Olha Barabash, Olena Chornobai, Aliona Romanova. Trait Profile of Suspects (Involved and Not Involved in Committing a Crime) Passing Polygraph Testing.

(2018) Science and education, 5-6, 45-51. Odessa.


Olha Barabash,
PhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Administrative and Information Law,
Olena Chornobai,
PhD (Candidate of legal Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law,
Aliona Romanova,
Doctor of Law, associate professor,
Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law,
Educational and Scientific Institute of Law and Psychology,
National University “Lviv Polytechnic”,
12, Stepana Bandery Str., Lviv, Ukraine



The article analyzes the expediency and importance of constructing trait profiles of individuals during a polygraph examination and ascertaining their involvement in the commission of a crime. Since the lie detection screening concerning the involvement of individuals cannot always provide a definite and reliable conclusion, there is a need to build trait profiles of the individuals involved and not involved in committing a crime. A thorough analysis of dominant personality characteristics, the combination of reactions obtained through polygraph examinations and fixed nonverbal manifestations of a person during the polygraph examination make it possible to conclude that the suspect is involved or not involved in the commission of a crime. Only in this case the analysis of suspect’s profile can make the most accurate and true conclusion. The results of the conducted research prove that the persons involved in committing crimes have the highest indices according to the reactive aggression scale. The suspects who are not involved in committing crimes, in contrast to those involved, have high indices on the irritability scale, which indicates the presence of emotional instability and the tendency to an affective response to avoid tension. High indices according to the emotional lability scale were revealed in both groups, but somewhat predominated among those involved in crimes. It is worth noting that the persons involved in committing crimes, in contrast to those uninvolved, are more constrained, unsure of themselves, rarely show caution in making contacts with others. In the persons not involved in the commission of crimes, breathing disturbances, gastric distress and sleep disturbances can be observed. They have difficulty concentrating, are anxious, which is accompanied by various emotional reactions – shame, anger, guilt, fear.


polygraph, polygraph examination, involved person, pure of crime, crime, personality, trait profile.




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