Anatoly Chustrak, Peter Todorov, Christian Kobus. Statokinetic Stability and Other Physical Qualities of The Sportsmen-Beginner

(2019) Science and education, 2, 22-28. Odessa.

Anatoly Chustrak,
  PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate Professor, private-professor,  Department of gymnastics and sports martial arts,
           Peter Todorov,
  Associate Professor, honoured worker of Physical culture and sports of Ukraine  Department of gymnastics and sports martial arts,
            Christian Kobus,
  Master of Department of gymnastics and sports martial arts, 
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,   26, Staroportofrankovskaya, Odessa, Ukraine 



The article examines the empirical studies of the influence of increasing statokinetic stability on other physical qualities of 6-7 years-old sportsmen of the initial training group. The relevance of the work is determined by the significant rejuvenation of many sports and the need to increase statokinetic stability in young school age, which is sensitive to increase this important quality where the basic static, dynamic and spatiotemporal parameters of children's movements are formed. The static and dynamic balance indicators after dosed vestibular irritations were used to determine statokinetic  stability and how they affect the flexibility, agility, speed, strength and static endurance, and speed and physical qualities of children. Although, statokinetic stability and almost all other physical qualities were low before the pedagogical experiment. All the physical qualities of sportsmen, both girls and boys, significantly improved after a six-month experiment. All beginning sportsmen showed good and excellent results, both statokinetic stability, and other physical qualities, except the speed and physical qualities of boys who showed average (satisfactory) estimates, according to state standards. It is also important that sportsmen who systematically attended training stopped being sick. The results of the study may be useful for coaches of primary school sportsmen and physical education teachers in general schools.


 beginning sportsmen of 6-7 years, statokinetic stability, physical qualities.




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