Oksana Shmyhlyuk. Referential Social System of Modern Personality (Cross-Cultural Aspect)

(2019) Science and education, 1, 28-36. Odessa.

Oksana Shmyhlyuk,   
Lecture,  Department of Developmental Psychology and Consultancy,
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, 40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine 



The article deals with the study of the reference social environment peculiarities of modern personality. It is known that the personality develops and forms in the process of entering the social environment under the influence of micro-, meso, macro- and mega-factors. According to the transformational processes that take place in the world and particularly in Ukraine, the issues concerning modern social system peculiarities of the personality acquire relevance and practical significance. In order to investigate the reference environment peculiarities of representatives of Ukrainian and Polish ethnic groups and the significance of their influence on these groups, the Demographic Questionnaire by B. Pietrulewicz and J. Tivendell was used. It was modified and adapted by L. Zhuravlyova and O. Shmyglyuk in Ukraine by the agreement of the authors. The existence of ethnic and sexual differences in the reference social environment of the testees is studied empirically. It is stated that the interest of the contemporary Poles and Ukrainians in the reference environment with ethnocultural issues is at an average level. The presence of ethnic and sexual differences in the reference of microcommunity has been proved empirically. The representatives of the female sample differ in their assessment of the interest of the social environment in ethnocultural issues. Ukrainian women show a higher level of the interest in family, compared to the Poles who consider that friends are more important. Ukrainians are believed to be the most interested in the ethnocultural issues of friends, and Poles – teachers and employers. The sexual and ethnic differences in the reference point of the social environment are specified. Mass media are the most significant for Ukrainian men, parents’ opinion is significant for Ukrainian women. The Polish men make an emphasis on the "referencing friends", and Polish women give a great prominence to the opinion of teachers and employers.


 ethnic self-consciousness, social environment, socialization, microcommunity, micro-, macro-, meso-, megafactors, family, mass media.




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