Yuliya Shchambura, Iryna Pyvovarchyk, Marianna Skoromna. Attitudes of Today`s Teenagers to Bullying

(2019) Science and education, 1, 11-20. Odessa.

Yuliya Shchambura,
Postgraduate student,  Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology, 
Iryna Pyvovarchyk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, 
Marianna Skoromna
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,  26, Staroportofrankivska, Odesa, Ukraine 



The article analyzes the problem of the attitude of today`s teenagers to bullying. The psychological essence of the bullying and features that reveal it are specified. The purpose is to reveal the specificity of the attitude of today`s teenagers to bullying. The modified version of the questionnaire “The Attitude of Secondary and High School Pupils to Bullying” was used in the function of a test tool, which was developed by the Sociological Laboratory of Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics. In our case, it was complemented and expanded in order to investigate the factors that influence and cause the manifestation of bullying among teenagers and show: firstly, the declarative attitude to the bullying and the causal relationship of its appearance and manifestation; secondly, the presence of bullying in the teenagers’ experience; thirdly, the teenager's idea of the possibilities to overcome the bullying and its prevention; fourthly, the attitude to the bullying, which manifests itself at the level of teenager behavior and the conditions in which they use it. The peculiarities of teenagers' attitude to the bullying is empirically recorded among their peers. It was found that more than half of the teenagers suffered from bullying at different frequencies and at different periods of their life, mainly at school. The significant differences in the attitude of teenagers to bullying were revealed at the declarative and behavioral level. Only half of the teenagers who use violence admitted it at the declarative level. It has been recorded that the teenagers, suffering from violence in the family, viewed violence as a way of life and consider that violence must be tolerated. It is shown that experience of different degree of teenagers’ involvement to violence promotes the formation of their attitude to bullying only at school as acceptable standards of behavior, but with understanding of the responsibility of all participants. The teenagers who are subjects to regular and constant acts of harassment from teachers believe any adult to be inadequate in solving bullying situations, and also allow themselves to be violent with peers. It has been confirmed that teenagers who were not subjects to acts of harassment from the family, school and peers have a negative attitude to violence, and have reliance in students and teachers in solving bullying situations. 


  bullying, violence, harassment, teenagers, attitude to bullying.




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