forms of teaching in order to increase students' motivation to master professional terminology. The involvement of future specialists in the formation of professional and terminological competence through various forms of classroom-based and extracurricular work of professional disciplines study is carried out. The training and field practice will be especially relevant to develop and refine the profession term system of future biology teachers. The main means of developing the student’s individual and active terminological vocabulary are terminological, illustrative dictionaries, training and methodology complexes and the information and computer technologies. The organization of educational and development environment that contributes to the individualization and creative and productive communication activity, diagnostics and correction of the levels of formation of the system and components of professional and terminological competence of future biology teachers. The result is the formation of professional communication skills and abilities, the creation of an atmosphere of cooperation, as well as the expansion of vocabulary, the transition of the terminological dictionary from the passive to the active state.


 conditions, pedagogical conditions, professional and terminology competence, future biology teachers, competence, active methods of stud.




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