
(2018) Science and education, 7-8, 1. Odessa.


Tetiana Koknova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Roman and Germanic Philology Department, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University,
1, Gogol square, Starobilsk, Ukraine










Oleksii Hanchar, Ivan Hanchar, Serhii Medynskyi. Marine Cadets’ Swimming Skills Reliability Formation Regarding Their Gender Differences.

(2018) Science and education, 7-8, 5-14. Odessa.


Oleksii Hanchar,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Physical Education and Sports,
University “Odessa Maritime Academy”,
Doctoral student,
National University “Chernihiv Collegium” named after T.G. Shevchenko,
53, Hetman Polubotka Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine,
Ivan Hanchar,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Department of Physical Education and Sports National University,
“Odessa Maritime Academy”,
8, Didrikhsona Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
Serhii Medynskyi,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology,
Lviv State University of Physical Culture,
11, T. Kostiushko Str., Lviv, Ukraine



The article is dedicated to the study of the features of marine cadets’ swimming skills reliability formation taking into account their gender differences and different swimming classes attendance frequency (4, 6, 8, 10, 12 times a week). The aim of the study is present the designed technique for maritime cadets’ swimming skills reliability formation in the course of physical education and to check its efficiency. The study involved 175 male cadets studying at the Faculty of Navigation and 116 female cadets of the Faculty of Maritime Law. The testing according to 10 indicators making up swimming skills reliability were used to obtain preliminary and final data identifying a certain degree of the respondents’ swimming skills reliability. Mathematical statistics methods were applied to determine mean values of the achievements of the respondents. The experimental program consists of the following stages: 1. The stage of initial swimming training for cadets (4 compulsory classes); 2. The stage of in-depth study of swimming (up to 4 and 6 compulsory, additional or independent classes in the 2 nd term); 3. The stage of initial improvement of swimming skills for cadets (up to 4 and 8 compulsory, additional or independent classes in the 3 rd terms); 4. The stage of in-depth improvement of swimming skills (up to 4 and 10 compulsory, additional or independent classes in the 4 th term); 5. The stage of professional improvement of swimming skills for the best cadets of the experimental group (up to 12 obligatory, additional or independent classes; 1-4 terms, 12 lessons in each term for the swimming team). The general effect of the impact of the introduction of intensive and standard methods of conducting classes changed the level of swimming skills reliability in the male cadets in the following way: a very low level was decreased in the number of persons by 13%, low – by 12%, although the average level was increased in the number of persons by 15%, high – by 5%, the highest one - by 5%. In the female cadets, the very low level was decreased by 12%, low - increased by 3%, average – increased by 5%, high – increased by 3%, the highest – increased only by 1%. The efficiency of the technique of the swimming skills reliability formation could be observed in 50% of male cadets and 24% female cadets, thus it can be used by coaches to increase their students’ swimming skills reliability.


 swimming skills, cadet-sailors, intensive training, reliability of formation, implementation effect.




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Oleksii Holovchenko, Andrii Tytovych, Iryna Vostotska. Psychological and Pedagogical Reasoning of Health Physical Component Formation in Students Engaged in Different Forms of Physical Activity.

(2018) Science and education, 7-8, 15-21. Odessa.


Oleksii Holovchenko,
PhD in Physical Education and Sports, associate professor,
Department of Sporting and Physical Education,
Andrii Tytovych,
PhD in Physical Education and Sports, associate professor,
Department of Sporting and Physical Education,
Iryna Vostotska,
senior lecturer of the Department of Sporting and Physical Education,
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko,
87, Romenska Str., Sumy, Ukraine



Today there is a steady deterioration in the health and physical development of young people. The paper aims to assess the state of the physical component of students’ health depending on the forms of their physical activity. To address this goal, 143 students aged 17-23 years were examined. The types of physical activity were divided into physical training classes in the main and special medical groups - a standard group of physical education classes (98 students) and an expanded group (45 students) involving the students attending additional classes in sports sections, gyms, fitness clubs. The physical health component of the students was assessed using SF-36 Health Status Survey. It has been found that 57.34% of the students have “good” health; 62.24% are not susceptible to illnesses as compared to others; the health of 67.13% of the students is not worse than others; 54.55% do not expect health deterioration; 31.47% may experience weak pain for several times during a month. The formation of the physical component of health of the students engaged in additional physical culture activities is due to their confidence in the absence of propensity to illnesses, anxiety about possible deterioration of health, lack of restrictions on performing intensive physical activity, pain sensation and insecurity concerning health issues. The quality of life of the respondents is mediocre, as evidenced by values of physical and psychological components. The probable difference, depending on the forms of physical activity of the respondents, has been found according to the general health status scale. In the group of the students, engaged in additional physical culture activities, the values are higher, which indicates the positive impact of physical activities on the state of health. As a result of the correlation analysis, the relationship between general health and physical functioning, role performance, bodily pain, and body mass index has been found.


 physical health, physical activity, body mass index, students.




