Marta Kondratyuk. Introducing Certain Elements of Project-Based Learning into Ukranian Translation Programs

(2019) Science and education, 2, 17-21. Odessa.

Marta Kondratyuk,   
(PhD in Comparative Literature), associate professor, Department of Translation Studies,
Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, 21, 600-richchia Str., Vinnitsia, Ukraine 



The article deals with the urgency of introduction of project-based learning in the Translation Programs of Ukrainian universities and discusses some directions for the introduction of project-based learning (PBL) in terms of translator’s competences as defined by the European Competence Framework for translation programs. The article offers a review of John Dewey’s theory of Project-Based Learning (PBL) and suggests some ways of how to incorporate its elements into the university Translation programs and how the European requirements for MA in Translation can help to determine the directions for the development of the elements of the PBL in Translation Programs. In the framework of the theoretical study, we carried out the review of various sources dealing with the PBL and reviewed the EMT requirements in Ukrainian context.


 project-based learning (PBL), John Dewey, translator’s competences, student-centered teaching methods, soft skills, European Master’s in Translation Framework.




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