Antonina Kichuk. Emotional and Personal Features of Psychological Health of A Student in Psychological Discourse

(2019) Science and education, 1, 45-51. Odessa.

Antonina Kichuk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General and Practical Psychology, Izmail State University of Humanities, 12, Repin Str., Izmail, Ukraine 



The article deals with some problematic issues related to the phenomenology of personality health in the psychological sphere: the positions of researchers regarding psychological health as a vital value of the individual, as a fact and a subject of psychological knowledge, as norms and sphere of subject`s self-preservation of the educational and professional activities are analyzed. The results of analytical work, based on the scientific fund, which contains the researchers' work on the peculiarities of the emotional sphere of personality and generalization of the data of empirical research, aimed at finding out "emotional psychological problems of modern student youth", are considered. The basic parameters are defined in the context of which the constructivity of the continued and hierarchical model of personality is marked, which considers its structure in the context of formal and dynamic, informative and personal, social and imperative levels and control blocks, represented by the zones of intersection of the indicated levels. The article substantiates the position that in the search for theoretical and methodological guidelines of scientific ideas about the emotional component of psychological health of the student, it is advisable to take into account established by scientists tendencies of the personality's transition from biological to sociocultural development, determinism of emotional features of psychological health of the individual by social factors and biological matters, the constructivism of comprehension of emotionality in the context of the personality's macrostructure in the sphere of the continued and hierarchical scientific approach.


 psychological health, emotional component of student’s psychological health, emotionality, continued and hierarchical model, emotional self-regulation.




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