Ding Yujing. Professional and Pedagogical Self-Design of Future Education Managers: Theoretical Aspects

(2019) Science and education, 2, 34-43. Odessa.

Ding Yujing,
  Post-graduate student,  Department of Educational Management and Public Administration,
  South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,  26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



The article considers self-design as an important element for the professional and pedagogical training of future education managers. It is noted that the specialists’ professional activities cannot be sufficient for quality without the formation of prognostic and design competencies. The concentration of individual experience in solving professional problems provides act-psychological competence. The manager of a modern educational institution is a professional who consciously and constantly improves his/her qualifications not only by means of organized forms, but also in the course of self-knowledge, self-diagnosis, self-design, and self-improvement. The article analyzes the main components of education management, reveals the essence of the concept of “self-design” and shows a comparative analysis of various theoretical and methodological approaches (activity, subject, complex, functional role-playing, acmeological) to describe the theoretical and methodological approach of self-designing future managers in interpreting various scientists. Self-design is considered as the personal ability of the future personnel to the inclusion in the system of self-determined and self-controlled activities which aim at increasing the efficiency of professional activity and self-improvement of personal qualities. The real methodological basis for effective professional and pedagogical self-design for future education managers is synergetic acmeology, which explores the regularity of attaining the maximum perfection by an arbitrary system of self-organization. Synergetic acmeology contains the theory of social synergetics and the theory of acmeological development. Synergetic acmeology is a practical application of the philosophy’s success, which is reflected in its sections: synergetic carherology, synergetic catabology, synergetic ethnology. Based on the analysis, it was concluded that self-design is the process of identifying possible options for combining means, goals, spatial and temporal parameters of activity to find the most acceptable, optimal option for the development and improvement of the personality. The result of self-design is various projects (options) for future activities, various types of Self-concept. Self-design is the desire of a person to improve his/her Self-concept in various areas of life.


 acmeology, future education manager, prognostic competence, self-design, synergetic acmeology, theoretical and methodological approaches, educational institutio.




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