Yurii Cheban, Aleksei Chebykin. Significance of The Emotional and Volitional Potential of A Sportsman

(2019) Science and education, 1, 36-43. Odessa.

Yurii Cheban,
Postgraduate student,  Department of Theory and Practice of Practical Psychology,
Aleksei Chebykin,
Doctor of Psychology, professor, academician,   
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,  26, Staroportofrankovskaya, Odessa, Ukraine  



The relevance of studying the problem of the development of the emotional and volitional potential of sportsmen who participate in the international competitions, is due to the strict requirements not only to physical but also to the psychological characteristics of sportsmen. The achieving a high sport result depends to a large extent on the mobilization of all the inner abilities of a sportsman in a responsible situation of a sporting competitions. The level of emotional and volitional potential serves as an indicator for sporting selection and psychological training of sportsmen. The purpose of the study is to discover the significance and the diagnostic methods of the emotional and volitional potential of a sportsman. The theoretical research methods were used: analysis of monographic literature, systematization of scientific sources, comparison and synthesis of data, categorization. The study showed that the emotional and volitional potential is characterized by obvious and concealed mobilization reserves of a person’s ability to overcome the emerging obstacles to achieving the goal in different conditions of sporting activities. The following are the external conditions of a sportsman which reveal his/her emotional and volitional potential: inclusion in extreme activities; self-education of volitional qualities; the influence of the coach, who creates the conditions for the sportsman to reveal his/her latent opportunities.


 potential, emotional potential, volitional potential, emotional and volitional potential, the personality of a sportsman.




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