Alina Chetveryk-Burchak. Attitude Towards Children of Different Sibling Position

(2019) Science and education, 1, 21-27. Odessa.

Alina Chetveryk-Burchak
PhD (Candidate of Psychologicl Sciences), assistant professor, 
Department of Pedagogical Developmental Psychology,
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, 72, Haharina Avenue, Dnipro, Ukraine 



One of the core tasks for parents is maintaining their children’ optimal functioning and mental health. The differential perception of siblings depending on their birth oder appears to be a precursor of their future well-being. The purpose of the study is to present theoretical and empirical analysis of the differences in parental treatment of the children of different birth order. Thirty married couples with children completed questionnaires to measure the specific features of their parental characteristics. The study covers theoretical and empirical analysis of the modern scientific approaches and theories concerning parental attitude towards siblings. Statistic analysis was held using IBM SPSS Statistics 20. The findings of the study revealed that parents of “the only child” tend to have higher level of attachment, control, demands, anxiety and inconsistency in upbringing comparing to the other sibling position of the “younger” child. The parents of the only child are more satisfied with their parent-child relationships. The investigation of the differences in attitude towards senior siblings proved parents to be more cooperative, demanding, inconsistent and rigorous. They provide children with higher level of autonomy psychological distance. The younger siblings are less controlled, demanded and independent. The study summarizes significant differences of parental treatment towards children of different birth order. It highlighted the importance of early significant relationships in shaping human being’s personality.


parent-child relationships, birth order, sibling position, educational settings, parental attitude.




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