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Heorhii Danylenko, Marina Kindruk. Academic Performance of General School Students and Its Impact on Their Health.

(2018) Science and education, 7-8, 22-27. Odessa.


Heorhii Danylenko,
Doctor of Medicine, professor,
State Institution “Institute of the Health Care of Children and Adolescents
of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”,
52-A, Yuvileinyi avenue, Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Marina Kindruk,
teaching assistant, Department of Hygiene and Social Medicine,
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
6, Svobody Square, Kharkiv, Ukraine



An educational institution is one of social determinants in the formation of school students’ health. Nowadays, it is necessary to find an individual approach to each student, reducing the impact of negative factors on their health in the educational institution. During the educational process, the educational achievements of schoolchildren are assessed, which is considered as their academic performance. When speaking of the academic performance, one means a degree of the knowledge and skills gained by the students as a result of studying. Today, the educational process is characterized as stressful and intensive due to the increase of the amount of new information for schoolchildren and time pressure to its acquisition; the number of compulsory academic disciplines at schools; the working hours and extracurricular activities, which may have a negative impact on the functional states of children. The paper aims to examine the impact of the academic performance of secondary school students on their health. 1004 9 th -graders (512 boys and 492 girls) were suggested to fill in an anonymous questionnaire concerning their academic performance, behavior and free time. According to the research results, the educational activity plays an important role in the life of schoolchildren and affects their health, both positively and negatively. The hygienic assessment of the impact of school students’ academic performance includes that they understand their educational levels and are motivated to get good marks. There are some gender differences in the significance of marks, thus, academic success is more important for girls. Most of the respondents seek to increase their academic success for the sake of their further lives, and some of the students want to achieve it just to please their parents. Most of the students characterized by a rather low academic performance tend to have improper behavior and health deterioration risks due to the lack of knowledge about health-saving issues.


academic performance, health, general school, schoolchildren, educational activity.




1. Moiseienko, R. O., Danylenko, H. M. & Ponomariova, L. I. (2013). Osoblyvosti dynamiky zdorovia uchniv pochatkovoi ta osnovnoi shkoly [The features of health dynamics of pupil of the primary and middle school]. Naukovo-praktychnyi zhurnal «Sovremennaia pedyatryia» – Academic journal “Sovremennaya pediatriya”, 1 (49), 13-17 [in Ukrainian].
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Tetiana Dehtiarenko, Oksana Kostiuk, Larysa Arnautova. Bioacoustic Psychoneuromodulation as an Innovative Method For Deviated Behavior Phenotypes Correction.

(2018) Science and education, 7-8, 28-34. Odessa.


Tetiana Dehtiarenko,
Doctor of Medicine, professor,
Oksana Kostiuk,
post-graduate student,
Department of Biology and Health Foundations,
Larysa Arnautova,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Defectology and Physical Rehabilitation,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The leading pathogenetical part of the child’s deviated behavior phenotypes is the perceptive-cognitive functions and verbal communication violation as well as the emotional-volitional sphere disorders. In case of verbal communication deficiency as well as emotional and volitional tone disorders, destructive types in children behavior take place and therefore, the creating of a pathogenetically focused individual plan of early intervention using innovative methods of adaptive psychocorrection is considered to be promising. A perspective direction for disorders in psycho-functional brain states correction at the neuroonthogenesis pathology is the spontaneous adaptive self-regulation of the brain bioelectrical activity on the EEGacoustic feedback basis method development which was called “bioacoustic correction” (BAC). The expediency of using bioacoustic psychoneuromodulation (BA PNM) as an adequate correction way in case of psychophysical development malformations and children’ deviated behavior phenotypes is substantiated in the article. The main mechanisms of the bioacoustic psychoneuromodulation corrective action are showed and the methodology of its practical use in clinical psychology and correctional pedagogy is presented. The symptoms (or diagnoses) for the BA PNM application in psychoneurological practice are indicated and the results of introduction of this innovative biotechnology are presented. The method is based on synchronous transformation of the human brain bioelectric activity into a sound image (this is provided by the “Synchro-S” hardwaresoftware complex), which allows to perceive these images in the music-like signals form. There is an involuntary adjustment of the patient’s brain activity during listening. The further research possibility is to make a psychological and pedagogical assessment of the BA PNM using effects jointly with corrective-developmental learning methods and focused medication. It will also be important to find out whether there will be positive dynamics after bioacoustic psychocorrection use (at the emotional and volitional sphere disorders) for socially dangerous deviant forms of children’s behavior, including various forms of dependence (Internet, drug addictions, etc.).


deviated behavior phenotypes, bioacoustic psychocorrection, EEG feedback.




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