Lesia Perederko. Self-Esteem of Emotional State And Anxiety Level of Medical Student’s Personalit

(2019) Science and education, 2, 28-33. Odessa.

Lesia Perederko,
  PhD Biological Sciences,  Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University,
Medical Biology and Medical Genetics Department,  2, Halytska, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine 



The ecological environment, which includes the psychological sphere, is one of the key factors in the study of the social and professional maturity of the modern student. This study highlights the monitoring of student’s self-esteem of emotional state and anxiety level. The methods “Self-esteem of Emotional State” of Wessman A. & Rix D. and Taylor G. “Manifest Anxiety Scale” (with modification Norakidze V.), theoretical, empirical and statistical methods of research were used. The coefficient of determination showed that the model is suitable for practical application, as the resultant property is explained by the influence of the factor's characteristic. The high student’s self-esteem of emotional state influenced by the external factors, was followed by certain anxiety level.  The research indicated the empirical connection between self-esteem of emotional state, anxiety level and influence of social factors. That’s created a background for further studying of this psychological circle.


 self-esteem, emotional state, anxiety level, student.




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